The Read- Out Instrumentation Signpost
Measurement, Control and Automation Resources throughout the World
Feabhra 2010 February
New director for Ireland -
Emerson Process Management has appointed Owen Bonner as Sales and Marketing Director for Ireland.
Technical symposium in Dublin - This year the Ireland and Britain subsidiary of NI have hosted a series of seminars or "Technical Symposia," a one-day professional development series for engineers and scientists. Read-out was there.
Marine division formed -
Combining expertise from the company's water quality, bathymetry and integrated systems activities, YSI Hydrodata will launch a new Marine Division at this year's Ocean Business event.
Higher voltage power-supply units have full remote interfaces -
The new PLH-P series from Aim-TTi are higher voltage linear regulated laboratory power supplies fitted with a wide range of remote control interfaces.
Modular concept with powerful industrial PCs - With its Valueline product line, Phoenix Contact is offering a modular concept for process visualization, robotics, and industrial automation at a favorable price based on powerful, maintenance-friendly industrial PCs.
Advanced monitoring technology helps improve water security in US - The Intellisonde™ in-pipe water quality monitor from Intellitect Water is one of several instruments being assessed by the US EPA in a simulated network at its Ohio Test and Evaluation Facility.
Shear beam load cells - Omega has expanded its capabilities by introducing a new range of shear beam load cells. This new range overcomes the disadvantages seen by using lower spec bending beam models.
DCS & Safety in Chinese nuclear plant -
Invensys Operations Management has signed a third project-based agreement with China Nuclear Power Engineering Co (CNPE) to provide safety and distributed control systems and solutions for Fujian Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant, units 3 and 4, two 1,000MW nuclear power units under construction in Fujian province in southeast China.
Reflective memory distribution agreement! - GE Intelligent Platforms has signed an agreement that will see National Instruments™ distribute the GE cPCI-5565PIO Reflective Memory PMC and PMC Carrier Card for 3U CompactPCI® systems.
Production of glass containers for pharmaceutical use -
SPAMI, a company forming part of the Stevanato Group, has developed an inspection system to improve the quality of glassware using HMS's Anybus technology.
Portable Vibration monitor - Emerson's new CSI 2600 Machinery Health Expert delivers the portability of the two-channel CSI 2130 Machinery Health Analyser and the advanced predictive and continuous monitoring capabilities of the permanently-installed, multi-channel CSI 6500 Machinery Health Monitor.
Introducing a smarter way to calibrate temperature - Beamex has a complete solution for temperature calibration with various different products and services, such as a series of high-quality dry blocks for field and laboratory use, smart reference probes and temperature calibration laboratory services.
Busbar improvement - Easier assembly of busbar systems will save time and money using Rittal's RiLine60 busbar technology for the construction of low-voltage switchgear.
Certification for electrical integration - The ABB System 800xA Extended Automation controller has received KEMA certification for its IEC 61850 electrical integration interface.
Extended industrial PC range -
The Siemens Industry Automation Division is extending its range of embedded industrial computers to include a new product line, Simatic IPC, of particularly compact and energy-saving PCs in the nano-format. The product line starts with two basic designs and a number of different versions: compact Nanobox PCs with versatile installation options and Nanopanel PCs with integral touchscreens of 7" or larger.
Monitoring shaft seal and stator temperature of a submersible pump motor - The ATC Diversified Electronics division of Marsh Bellofram Corporation has launched the SPM series, a dual function alarm and relay, designed to monitor shaft seal and stator temperature of a submersible pump motor, providing early warning of machinery failure to reduce downtime and maintenance costs.
2nd generation high voltage battery stack monitor -
The LTC6803 is a second generation high voltage battery monitor for hybrid/electric vehicle (HEVs), electric vehicles (EVs) and other high voltage, high performance battery systems. It is a complete battery measuring IC that includes a 12-bit ADC, a precision voltage reference, a high voltage input multiplexer and a serial interface.
Engineering solutions for the Russian power industry - Invensys PLC met with the members of the Federation Council in Moscow to discuss about the Russian fuel and energy industry.
Measuring wheel for vehicles -
The new S615 6-component measuring wheel from Kistler Instruments is optimised to measure load spectra for durability, vehicle dynamics and power train investigations on the small, light vehicles currently under development.
What do you do to keep your network secure? -
The second edition of David J Teumim's easy-to-read book, Industrial Network Security, introduces managers, engineers, technicians, and operators on how to keep our industrial networks secure amid rising threats from hackers, disgruntled employees, and even cyberterrorists.
