The Read- Out Instrumentation Signpost
Measurement, Control and Automation Resources throughout the World
Iúl 2020 July
Digitilising mining. - ABB has been selected to partner with Nexa Resources in an ambitious digital transformation program in Latin America. The first step will be the modernization of existing mining and smelting process installations in Brazil and Peru, which will form the foundation of digitalized and cost-effective operations.
Cables for railways. -
Harting UK have been awarded the prestigious Silver Quality Performance Level award from the International Railway Industry Standard (IRIS). This is a globally recognised standard which evaluates management systems for the railway sector.
Flood protection in Scotland! - OTT Hydromat's SatLink3, a combined datalogger and satellite transmitter, was trialled at a site in Boat of Garten, near Aviemore and subsequently at other locations. The logger is SDI12 compatible, and an OTT PLS sensor was used to monitor water levels and temperature, in addition to a raingauge and an air temperature sensor. At each of the trial locations, data were transmitted every 15 minutes, and whilst 2-way communications were not available, the logger could be set to respond to certain conditions - to log at a faster rate for example. No maintenance issues occurred during the evaluation and as a result, around 20 new monitoring stations are to be installed with satellite telemetry during 2020.
Continued Evolution for Process Automation - The Process Automation industry has been heavily impacted by the influx of new technologies and, as we enter the next decade, several organizations are providing roadmaps to help process automation companies leverage these technologies and drive productivity. (ISA - Bill Lydon)
How Industrial Linux enables distributed IIoT applications -
Distributed IIoT applications require robust, secure operating systems to preprocess mission-critical information before transmitting to the cloud. Capable of addressing development, remote maintenance, data protection and support, Industrial Linux distributions have become popular edge gateway operating systems. (IEB).
Quality control of meat products. -
A manufacturer and supplier of meat products to the food industry is using two ABB RVG200 paperless data recorders to help ensure its products are produced to the highest levels of safety and quality. Used by the food producer to monitor and record temperatures in different parts of its factory, the two recorders are helping to ensure that the right ambient conditions are maintained throughout its production lines, freezers, raw meat chillers and despatch area.
Protecting innovation. - Innovative products are essential to the success of a technology company. That's why the Endress+Hauser Group has been paying special attention to the protection of intellectual property for two decades now. The most recent figures confirm the success of this initiative: 318 initial applications in 2019 and a portfolio of more than 8,000 patents and patent applications worldwide mark new highs.
Miniature industrial connectors. -
Ethernet-based data networks have become indispensable in the industrial arena. Ethernet networks are connecting sensors, machinery, control systems, computers and data centres. Harting is now also offering expedient interfaces in the form of its Han® 1A series of miniaturised industrial connectors.
Advanced networking and powerful automation in one operating system. -
Red Lion's FlexEdge™ Intelligent Edge Automation Platform now combines the scalability of Linux® with the power of Crimson® 3.2 software into one user-friendly operating system. This fusion enables a single FlexEdge controller to provide advanced networking, security, and automation.
The Second Coming of the Maginot Line. -
ISA Fellow and cybersecurity expert Joe Weiss of Applied Control Systems, LLC gave a one hour presentation on control system cyber security for the Purdue University Summer Seminar Series recently. This was entitled Cyber Security of Control Systems: The Second Coming of the Maginot Line.
Optimum thermal management. -
Customised heatsinks are now available as part of the Anglia Inception range to complement its wide range of standard thermal management solutions available from a line-up of world class suppliers.
Learning ladder logic for industrial programming - PLC programming is not fun, not efficient and not easy to maintain. And yet, it remains a very worthwhile skill. Frankly, the more PC people who learn it, the faster we can help the industry evolve its methods to more accessible and maintainable solutions. (David Breen, Control Engineering)
A hand for safe automation. -
Festo has been studying and developing safe automation systems to relieve people of monotonous or hazardous tasks. The BionicMobileAssistant is a prototype robot system that deploys artificial intelligence to move independently, identifying and gripping objects and adaptively working with humans.
Maintaining physical distancing! -
FLIR Systems has announced availability of the FLIR Occupancy Management Solution for their Brickstream 3D Gen2 to automate occupancy counting within high-traffic and capacity-limited areas. To support social distancing guidelines during and following the COVID-19 pandemic, the Occupancy Management Solution provides organizations with an easy-to-use, real-time capacity counting and display tool for multiple entries and exits.
Hygienic temperature sensors. -
A new line of OPTITEMP TRA-H6x/-C6x temperature sensors has been introduced by Krohne. Designed for hygienic applications in the food and beverage industry, the devices come with 3A, FDA and EHEDG approvals.
