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Márta 2011 March
Dual voltage programmable power source - Teseq has released the VAR 3005, a dual voltage power source controlled by Teseq’s NSG 3000 series of EMC test generators.
Unique Integrated DfT workflow from design to production -
During APEX 2011 in Las Vegas (April 10-14 NV US), Aster Technologies will show the first tool to provide an integrated workflow for DfT and test coverage analysis from design through to mainstream production.
Cable Assemblies meet RF and waterproof requirements - Intelliconnect (Europe) has announced the availability of its cable assembly service. This high quality bespoke service is available for both high-volume or specialist small batch requirements.
Display suitable for SBCs -
Hitachi Display Products Group (DPG) now offers a family of medium size TFT display modules featuring LVDS (low-voltage differential signal) data interface which are suitable for single board computer (SBC) and embedded applications.
Sláinte mhaith - world class process -
MCP is organising an AMIS Master class on the 24th and 25th May at Diageo’s Cameronbridge Distillery, Leven, Scotland for senior level operational/engineering managers to share their experiences.
Extended functions for process automation software packages -
The Siemens Industry Automation Division has equipped two of its software packages for process automation with new functions.
T/c signal conditioner -
The latest offering in Acromag's new ST130 series of low-cost, temperature transmitters is a thermocouple/millivolt signal conditioner, Model ST132.
Remote Services for automation customers -
The Siemens Industry Automation Division is adding a comprehensive Remote Service Platform to its range of Internet-based maintenance and technical support.
New C & I show for Britain - There is a all new show in the 2011 calendar filling the need for a technical platform for the ever growing subject of sensors and systems. Called 'Sensors and Systems for Control and Instrumentation', the 2-day event will be held at the 5 star FIVE venue in Farnborough (GB) over the 14th and 15th September 2011.
Instrument manufacturer recognised in own region -
Moore Industries-International received the Manufacturing Leadership Award from the San Fernando Valley Business Journal at a ceremony on March 16 at the Warner Center Marriott Hotel in Woodland Hills, (CA US).
Battery monitor -
LEM has announced the introduction of Sentinel 3+, the latest generation of the proven Sentinel product that continuously monitors the state of health of batteries in uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems.
Fastest SATA 6 Gb/s industrial grade SSDs -
The ADLINK ASD Series of SSDs is highly reliable, has an extended operating temperature range, and is able to withstand high levels of shock and vibration. ADLINK SSDs are ideal for applications in telecom, defense, medical, industrial automation and transportation.
Advanced manufacturing body latest AF member -
The US National Council For Advanced Manufacturing (NACFAM) signed a Memorandum of Membership with the Automation Federation, becoming one of the newest members of AF.
Security vulnerabilities! Joel Langill and Eric Byres have just published two White Papers which analyse the vulnerabilities for SCADA, ICS and HMI products. ...more |
10th year of show continues success -
electronica & Productronica China 2011 closed this years show successfully with the best figures in its 10-year history.
PXI battery simulators -
Pickering Interfaces is expanding its range of PXI battery simulators with the introduction of the 41-753.
Don't leave your electronics in a sealed cabinet this summer! - Rittal have a range of cooling units specifically designed for outdoor enclosure applications. If you want your electronic equipment to remain useful for longer when situated outdoors, then treat it like you would your pet and give it some air!
Phenomenal growth - The Fab Owners Association (FOA), the association of semiconductor device manufacturers and suppliers, has announced that its membership grew by 14% since the beginning of 2011 and now totals 74 members.
Monitoring mission-critical assets & balance-of-plant equipment - Constellation Energy has chosen to upgrade and widely expand its use of GE Intelligent Platforms's Proficy® SmartSignal solutions across the company's entire high-capacity power generation fleet.
Simplifying regulatory complience -
Thermo Fisher Scientific has announced that Nova Biologicals, one of America's largest providers of laboratory testing and consultancy services to the water, environmental, medical device and pharmaceutical industries, has implemented an integrated Thermo Scientific LIMS (laboratory information management system) and NextDocs DMS (document management system) solution.
New self-cleaning analyser improves airport's water management -
A highly advanced, self-calibrating Total Organic Carbon (TOC) analyser from instrumentation specialist Hach Lange is helping Manchester Airport (GB) to effectively monitor runoff whilst drastically reducing instrument maintenance requirements.