How Stuxnet spreads! -
Eric Byres, CTO of Byres Security Inc., Andrew Ginter, CTO of Abterra Technologies and Joel Langill, CSO of announce today the release of their joint White Paper "How Stuxnet Spreads - A Study of Infection Paths in Best Practice Systems." It is the first paper to detail how Stuxnet could infect a control system site protected by a high security architecture using modern, vendor-recommended best practices.
Daily-use industrial timer - The ATC Diversified Electronics division of Marsh Bellofram Corporation has announced the introduction of the 405A series, an economical industrial timer family with on-delay instantaneous relay function, designed for daily-use OEM and control package timing applications.
Rationalising power supplies supplies! - Gresham Power Electronics claim their 6U 600W cPCI power supply can cost effectively replace all other 6U products of equivalent and lower output power, thereby rationalising their customer's inventory requirements and reducing costs.
European certification for Mexican entity -
The ABB Safety Execution Center (SEC) in San Luis Potosi, and Mexico City, (MX) has been certified by TUeV as having in place and applying a Functional Safety Management System (FSMS) for delivery and implementation of safety system projects in accordance to international industry standards.
Level switch -
New reverse assembly option for LBFS frequency-sweep level switch
The new standard version of Baumer's LBFS level switch is made from AISI 304 or 316 stainless steel and comes with a PEEK sensor tip. In addition to this, Baumer now provides the LBFS with special G process connections for reverse assembly.
Security recognition secured! - The ISA Security Compliance Institute (ISCI) announced that Wurldtech received formal recognition for ISASecure Test Suites in their Achilles Satellite network robustness testing platform Level 2 Build 3.3.16344for inclusion in the ISASecure™ EDSA (Embedded Device Security Assurance) Certification program.
Data acquisition software for Windows 7 - Windmill Software have announced their new data acquisition
software suite for Windows 7 64- and 32-bit, Vista and XP.
Metering rubberised asphalt - BearCat Pumps of Phoenix, (AZ US) is using Micro Motion ELITE® high temperature Coriolis mass flowmeters as part of its metering systems for rubberised asphalt, an extremely abrasive, high temperature and high viscosity fluid.
Company results for 2010 -
The year end results from ABB will be of interest to automation professionals especially that on "Descrete Motion and Automation" and "Process Automation."
Very low profile illuminated switch -
Foremost Electronics has announced the launch of the Marquardt 3006 series of low profile, short-travel, LED Illuminated TACT switches.
Next generation remote management data center! -
Intellicom has announced the next generation of Netbiter® Argos 3.0 datacenter and server.
Approved valve service in Scotland -
Emerson Process Management has recently appointed Excel Engineering Services as an Approved Repairer of Fisher® products for workshop-based repairs.
Cabling for industrial data networks -
Harting can now offer a comprehensive range of ProfiNet-compliant cabling solutions for industrial data networks, including packages based on the recently introduced Ha-VIS preLink® system.
Best in EMEA! - Farnell has won the 2011 EMEA Best in Class Gold Distribution award from Honeywell Sensing and Control (S&C), the global technology and manufacturing leader, serving customers worldwide with sensor, switch and test and measurement products.
Facility for comprehensive training in water and gas monitoring -
Analytical Technology now offers specialist customer training at its state-of-the-art premises in Saddleworth, Manchester (GB).
Elegant and cost-effective monitoring of roller gap separation -
Measuring the gap between rollers, or checking parallelism to close tolerances is an essential requirement in a number of precision manufacturing processes. A measurement task that achieved by using an RDP E725 digital indicator in combination with a pair of LVDTs.
T&M tutorials on video! -
Keithley Instruments has produced a series of four new tutorial videos on topics related to configuring and operating one of its most sensitive measurement instruments - the Model 6517B.
As intuitive as smartphones - In pursuing its development strategy for mechatronic products, Weiss GmbH is placing more emphasis on the intuitive operation and easy configuration of its components and systems.
Mining order from Chile -
Automation and power to maximize energy efficiency at Codelco's new open pit copper mine
ABB has won an order worth $47 million from Corporacion Nacional del Cobre de Chile (Codelc0), the world's biggest copper producer, to provide gearless mill drives and electrical systems to increase productivity and lower energy consumption at a new mine in northern Chile.