High performing gateways. - 20 years after the original release the second-generation Anybus® Communicator™ – a line of high-performing gateways for connecting devices and machines to industrial networks has been announced by HMS Networks. Anybus Communicator for EtherNet/IP is now available and versions covering additional networks will be released later in 2020 and 2021.
Upgrade for Single Board Computer. -
Abaco Systems has announced that its SOSA aligned rugged 3U VPX SBC3511 single board computer is now in production. This major advancement gives users variability by aligning with defense standards while improving lifecycle and supportability, lowers the total cost of ownership, and reduces risk.
Miniature-format strain sensors. - The miniature-format strain sensors DST20 complement Baumer's portfolio by adding a compact and cost-efficient solution for measuring large forces above 10,000 N even in confined spaces. With their dimensions of 28x12x10 mm, the DST20 miniature strain sensors offer space savings that are unmatched by any other screw-on strain sensor on the market.
Post pandemic environmental monitoring -
Matt Dibbs, Managing Director Meteor Communications Ltd., explains how the Coronavirus pandemic presented significant challenges to the collection of environmental data. However, by utilising novel technology, British water companies and the Environment Agency have been able to continue gathering water quality data in locations from Cornwall to Cumbria. Matt believes that this provides a template for environmental monitoring on the future.
Digital service expanded. - Endress+Hauser's end users’ digital experience on instrument projects has been expanded with the release of their digital commissioning application and Netilion projects digital turnover package. These new capabilities empower the plant startup team to mitigate project risks while staying on time and budget, and to track progress in real time.
Website with richer insights into MES platform. -
Aegis Software, a global provider of Manufacturing Execution Software (MES),has launched its all-new and redesigned website. The site features a streamlined design with easier navigation with a great deal more information providing a more comprehensive understanding of Aegis’ FactoryLogix® IIoT-based MES platform, its benefits to manufacturers, and how it delivers unique advantages.
Improved optical sensor modules. -
Yokogawa is launching new, more capable versions of its AQ2200 optical sensor modules. The AQ2200-212 is a single channel optical sensor module, complete with an analog output port, while the AQ2200-222 offers two channels. Designed to work with the AQ2200 series frame controllers, the new modules offer improved performance over the existing AQ2200-221.
Cloud support for process manufacturers. - Seeq is now adding connectivity to Azure Data Explorer, the latest release of Time Series Insights, and Power Automate. Power Automate is Microsoft’s low code/no code service for defining custom workflows, enabling Seeq users to automate processes based on their insights and events.
Portable 400G network tester. - Anritsu expects its 400G Ethernet MT1040A to help customers achieve widespread roll-out of high-speed networks. As well as supporting 400G Ethernet, this new battery-powered tester with directly mounted QFSP-DD optical modules also has a simultaneously installable 10M-to-100G interface for access, metro, mobile fronthaul/backhaul, and data-center transmission quality tests - BER, throughput, frame loss, and latency measurements. Combined with the easy-to-use GUI, remote-control-over-network option, and auto-test functions, Network Master Pro MT1040A is a tester with unparalleled measurement efficiency.
The Growing Impact of the Cobot Revolution - Accelerating the application of collaborative types of robots is the integration of vision systems with artificial intelligence, and this integration is enabling a range of new applications. (Bill Lydon,
Factory floor talks to building management! -
A new Intesis™ protocol translator for communication between PROFINET PLCs on factory floors and Building Management Systems with BACnet IP/MSTP has been announced by HMS Networks. With this, full data integration, monitoring, and control is enabled between factory floors and building facilities.
Five tips for selecting the correct process valve for the job. - Here are five tips and tricks to help determine which process valve is most suitable based on a variety of parameters. The comparison between valve types is intended to be a guideline for most general-purpose applications and may not apply to more unique or extreme conditions. (Control Engineering)
Versatile new pressure transmitters. - A new range of pressure transmitters designed to meet key requirements in most manufacturing and production industries has been launched by ABB. The PxS100 range is suitable for use in the water, wastewater, metals, mining, pulp and paper, cement, and power ancillary sectors.
Digitally transforming the mining industry. - BASF and, the artificial intelligence (AI) company, has announced an exclusive partnership which will combine their expertise in mineral processing, ore beneficiation chemistry and industrial AI technology.
A "handler/dog"a protocol - CiA has established a Special Interest Group to develop a "handler/dog" data link layer protocol based on CAN FD. It is intended for use in sensor/actuator networks such as automotive lighting systems.