Instrumentation for PNG gold & silver mine - Krohne Australia has secured a project win for the gold and silver processing facility at the Morobe Mining Joint Venture (MMJV) operation, Hidden Valley Mine in Papua New Guinea. They supplied flow, level, density, pressure and temperature instrumentation.
Leading edge level from K-Tek - K-TEK will be demonstrating their "leading-edge" level technologies at ABB Automation & Power World 2011 (April 18-21, 2011, Orlando, FL US).
Out with paper! -
Electronic components distributor Digi-Key Corporation has ceased production of its print catalog and will offer its products exclusively online beginning immediately.
User group meeting - ExperTune will hold its 2011 User Conference May 10-12 in Milwaukee, (Wi US). The conference will feature training by world-class experts, as well as many case studies that show the value from control system improvements.
SCSI cable assys for high vibration requirements -
Harting has introduced a range of high-performance SCSI overmoulded cable assemblies based on the company's har-mik® male connectors.
Testing of electric motors for automotive applications - To simulate on the test benches the variable load that the motor is supposed to meet during his life, Unus chose a complete solution based on MEROBEL components, with the help of the company's local subsidiary ANDANTEX SpA.
Cockpit display -
Mistral Solutions as extended its product offerings with the latest from Esterel Technologies - the SCADE ARINC 661 Solutions for Interactive Cockpit Display Development.
Emerson wheelers.... -
Les Hastings, Andy Hammond, Richie Hammond, John Ellis, David Brass, Mike Ives and John Long of Emerson Process Management will set out on the 22nd May to ride from Lands End to John O'Groats.
Control of water for Waterford - Waterford Township Department of Public Works, located in Michigan (US), is standardising on GE's Proficy® Software Platform for multiple projects including an Electronic Standard Operating Procedures (eSOP) solution and connection to the municipality's existing
Flanged LVDTs provide integrity for pressure vessel measurements - RDP Electronics are often called on to provide flanged or seal threaded versions of their Linear Variable Displacement Transformers (LVDTs) for displacement measurement in pressure vessels.
OHSAS 18001 occupational health and safety certification - Emerson Process has recently achieved certification to OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety for its Daniel® Europe facility in Stirling, (GB). This complements its existing certification to ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems and the ISO 9001:2000 Quality Standard.
Inductive sensor -
Eaton's Electrical Sector has launched a new iProx inductive sensor series that embodies both power and versatility.
Microcontrollers for industrial applications -
At the embedded world 2011 conference in Nuremberg (D), Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe presented its complete range of new FM3 microcontrollers to a varied and interested audience under the umbrella term 'Right-Sized Solutions'.
Integrated instrument control with multi-vendor compatibility - Thermo Fisher Scientific has announced the availability of a new Thermo Scientific Atlas Chromatography Data System (CDS) instrument control software for the Shimadzu Prominence® and Prominence XR HPLC.
Virtual Reality now available on iPhone and iPad -
Following the successful launch of the innovative Virtual Reality training system EYESIM™, Invensys Operations Management, a global provider of technology systems, software solutions and consulting services to the process and manufacturing industries, takes the next step in further development of this ground breaking technology.
New product guide -
CAN in Automation (CiA) has published the CANopen Product Guide 2011 on the Internet and on CD-ROM.
Communications at Hannover -
The HART® Communication Foundation joins other major industry organizations to host the first Field Communications Lounge at Hannover Messe 2011 (D 4-8/4/2011).
Another member announced for automation body - The American Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) Education Foundation has become one of the newest members of the Automation Federation (AF).
Flying shear crosscut and sheet stacking system -
Deploying Siemens servo motors and controls, HMK has developed an end of line flying shear crosscut and sheet stacking system for CM Machinery. The equipment is to form part of a £500k sterling (ca €580k) multi functional plastic extrusion line for a leading Swiss manufacturer.
Pressure TX for high temps! - Baumer's PBSN general purpose pressure transmitter series can now be used in media temperatures up to 150°C. This is made possible by means of a cooling neck.
Level sensor platform in Formula 1! - The new micro-electronic platform, used within Gill's new range of miniature liquid level sensors, has been formally homologated by the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) for use in the 2011 Formula 1™ World Championship.
