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 Newsletters received in week ending: 6 April 2012
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Márta 2011 March
Engineering aids medics! -
Medical experts and sports scientists are becoming increasingly reliant on engineers as their disciplines become more and more technical. Mark Ingham looks at some of the projects his company, Sensor Technology, has helped behind the scenes.
The power module of choice for 90-degree mounting - Vincotech offers a wide range of power modules, one line of which is the perfect match for book-sized inverters and 19-inch rack-mounted power supplies with a 90-degree angle between the heat-sink and PCB.
New IEC technical report is good news for automation end users -
The Fieldbus Foundation is supporting a new International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) report that provides guidance to end users for selecting an industry-standard device integration technology encompassing all host systems, field instruments and device protocols.
Love-in at Hannover! - The Fieldbus Foundation joins the FDT Group, HART Communication Foundation, PI (Profibus and Profibus International) and the OPC Foundation, to host the second co-sponsored Field Communication Lounge in Hall 9, Booth D05, at this year's Hannover Fair (D), from 23-27 April, 2012.
Test measurement capability expanded - Keithley Instruments is continuing to enhance the capabilities of its S530 Parametric Test Systems, the semiconductor industry's most cost-effective solution for high speed production parametric test.
Coriolis meters for Europe -
Litre Meter s distributing a range of coriolis flowmeters from US-based manufacturer Tricor that is backed by the engineering expertise of designers involved in many of the original patents for coriolis technology.
RFID reader for use outdoors or in harsh environments -
The new Ha-VIS RF-R500 is a powerful, versatile and robust RFID reader designed for applications outdoors or in harsh environments from Harting.
Food texture analysis brochure - A new 24-page brochure detailing Lloyd Instruments' full range of food texture analysis solutions is now available for download from the company's website.
Drive with intelligence - Technosoft's new iPOS3604 VX is a new addition to the iPOS family of intelligent servo drives.
Safety & Sustainability -
RC Advisory Group's 8th Process Management Academy (PMA) took place in Antwerp, Belgium earlier this month (March 2012). Over one hundred process users and other automation experts joined the forum to discuss and learn about "Excellence in Safety and Sustainability".
Combustion flue gas analyser - The latest solution for combustion flue gas analysis, the Rosemount Analytical Model 6888 in-situ oxygen analyser has just been launched by Emerson.
Load cells for offshore - The CPA Series of Compression load cells from LCM Systems are often the sensors of choice for companies constructing Centre of Gravity (CoG) systems.
Precision source measurement - Keithley Instruments has introduced the Model 2657A High Power System SourceMeter® instrument which adds high voltage to the company's Series 2600A System SourceMeter® family of high speed, precision source measurement units.
Body recognised for promotion of automation as a discipline among young - The Automation Federation was selected for the 2012 ML100 New Workforce Award by Manufacturing Executive, the global community for manufacturing leadership and producer of the Manufacturing Leadership Summit and ML100 Awards program.
Automatic hardness testing facility - Keighley Laboratories has added a Zwick Roell ZHV-10 automatic micro and macro hardness tester to its Test House resources.
Safety expert keynotes at Instrumentation Symposium -
Process safety expert Paul Gruhn with ICS Triplex/Rockwell Automation, is to deliver a keynote address at the 58th Annual International Instrumentation Symposium (IIS) on Wednesday, 6 June 2012, in La Jolla, (CA USA).
Water analyser company scoops awards! -
Two of the esteemed awards at the recent SFA Irish National Awards 2012 were presented to Biotector recently.
Quality sensing solutions! -
If you are involved in water purification or waste water treatment, the KROHNE range of products, which encompass the OPTISENS range of analytical instruments, MAC 100 Converter, as well as the WATERFLUX 3070 flowmeter may well come in handy!.

 Greg B. Hale, chief safety officer and vice president, Worldwide Standards and Auditing, with Walt Disney Parks and Resorts will be the keynote speaker to open ISA Automation Week 2012 in September.
Wireless standards attract and detract! - The great potential for using robust industrial standards is somewhat offset, however, by competition between these standards that leads customers to fear that wireless is emerging as the next platform for the automation fieldbus wars, according to an ARC report.