Special connector for battery storage. -
Harting is now offering the Han® S, the first ever large-scale special connector for battery storage modules. The new series meets the technical requirements set down in the latest standards for stationary energy storage systems (including UL 4128) and offers users optimal reliability for connected units. The series features housings with space for a heavy-current contact up to 200 A.
Flow by Bluetooth! -
Krohne has introducee that Bluetooth™ Low Energy (BLE) option for all OPTIMASS x400 Coriolis flowmeters equipped with MFC 400 converter. In conjunction with the OPTICHECK Flow Mobile app (available for iOS and Android), this allows for device commissioning, verification, diagnostics and monitoring from a smartphone or tablet via secure wireless communication.
Living in Space. -
RS Components (RS) is sponsoring the PowerHab team from the University of Strathclyde (GB) as part of IGLUNA 2020, a pan-European initiative bringing together multidisciplinary students from across the globe in a collaboration to build solutions for a theoretical space habitat.
Young winners announced! -
RS Components (RS) has unveiled the winners of its STEM Extraordinary Engineering Challenge, which tasked primary and secondary schoolchildren across Britain with designing an engineering solution to address a current global challenge, such as poverty and hunger, pollution or climate change.
Power analyser optimises efficiency. -
Società Elettromeccanica Arzignanese S.p.A (SEA), an Italian manufacturer of power transformer and reactors is able to closely match the efficiency performance guarantee that it makes to a customer, with the actual performance of the transformer by using the Yokogawa WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer.
PC programmable transmitter. - Moore Industries has launched the new TMZ PC-Programmable MODBUS Transmitter with Dual Universal Input channels. The TMZ Dual Universal Input (2PRG) model accepts most industry standard current, voltage, RTD and thermocouple type sensors along with resistance and potentiometer inputs.
First VNA demonstrations in Europe. -
Anritsu Corporation is to demonstrate its unique new Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) at three major institutes and universities in Europe this year, with further events to follow in 2021.
Video conferencing service for technical design. - PULS Power are now offering customers a free, one-on-one, video conferencing service for new product design and technical support.
Continued Evolution for Process Automation. - The Process Automation industry has been heavily impacted by the influx of new technologies and, as we enter the next decade, several organizations are providing roadmaps in order to help process automation companies enable the best practices to leverage these technologies and drive competitiveness and productivity forward. (Continued Evolution for Process Automation. (Bill Lydon,

 Carlos Mandolesi is the newly elected President-Secretary of ISA for 2021 and President for 2020. He is originally from Brazil though he is now based in Dublin (IRL).
Industrial 5G technology explained. -
New cell phone generations have emerged about every 10 years. The bandwidth of 1Gwas just adequate for analog voice. With 4G, we entered the true smartphone era. In combination with higher rates, 5G brings dramatic latency reduction to enable new capabilities. Showing larger aspirations, 5G proposes to utilize its low latency for real-time control applications, including those in industrial automation. (IEB)
HMI software platform for OEMs. - The ADISRA HMI software platform gains development and usability features, along with other improvements targeted to help machine builder OEMs and discrete part manufacturers achieve their automation goals.
Automatic Component Labeling - The software manufacturer CT CoreTechnologie has launched a new version of its 3D printing software 4D_Additive 1.2 which includes a function for the automatic labeling of 3D printed parts.
Collecting data from extremely remote locations - Most remote tide gauges operate in extremely harsh environments and require robust communications systems that almost never fail, so scientists from Britain's National Oceanography Centre are upgrading the South Atlantic Tide Gauge Network (SATGN) to include the latest dataloggers with built-in satellite telemetry from the OTT Hydromet Group.
How many were there! - Based on six years of research at the University of Antwerp and imec, CrowdScan has developed a system to measure crowd densities without using camera images, mobile phone data or other privacy-sensitive information. By transmitting low-energetic radio waves (868 MHz), CrowdScan measures the average signal attenuation of a wireless sensor network relative to the empty environment.
Optimising drug delivery. - ALARIS Medical Systems® develops drug-infusion systems and patient monitoring equipment. The company has just installed Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) monitoring facilities with which it is mapping the performance characteristics of the many motors its buys in as pump drives so that they can be optimally matched to specific application requirements. SAW is a radical new technology encompassed in TorqSense™, the world's first low cost non-contact rotary torque transducers suitable for OEM applications, just developed with government backing by Sensor Technology in Banbury.
Acquisition gives analog semiconductor leader increased breadth and scale. -
Analog Devices, Inc. and Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. has announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement under which ADI will acquire Maxim in an all stock transaction that values the combined enterprise at over $68 billion. The transaction, which was unanimously approved by the Boards of Directors of both companies, will strengthen ADI as an analogue semiconductor leader with increased breadth and scale across multiple attractive end markets.