Support for green initiative -
HMS supports the "green automation initiative" of the automobile manufacturers with the release of an embedded Anybus-CompactCom PROFIenergy communication module.
The Japanese nuclear disaster - Frost & Sullivan's nuclear expert Enguerran Ripert has commented on the energy crisis in Japan following the earthquake and tsunami. We have also added links to other blogs with insights into this disaster.
Jody Markopoulos has been named president and CEO of GE Intelligent Platforms. |
Valve testing facility in France -
Emerson's (Fisher) new testing facility at Cernay (F) ensures optimal valve performance for applications in the LNG industry
Industrial automation dashboards on the iPhone -
Industrial Thinking Ltd have expanded their current Counterpoint desktop suite to include an exciting new real-time dashboard package on the iPhone.
No woolly thinking for sheep shearers! - TorqSense transducers from Sensor Technology are playing an important role in new product development at Lister Shearing, the oldest and one of the most successful suppliers of animal shearing and clipping equipment in the world.
Laboratory information management system -
Thermo Fisher Scientific has announced the Thermo Scientific SampleManager 10..0 LIMS (laboratory information management system), a solution that delivers significant new time and cost savings for scientists and lab managers across the broadest range of process industries.
Cost-effective HMI for machine builders -
Baldor Electric has added a compact IP65-rated operator panel with a CANopen interface to its range of motion control products.
New brochure published -
Thomson has published a revised brochure containing a complete overview of its wide and varied portfolio of products for mechanical drive solutions.
New communication options for water monitoring technology -
Instrumentation company Intellitect Water has announced that the innovative multiparameter water quality monitor, the Intellisonde™ is now available with a broad selection of communication choices.
Improving efficiency at Indian desalination plant -
ABB is supplying a complete electrical, control and instrumentation solution for India's largest seawater reverse osmosis desalination plant in Chennai.
A Total Compliance Approach - Organisations now have a choice of techniques including Risk Assessment, HAZOP, SIL Determination, Basis of Safety Analysis, Electrical and Mechanical Integrity Reviews etc. along with a range of legislation; Machinery Directives new 2006-42-EC or old 98-37-EC, Process Safety EN 61508 or EN 61511, Safety Category or Safety Integrity Level. How does an organisation choose the most effective and cost efficient route to compliance?
Emissions monitor is certified! -
Quantitech has announced that the new improved HORIBA PG 250 SRM has been awarded an MCERTS certificate, verifying that the instrument employs Standard Reference Methods to analyse CO, NOx, SO2, CO2 and O2 to the high standards required by the British Environment Agency.
New member for automation body! - The Automation Federation (AF) and the Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA) recently signed a memorandum of membership initiating CABA as one of the newest members of the Automation Federation.
Pressure transmitter with flush connection -
Baumer's pressure transmitter PBMN features a flush connection available in several standard dimensions such as G and G1. Due to its full stainless steel construction without elastomer seals the PBMN is highly resistant to a wide range of media.
New faster natural gas analyser -
Thermo Fisher Scientific has announced the new Thermo Scientific C2V-200 micro GC gas analyser, designed for rapid analysis of natural gas composition.
EDDL enhancements supported The HART® Communication Foundation announces support for the latest enhancements to Electronic Device Description Language (EDDL) incorporated in the second edition of the International Electrotechnical Commission's IEC 61804-3 standard.
Power over Ethernet capability added to industrial Ethernet switch family - The Harting Ha-VIS 4000 family of industrial Ethernet switches has been extended to include Power over Ethernet capability, allowing devices such as cameras and wireless access points to be integrated quickly and easily into an industrial network.
Redefining trending! - MatrikonOPC™ has released Easy Trender ™, a user-friendly tool that allows users to quickly and easily visualize process and equipment data.
Copper mine development in Peru - ABB is delivering a range of automation and power solutions for the Toromocho copper mine in Peru, one of the largest undeveloped copper deposits in the world.
Total enterprise quality - Aegis Software is partnering with MetricStream, market leader in enterprise-wide Governance, Risk, Compliance (GRC) and Quality Management solutions, to deliver a unique and comprehensive solution for total quality management across a manufacturing enterprise.
Cutting force training -
Following the highly successful Cutting Force training course held at Trinity College, University of Dublin (IRL) last year, Kistler are holding similar one day event in association with Birmingham University (GB) on the 11th May 2011.