Precision Pressure Test Gauges - The Fluke 700G Series Precision Pressure Test Gauges has been introduced to the market. These are nine easy to use, rugged and reliable models that deliver highly accurate pressure measurements in the harshest industrial environments, providing pressure testing for virtually any application.
Comprehensive security with cost reduction and energy efficiency - "Rittal - The System" includes new IT infrastructure components, standardisation options and solutions for automated data centre operation that integrate enclo-sures and components for power supply, cooling, monitoring and IT-security in a comprehensive and ideally coordinated solution
Multilingual remote management! -
HMS offers customers free access to the Netbiter Argos remote management service, now available in nine languages.
Experience & knowledge ensures meeting standards! -
A new power measurement software package for the Yokogawa range of precision power analysers provides a complete solution for the testing of standby power in accordance with the latest IEC62301 Ed.2.0 (international) and EN50564:2011 (European) standards.
Plant life cycle management - This year, the Siemens presentation at the Achema (Frankfurt/Main D, 18-22 June 2012) focuses on issues revolving around plant life cycle management
High voltage reed relays -
Pickering Electronic' high voltage reed relays feature the highest quality instrumentation grade reed switches.
Automation courses for automated building professionals. -
The Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA) has entered into a memorandum of understanding with the International Society of Automation (ISA) to promote ISA courses to the CABA membership.
Mini wireless thermocouple connector/datalogger - Omega's new MWTC-D Series of Miniature Portable Wireless Thermocouple Connectors and data logger records over 65,000 process temperature data points and are available in standard J, K, T, E, R, S, B, C, or N thermocouple calibration.
Hybrid connector module combines power-supply and signal contacts - Power-supply and signal contacts are combined in the new Han® 70 A Hybrid Module: the latest model in Harting's Han-Modular® highly flexible open connector system.
Electrical documentation solution.. -
EPLAN tells us that their R&D team carefully considers user feedback in all their activities and this has formed the basis of the EPLAN Service Pack 2.1.
Acuisition expands wireless reach - B&B Electronics has deepened its wireless solution portfolio with the acquisition of Conel, a well-established market leader in reliable and secure wireless communications routers, gateways and devices that connect cellular networks to Ethernet, serial and other data networks.
Devices for high-bandwidth applications - ADLINK Technology has announced a new family of high-performance PXI and PXI Express (PXIe) products for applications requiring fast data throughput, such as audio and image test. The three new products include:
Greentelligence at Hannover! - Siemens' exhibit at the Hannover Messe in 2012 (23 - 27 April , 2012) is focused on increased networking in industrial production; Greater productivity and efficiency through more strongly networked production.
Safety trip video! -
Moore Industries has produced a new video showing how its STA Safety Trip Alarm serves as a logic solver that goes beyond what customers would expect from a standard alarm trip.
Website to streamline info delivery! - The Mechatrolink Members Association (MMA) has updated its web site to streamline the delivery of information. The new web site improves the user experience by simplifying access to product and technical information.
Soil moisture! -
MadgeTech has released the SMR101A, a soil moisture data logging system. Soil moisture data is essential in determining and scheduling irrigation for proper plant growth, care and research.
In-pipe water quality -
Intellitect Water has launched a new remote data collection and web display capability, known as 'Intellitect Gateway', that will enable the managers of water distribution networks to view water quality data in real-time.
Optical connectors! -
Souriau has launched of its website devoted to optical connectors and fibre-optic technology
Dublin gets technical with graphical system design - Over fifty engineers and scientists congregated to learn about developing test, measurement and control applications using graphical system design (GSD) at the recent National Instruments Symposium.
Gregory Pope will address ISA Safety and Security Division Symposium attendees on the topic of "Is it a Bug or a Feature?"
New master data sets herald a new direction in mechanical design - The new version of of EPLAN Fluid revises standards for transparency and documentation, especially during interaction with the data sets. This master data can be of solid assistance in the struggle against ever-greater design complexity.