Safer working supplies. -
RS Components (RS) has announced its collaboration with the British Government's Crown Commercial Service (CCS) and other suppliers, to return the public sector to work as safely and as efficiently as possible. Phase one of the initiative – 'safer working supplies' - has been launched, which concerns the supply of non-clinical PPE, social distancing products, hygiene and cleaning products and anything else essential to help the public sector get back to work.
Alternative to traditional cable glands. -
A new additions to icotek’s market leading range of cable entry plates, the KEL-DP 25 version A and KEL-DP 32 version A and B. KEL-DP products offer high cable density and are a simple to use cost saving alternative to traditional cable glands has been announced by Foremost Electronics. The KEL-DP is a hygienic design, free of dirt-collecting recesses and provides environmental protection IP65 / UL type 12.
Analyser passes gas research specifications. -
Applied Analytics has announced that their OMA-300 has passed and exceeded performance testing requirements by Natural Gas Research Institute, a subsidiary of China National Petroleum Corporation.
The promise and reality of control systems. - The June edition of the AUTOMATION 2020 eBook (pdf) teaches about the promise and reality of control systems that combine new technologies with the robustness, security, and sophistication needed for industrial applications.
Managing Digital Transformation from Automated to Autonomous Operations -
A session at the 2020 ARC Forum focused on the complexity of aligning existing operational technology with new application roll-out plans to manage digital transformation from automated to autonomous operations. (ARC Advisory)
Excellence in energy innovation & implementation acknowledged. - Seeq Corporation has been named a finalist for the Energy 2020 Microsoft Partner of the Year Award. The company was honoured among a global field of top Microsoft partners for demonstrating excellence in innovation and implementation of customer solutions based on Microsoft technology.
Safety and EMC for BEV charging. -
It is estimated that by 2030 there will be 20 million BEVs (Battery Electric Vehicle) sold per year. This means that around 140,000 DC fast charging stations will have to be installed by that year. Schaffner has produced a Whitepaper for designers of battery and hybrid electric vehicle charging stations, providing guidance.
Finding hot- and cold-spots. -
FLIR Systems has announced the TG165-X MSX® Thermal Camera for electrical contractors, machine technicians, facilities maintenance engineers, home inspectors, and HVAC professionals. Engineered for tough work environments, this upgrade to the popular TG165 provides an all-in-one diagnostics tool with a spot temperature gun and thermal imager, enhanced by FLIR’s patented Multispectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX).
Hyperware smart buildings. -
Aruba has joined the EnOcean Alliance as a participant member. When used together, the Aruba Wi-Fi infrastructure and EnOcean energy harvesting wireless solutions enable customers to create hyperaware smart buildings that are cognizant of, and responsive to, their changing operating environment and occupant needs.
Build your cybersecurity culture. - In the world of automation, a cybersecurity breach can have serious consequences—so cybersecurity is seriously important. Every level of your organization plays an important part in protecting industrial control systems from cyber threats. The International Society of Automation (ISA) just released a new whitepaper with actionable insights into how the strongest cybersecurity cultures are made.
Software and services enhance onshore exploration. - Jaguar Exploración y Producción (Jaguar), an independent oil and gas company based in Mexico City, will use Emerson's exploration and production (E&P) software and services to maximise the potential of Jaguar’s onshore assets and projects.
Doing more with HMI/SCADA software. -
Modern technology and creative thinking are enabling many impressive projects using human-machine interface software and supervisory control and data acquisition software. HMI and SCADA software help with OT and IT convergence. See six SCADA software advantages, applications. (Control Engineering).
Robotics aid safety in oil & gas. -
Throughout unmanned facilities within the oil and gas industry, a human presence is generally still needed for regular inspection work, so deploying Ex certified robots (ATEX and IECEx Zone 1) incorporated with the ION Science Falco, can have a significant positive impact on safety by minimising worker field trips, which in turn reduces operating costs.
All-in-One Engineering Tester. -
Following the successful launch at pilot customers, the new generation of the high-performance and use-case-optimized Softing Diagnostic Tool Set (DTS 9) is now available.
ICS cyber security is the second coming of the Maginot Line! - Why would attackers hit defenses head-on when they could simply bypass them? The two transformer hardware cases along with the backdoors in smart transmitters led Joe WEiss to the epiphany that OT cyber security is like the Maginot Line from World War II. (Control)
Best in bioprocessing supply. -
Werum IT Solutions has received the "Best Bioprocessing Supplier Award: Automation – Software" award for the second consecutive year at the 7th Annual Biologics Manufacturing Asia 2020 conference, which was held virtually in July 2020.