 Manufacturing information systems seminar - The ISA Ireland seminar "Manufacturing Information Systems" promises to be an enlightening afternoon with contributors having both a practical and acedemic knowledge of the subject. It is sheduled for 12th April 2011 in Cork City (IRL). |
Force and scales for 175 years -
The Chatillon brand has just celebrated its 175th anniversary. The original Chatillon company was founded in 1835 by John Chatillon as 'John Chatillon & Sons, Inc' to manufacture weighing scales products, and has enjoyed a rich and varied history. Since 1997 it has been part of AMETEK.
Wireless sensor network platform expands! - National Instruments has two new products that extend the communication and measurement capabilities of the NI wireless sensor network (WSN) platform.
Sweet deal for American sugar! -
Siemens has been awarded a contract to equip the biggest sugar refinery operating in North America with electrical and control technology.
Sunlight readable displays for explosion-protected HMI systems -
The PC-based, explosion-protected operating systems from Stahl's Open HMI series can now, on request, be fitted with innovative 15" displays that reduce glare and reflections to a minimum.
Legends to speak at Automation Week - The International Society of Automation (ISA) has announced keynote speakers Charlie Cutler and Béla Lipták for ISA Automation Week 2011. (#ISAwk 17-20 October, 2011 Mobile AL US)
Energy efficiency - have you got it right? - In this article Mike Brand, Business Development Manager at DEDICATEDengines, explains how visibility of energy consumption will only achieve significant energy reductions when combined with motivation and the right tools. Although dealing with the British experience there are perhaps lessons for other juristictions as well!
Ideal for weighing applications - The versatile SBL-2 range of shear beam load cells from LCM Systems has been designed for use in a wide variety of weighing applications from vessel weighing to floor scales to pallet trucks
Digital strain gauge technology -
Mantracourt has a new Strain Gauge to USB Converter (DSCUSB), a compact, high performance digital signal conditioner with USB connectivity aimed at applications requiring high accuracy measurement.
Cable for industrial robots - Nexans has been awarded a [euro]1.6 million contract by the German company KUKA Roboter GmbH, one of the leading robot producers worldwide to supply its specialized MOTIONLINE™ robotic cables for use in the construction of sophisticated 3D industrial robots.
Distributed I/O Solution Improves Performance and Reliability of Water Treatment Facility - In Central New York, recent upgrades at a municipal water plant have provided the means for operators to enhance their process for meeting the water quality needs of customers. As part of the upgrades, the facility modernised its control system utilizing a Moore Industries Distributed I/O solution. This technology reduced wiring costs for field instrumentation while improving operational readiness and reliability.
Preview -
National instruments sent us the first preview for Advanced Manufacturing (mtec) which takes place in Birmingham (GB) 6th 7th April 2011
Technology so cool, it is rocket science! - Aware Technology is an automated learning solution that builds a Knowledge Base of Process Experience, to deliver both operational Confidence Metrics and Anomaly Detection. T
Meat temp by wireless - Madgetech's RFOT has a rugged design, equipped with a flexible piercing probe which allows it to be used in the harshest environments. It is perfectly suited for smoke houses, ovens and other cooking processes up to 212*F (100*C) as well as refrigerators and freezers down to -4*F (-20*C).
Detecting threats in cargo! -
Dr Alex Grigoriev, Senior Research Scientist from TeknoScan in Canada will deliver a seminar entitled 'Detecting Threats in Cargo', at this year's Counter Terror Expo which takes place at London Olympia on 19th and 20th April.
Stepper motors -
The A3981 and A4980 from Allegro MicroSystems Europe are two new automotive-grade programmable stepper-motor driver ICs that are designed to operate bipolar stepper motors in full-, half-, quarter- and sixteenth-step modes at up to 28 V and +/-750 mA in automotive, consumer and industrial applications.
Maintenance and facilities management software -
SoftSols Group has launched a new version of its Agility Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS), which has a range of new features and alerts to help users improve the management of their facilities and maintenance.
Gas mass flowmeter updated - Magnetrol International has released the Thermatel® Enhanced Model TA2 air and gas mass flow meter.