Precision power analyser offers innovative measurement functions -
The Yokogawa WT1800 precision power analyser is the latest addition to the company's highly successful range of digital power measuring instruments.
Bus comms for refuse vehicles -
The CAN in Automation (CiA) group has released version 2.0 of the CleANopen specification. This CANopen application profile specifies the communication between electronic control units for refuse collecting vehicles (RCV).
New training centres in the US - Endress+Hauser has established two new training centers, in Mobile (AL US) and Matthews (NC US).
US level for water & industry - Emerson Process Management has extended its range of Rosemount® 3100 Series ultrasonic non-contacting level transmitters with two new models designed to operate with the Rosemount 3490 Series of universal controllers.
Robotic flight for the young! - Festo's famous bionic AirPenguins have again been cleared for takeoff and will be flying at The Big Bang Fair 2011 - Britain's biggest science and engineering fair for young people. T
Brand produces Red Herring! -
Invensys Operations Management has announced that its Skelta™ software offerings have won the Red Herring 100 Global award, a prestigious recognition honoring the year's most promising private technology ventures from across North America, Europe and Asia.
Power generation today! -
The 54th Annual ISA POWID Symposium will be held 5-10 June 2011 at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Concord (near Charlotte), (NC US). The event is sponsored by the ISA Power Industry Division.
New design software version -
Trace Software International announced the release of a new elecworks version at the SolidWorks World 2011 Conference,
Unintended acceleration! -
The U.S. Department of Transportation released the results of a 10-month National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) NASA investigation (pdf) into potential electronic causes of unintended acceleration in Toyota vehicles. Among the software used was GrammaTech's CodeSonar.
Moisture analysers upgraded -
Michell retrofits older AlOx moisture analyzers with a new multi-channel moisture analyzer.
Aluminium Oxide and Ceramic moisture transmitter-based analyzers are the most widespread process moisture measurement systems used in thousands of installations world-wide.
All EMC testing needs -
TESEQ has released Compliance 5 emission and immunity test software. Compliance 5 is a single, integrated test platform capable of performing all RF EMC testing needs.
Noise attenuation - Emerson Process Management announces the release of the Tartarini™ Type SRII and SRS silencer options for the Type FL regulators. These new silencers provide an efficient noise prevention solution for natural gas transmission or distribution installations.
360° PIR detector -
Carlo Gavazzi has added a new PIR with a full 360 degrees of cover to its smart-house range of building automation products.
Optimise hygiene for all sectors! - Rittal has just extended the range of protection categories for their Hygienic Design range of enclosures.
Global product launch! -
Meggitt Sensing Systems, has announced the global market launch of the Endevco® model 126, a low-cost, microprocessor controlled, three-channel DC differential voltage amplifier and signal conditioner.
"One of the best ever ARC Forums...".... - We had to be content with periodic peeps at tweets from the location of ARC's 15th Orlando Forum. Read our impressions.
The Fieldbus Jungle Fieldbus Can Be Good. Fieldbus Can Be Bad. An Experienced Integrator Examines the Benefits Claimed and Their Relationship to Industrial Reality. (ControlDesign)
New testing facilities for O & G drive systems -
ABB has completed its new, world-class electromechanical equipment test facilities at CESI's headquarters in Milano (I).
New high sensitivity pressure sensors -
New from Kistler is a range of high sensitivity, pressure sensors for use in the production of fibre-reinforced lightweight plastic structures and composite parts for the automobile and aerospace industries using conventional and high-pressure resin transfer moulding (RTM).
Success in DCS market recognised -
Invensys Operations Management has received the 2010 Frost & Sullivan Global Customer Value Enhancement Award for its success in the global distributed control system (DCS) market.
Not a bad result! - Emerson Process Management has again earned top rankings in Control's annual Readers' Choice. This marks the 18th consecutive year that Emerson products were chosen first in more product categories than any competitor. Considering that this is the 19th such survey this isn't bad!
Waterproof connectors - Intelliconnect (Europe) Ltd has announced the availability of its wide range of IP67 and IP68 interconnect solutions for harsh environments. Qualified to withstand immersion at a minimum of 20m for four hours in their unmated condition,
Fatigue rated load cells -
When load testing calls for a high number of repetitive cycles, such as material test machines or long-term structural tests in aviation or automotive research, then a common solution is to specify a fatigue rated load cell. Off-the-shelf fatigue rated load cells are available from RDP.
Latest bus version now available - The nonprofit CiA (CAN in Automation) group provides the CiA 417 specification on its website to be downloaded free-of-charge.