Digitalization Driving Manufacturing to New Heights - Manufacturing and production companies are realizing digitalization requires structure, organizational changes, and integration of information technology (IT), operations technology (OT) and automation technology.
EU Boosts Investment In 5G Hardware Innovation and Trials. - Eleven new Horizon 2020 projects under the European 5G Public-Private Partnership (5G-PPP), will kick off in September 2020. The objective will be to seize opportunities in 5G hardware innovation and to validate 5G ecosystems for connected and automated mobility (CAM) along three new European cross-border corridors. (Arc Advisory).
New look for design engineering site celebrated. - RS Components (RS) is celebrating 10 years of DesignSpark, the company’s online design engineering platform, with the introduction of brand new features for its website and a new design, to reflect the usability and functionality requirements of its 970,000+ community members. To mark its 10th anniversary, RS will be hosting a number of celebratory initiatives throughout the rest of 2020.
Glass and epoxy coated thermistors. -
Expanding its wide range of temperature sensing components and devices, measurement specialist Variohm EuroSensor has launched a new range high sensitivity NTC thermistors in a choice of hermetically sealed glass or epoxy encapsulation.
VOC emissions analyser for standard. - Signal Group confirms that the latest version of its portable FID analyser, the 3010 MINIFID PURE is being submitted to TÜV for QAL1 testing. This is a procedure to demonstrate that the instrument is suitable for its intended purpose, and meets required performance standards and the uncertainty allowances specified in EU Directives.
Error detection extended. -
Anritsu Corporation has released an FEC symbol capture function and Bathtub test capability for its 116-Gbit/s PAM4 Error Detector (ED) MU196040B, offering more functionality for developers of 400-GbE*1 and 800-GbE*2 devices. Installed in their flagship Signal Quality Analyzer-R MP1900A series, these functions can be downloaded from the MP1900A website.
Instrumentation scholorship announced. -
ProComSol has announced the continuation of the ProComSol Instrumentation Scholarship Program. This year the award will be $1500. According to Jeffrey Dobos, President of ProComSol, Ltd, "There is a definite industry need for more technical personnel. The program is designed to support those already pursuing the necessary education to join the ranks of instrumentation professionals."
Essential pressure transmitters. -
A new range of pressure transmitters designed to meet key requirements in most manufacturing and production industries has been launched by ABB. The PxS100 range is suitable for use in the water, wastewater, metals, mining, pulp and paper, cement, and power ancillary sectors.
Partners honoured for excellence at global conference. - Honeywell Process Solutions (HPS) unveiled its Channel Partner award winners, recognizing the performance of its top Channel Partners in the APAC, Americas and EMEA regions. The winners were announced during Honeywell’s Global Virtual Channel Partner conference, which kicked off last week where Honeywell virtually hosted over 800 Channel Partner delegates from more than 80 countries across the world.
Certification Body under the CB Scheme. - Emitech has had its own international certification service called Emitech Certification since 2014. It has now been recognized as an NCB (National Certification Body).
Strong player in flame & gas detection. - A new company, Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection, has been established under the Teledyne banner following Teledyne’s acquisition of 3M’s gas and flame detection business. The business has a long and successful track record spanning more than 100 years, supporting a wide range of industries and customers with their gas and flame detection needs. So, the big question is will Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection bring differentiation to this competitive marketplace?
Sensors for Mars. -
International collaboration takes Vaisala and the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) to Mars onboard NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance rover. The rover is scheduled for launch on July 30, 2020. Vaisala’s sensor technology combined with FMI’s measurement instrumentation will be used to obtain accurate and reliable pressure and humidity data from the surface of the red planet.
Handheld temperature and pressure. -
RS Components (RS) stocks the new DPI 705E family of handheld pressure and temperature indicators from Druck, a world leader in piezo-resistive sensors and test and calibration instruments.
Mini-strain sensors. -
The miniature-format strain sensors DST20 complement the Baumer portfolio by adding a compact and cost-efficient solution for measuring large forces above 10,000 N even in confined spaces. With their dimensions of 28x12x10 mm, the DST20 miniature strain sensors offer space savings that are unmatched by any other screw-on strain sensor on the market. At the same time, their stainless steel housing and a certification for the IP 65 degree of protection make them excellently suited for use in rough production environments and for a large range of applications, such as mechanical and equipment engineering as well as process automation.
Voltage sensors. -
The DVC 1000 series of voltage sensors for insulated nominal voltage measurements in rail traction and industrial applications has been introduced by LEM.
Meitheamh 2020 June