Changes in dry solids flowmeter line! -
Siemens- Automation Industry Division is expanding its dry solids flowmeter product line with the new Sitrans WF100, Sitrans WF200, and Sitrans WF250 strain-gauge load cell based flowmeters. They are also rebranding Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) based Milltronics flowmeters into the Sitrans WF300 series.
Ruggedised USB isolators - B&B Electronics has expanded its family of USB isolators. Designed to isolate and protect connected equipment from surges, spikes and electrostatic discharges carried on USB cable. Their new one-port Ulinx™ UHR401 and two-port Ulinx UHR402 USB isolators also protect themselves by virtue of their rugged construction.
LED driver! - The LT3791 is a new synchronous buck-boost DC/DC LED driver and voltage controller from Linear Technology, which can deliver over 100W of LED power.
Test engineers & consultants sought! -
A.T.E. Solutions the test and testability consultants and educators, are looking for test engineers and consultants.

Flow appointment
Litre Meter has appointed Chris Ringer as applications engineer.
New machine vision force in Europe formed -
Change is afoot in the world of industrial vision integration with the formation of one of the largest combined organisations in machine vision in Europe. The Irish leader in machine vision Crest Solutions has announced an investment in a similar firm on the European mainland
Gas sensors boost indoor environmental quality -
Gascard® NG OEM infrared gas sensors from Edinburgh Sensors are ideally suited for applications involving the control of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in commercial, institutional and laboratory buildings.
Automating and managing calibration workloads -
Fluke Calibration has introduced version 8.0 of its MET/CAL® Plus Calibration Management Software, the latest edition of the industry-leading application suite for calibration professionals who need to automate the calibration process and manage calibration assets efficiently and consistently.
Celebrating automation excellence - This year ISA is introducing Celebrating Excellence - an updated program with award categories which recognize excellence in leadership, excellence in Society service, excellence in both corporate and individual technical innovation, and excellence in education.
Unbeatable ultrasonic flow measurement -
The ultrasonic flow measurement offers operators of a biogas plant many advantages compared to traditional measurement methods. Thanks to modern and innovative sensor technology, wet and dirty gases can be measured now with high accuracy even under greatly fluctuating process conditions with Endress + Hauser Prosonic Flow B 200.
EtherNet/IP Module is compatible with Coriolis meters! -
Micro Motion® EtherNet/IP™ Module enables quick and cost effective access to plant-wide networks, providing plant and process data to improve availability and throughput
Torque measurement aids vehicle development! - The Protean DriveTM is a unique in-wheel electric drive system for hybrid, plug-in hybrid and battery electric light-duty vehicles, which can improve fuel economy, add torque, increase power and improve vehicle handling of both new and existing vehicles.
Crisp action, long life tactile switch - Omron Electronic Components has announced a new IP67 sealed tactile switch offering long term reliability and a crisp clicking switch action.
Particulate monitor passes test! -
A new ambient particulate monitor from Air Monitors, that will be of particular interest to anyone involved in air quality, especially if that interest includes the health effects of emissions from industrial processes and engines.
New technology makes segmented flow analyser compact and easy-to-use -
Building on its reputation for innovation, SEAL Analytical has launched the 'AA1' - a fully automated analyser employing new technology based on segmented flow analysis for rapid, accurate, precise analysis of parameters such as Ammonia, Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorous and Chloride.
 Champion is Britain's first! -
Dr. Richard Thomas, a Certified LabVIEW Architect and Senior Systems Engineer at Product Technology Partners, joins a select number of forty five expert engineers around the globe to be honoured by National Instruments as a LabVIEW Champion.
Release the bandwidth potential of your scope! -
Tektronix has given customers the option to upgrade the bandwidth of their existing DPO3000 or MSO3000 'scopes to the full 500MHz according to a release from TTi.
Tension/compression load cells ex stock! -
A new initiative has been introduced by LCM Systems which will lower prices and ensure faster delivery for all customers.
High performance compute blades! - ADLINK Technology has announced the aTCA-6200, a next-generation AdvancedTCA® (ATCA) processor blade that demonstrates their leadership in the development of high performance compute blades with flexible expansion capabilities.