Wireless innovator particpates in German event - President and CEO of Dust Networks®, Joy Weiss, participated in two panel discussions at the M2M Zone on Thursday's (3/3/'11) in CeBIT's Telematics & Automotive World in Hannover (D)
Static grounding systems achieve NEPSI approval - The Earth-Rite series of hazardous area static grounding systems from Newson Gale has recently achieved Chinese approval from the National Supervision and Inspection Centre for Explosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation (NEPSI).
Digital valve controllers now with FDT/DTM interface! - Emerson's Fisher® FIELDVUE digital valve controllers with HART and FOUNDATION fieldbus communications can now be integrated into any process control system that supports FDT/DTM technology.
DIN 41612 connector with shell housing -
Harting has expanded its range of DIN 41612 products with a new type 2C/2R crimp female connector with a shell housing.
Cyber threat gap analysis task group! - Security task force formed - The ISA99 standards committee on Industrial Automation and Control Systems Security has formed a task group to conduct a gap analysis of the current ANSI/ISA99 standards with respect to the rapidly evolving threat landscape, as demonstrated by Stuxnet.
BMS in ultra-low-energy building in Luxembourg! -
All of the efficiency systems in a trend-setting building, a clinic for physiotherapy and medical muscle-building, are monitored from a PcVue 9.0 BMS system with remote WebVue access linked to BACnet controllers and communication.
Two new analysers launched! - AGC Instruments has launched the Map-Pak O2, the first analyser in its completely new product line of Modified Atmosphere Packaging Analysers. They've also announced latest addition to their product offering with a newly designed Total Hydrocarbon Gas Analyser.
Monitoring 50,000 SCADA points in bioscience plant! - Genzyme has used about thirty HMS Anybus Communicator gateways, to enable consistent SCADA management across all the devices in use in a French plant. Benefits are as much in terms of quality as in production costs.
Multinational changes Irish management team! -
The Board of Siemens in Ireland have announced the appointments of Paul Lynam as Chief Executive Officer and Brian Flannery as Chief Financial Officer for the organisation in Ireland.
Welding robotics market upswing indicated - New analysis from Frost & Sullivan, Strategic Analysis of the Global Welding Robotics Market, finds that the market earned revenues of $1437.9 million in 2009 and estimates this to reach $2969.3 million in 2016.
FTTH networksin Germany -
Deutsche Telekom has selected Yokogawa's AQ1200 Micro-OTDR as a key test tool for its deployment of Fibre to the Home (FTTH) networks.
Cool efficiency! -
Rittal have extended their range of Cool Efficiency cooling units with the introduction of the new Premium Series.
Planetary gearheads! - Thomson has added a new model to its TRUE high-performance planetary gearhead product range, which is characterised by particularly impressive water tightness and corrosion resistance as a result of its hermetically sealed design.
Source code for device manufacturers. - To further advance PROFIdrive and to enable efficient implementation of the profile, development support in the form of source code will be made available to device manufacturers.
Safe, non-contact monitoring -
Pilz has now added the safe proximity switch PSENini to its safe sensor technology portfolio. PSENini detects the approach of metallic objects without using contacts.
New version simulation software - Invensys Operations Management has released the newest version of its SimSci-Esscor® PRO/II™ software, a steady-state process simulator used to design, analyse and improve chemical processes and help industrial users achieve productivity excellence.
When worlds collide..... -
The International Society of Automation (ISA) has published When Worlds Collide in Manufacturing Operations: ISA-95 Best Practices Book 2.0, by Charlie Gifford, editor and contributing author.
Rotary torque transducers - Applied Measurements have introduced the DTDR-F wireless rotary torque transducer, a novel design that expunges stator coils and inductive transmission systems from the design brief in favour of a cutting edge, battery-powered 2.4GHz wireless telemetry data acquisition and transmission system.
Preventing deadly accidents - VPG Transducers is working with heavy equipment manufacturers to create highly accurate and reliable systems that dynamically measure stresses in key vehicle components caused by such factors as overloading, vehicle tilt, and high winds.
Fast and accurate analysis of food samples in Italian research facility -
Thermo Fisher Scientific has announced that Gruppo CSA, a leading Italian environmental research institute, has implemented the Thermo Scientific FLASH 4000 nitrogen/protein analyser to enable efficient and accurate nitrogen/protein determination in animal feed and human food samples.