Subminiature Linear Hall Effect Sensor IC -
Honeywell is extending its Linear Hall-effect Sensor Integrated Circuits (IC) product line with the addition of the new SS39ET Series to its SS49E and SS59ET portfolio of low-cost Linear Hall-effect devices.
Coriolis with Modbus - Yokogawa has extended the communication capabilities of the well-proven ROTAMASS 3 Coriolis flowmeter series by adding a Modbus interface. Modbus communications via an RS-485 connection will be available in both Modbus RTU and ASCII transmission modes.
Earth monitoring -
The recently upgraded Earth-Rite FIBC from Newson Gale is an effective way to ensure correctly specified Static Dissipative (SD) or Conductive materials are used in hazardous area applications involving FIBCS (big-bags or super-sacks) and other flexible or semi-rigid containers\
Scholorships awarded! -
The Fieldbus Foundation has announced the 2011-2012 recipients of the James O. Gray-Fieldbus Foundation Scholarship Fund. The program honors the memory of James (Jim) O. Gray,
Excitement in engineering - - Michael Aivaliotis on an interview at last year's NI Week. "I sat down with a group of engineering interns at National Instruments. Now these intern positions were not typical. Hunter Smith and Ben James who managed this group of students, gave them the flexibility to do whatever project they wanted, as long as it was extremely awesome. How's that for some parameters to work within?"
Global Gigabit Ethernet Test Equipment Market - The key factor driving the global gigabit Ethernet test equipment market is the need for extra bandwidth caused by a flood of video applications on smartphones that offer anywhere/anytime access. This trend is motivating carriers to change from synchronous technology over to Ethernet and is particularly visible in the mobile backhaul segment. New analysis now available from Frost & Sullivan.
Automation and the mining industry - Australia's Rio Tinto mine has been thrust in the spot light of mainstream media after it found an extremely rare pink diamond, weighing in at 12.76 carats, Australia's biggest ever rough pink diamond. But mine has recently caught the attention of those in the automation industry for a different reason. It has just announced massive expansion in its Mine of the Future programme, in which IT is used to drive automated exploration and production. |
Medium voltage AC drives growt led by infrastructure and energy sectors -
While large project orders helped maintain the Medium Voltage AC Drives market size in 2009, it also resulted in low growth in 2010 compared to other automation product markets. However, 2010 was still not a disappointing year for the medium voltage AC drives market. The market is expected to experience higher growth in 2011 compared to sluggish growth in 2010, according to a new ARC Advisory Group study.

Economist Alan Beaulieu is the keynote speaker at the CSIA conference in Scotsdale in April 2012
Monitor for CO2 & Methene -
Edinburgh Sensors will be launching a new range of wall-mounted, single point gas monitors at the Sensor+Test 2012 exhibition (22/24 May 2012 Nuremberg D).
RJ45 connector is angled! -
Harting has introduced a new angled version of its RJ45 connector which allows users to save space in their designs by offering different mounting options.
Single column materials testing machine - The new, single column LS5 from Lloyd Instruments, enjoys the same mechanical design principles introduced on the LS1 instrument, with linear guide technology, pre-loaded ball screws and advanced software compensation to ensure high displacement precision.
DC current data logger -
MadgeTech has released the Process101A-3A, a DC current data logger. The device has an input measurement range of +/-3A, and can hold up to 1,000,000 readings.
E & I project in South Africa - ABB has been awarded a large Electrification and Instrumentation (E&I) and Distributed Control System (DCS) order by Sappi Southern Africa.
Transducers for sea floor valve control are built for high reliability -
Transducers embodied in valves used for controlling oil flow in undersea pipelines have been developed by RDP Electronics to operate with high accuracy and high reliability.
New electronic design specialty - National Instruments has announced the Electronic Design Specialty for NI Alliance Partner Network members with specialised skills in custom electronics. The Electronic Design Specialty identifies trusted experts for customers looking to extend and customise NI reconfigurable I/O (RIO) hardware products, including NI CompactRIO, NI Single-Board RIO and NI FlexRIO, to meet their application needs.