Emissions Reduction Technology Forum -
The 11th Annual ISA Fugitive Emissions Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) Symposium: A Decade of Unprecedented Success--and Growing Strong, will be held 17-19 May 2011 at the Astor Crowne Plaza Hotel in New Orleans (LA US).
Motion control system helps coating machine - An advanced real-time Ethernet motion control system has helped Advanced Coating Robotics (ACR) to create a new conformal coating machine that combines exceptional three-dimensional spraying accuracy with very high throughput.
New finance scheme opens door to new technology -
A new 'Rent To Own' (RTO) scheme from instrumentation specialist Ashtead Technology is helping companies obtain access to the latest technologies by spreading out the cost and reducing pressure on cash flow whilst maintaining traditional rental benefits such as repair, calibration and technical support.
Arbitrary function generator offers 50 MHz frequency range plus GPIB interface -
The new TG5011G from Aim-TTi is a combined function/arbitrary/pulse generator with a frequency range covering 1 uHz to 50 MHz.
Partnerships announced - The International Society of Automation (ISA) has announced the signing of four new partners to its Corporate Partnerships Program, after just one year on the market. The partners are: Fluke Corporation; GE Energy; Honeywell Process Solutions; and OSIsoft, LLC.
Number one in signal conditioners! -
Moore Industries-International, Inc. has been voted Number 1 in Signal Conditioners in the 2011 Control Magazine Readers' Choice Awards.
Major order for systems for cruise liners - ABB has won an order worth over $50 million to provide power and propulsion systems for two next-generation cruise ships to be built by Meyer Werft at its shipyard in Papenburg (D), for Norwegian Cruise Line. The order was booked in the fourth quarter.
Intelligent control room management solution enables compliance -
GE Intelligent Platforms has announced that its Proficy® Workflow work process management solution has been chosen by S3 Development Corporation (NH US), as the foundation for an Intelligent Control Room Management solution for the company's natural gas and hazardous liquids customers.
Discounted T&M instruments for Europe -
Special price offer for World class test and measurement equipment from Keithley Instruments
Keithley Instruments is offering 20% off list price on a range of broad-purpose Test & Measurement instruments to its European customers. The offer is available for a limited period of time, starting with immediate effect and ending on April 30, 2011.
Innovative brake system increases safety of vertical axes - If there is a danger of falling loads on vertical axes in areas where personnel have to work, additional measures must be taken to minimise the risk of accidents. The Mauerstetten brake specialist mayr® power transmission has developed brake systems which are capable of providing safety in any critical situation occurring during vertical axes operation.
A first in calibration for Middle East & Africa - Emerson Process Management has opened its new Middle East Flow Service Center in Abu Dhabi. This Internationally-certified facility offers customers the first, dedicated, in-region flow calibration service, support and training.
Sales director for Britain & Benelux - Aegis Software has appointed Christian Teasdel as Sales Director for Britain and Benelux. Aegis' expanding business across Europe requires dedicated management attention to key regions.
Sub sea instruments -
CAN in Automation (CiA) has released the second version of the CiA 443 CANopen profile for sub-sea instruments.
Task Force for operator environments -
CAN in Automation (CiA) has established the CANopen Task Force (TF) for operator environments.
Distribution excellence - RS Components (trading brand of Electrocomponents plc), has received the 2010 Distribution Excellence award for EMEA from Agilent Technologies.
Fan & filter -
Using diagonal fan technology to increase the working back pressure, Rittal's new TopTherm fan and filter units provide an increased and more stable airflow, even with contaminated filters.
Crankshaft measurement -
A new, large crankshaft measurement gauge for manufacturers of diesel, marine, and locomotive engines and mining, oil field, and power generation equipment is being introduced by ADCOLE Corporation.
Faster analysis of inclusions in aluminum -
Thermo Fisher Scientific has an improved method for ultra-fast analysis of inclusions in aluminum using optical emission spectroscopy (OES).
Analogue Strain Gauges -
The SGA range of high specification, analogue strain gauge amplifiers from LCM Systems, has been designed for universal use and offers a degree of flexibility that makes these amplifiers perfect for use in a multitude of configurations, ideal for OEM customers
Foot switch! -
Foremost Electronics is distributing the Marquardt Mechatronik GmbH foot switch. Suitable for use in harsh industrial environments, including high dust and water areas, the footswitch is protected to IP 65 and IP 67 levels.
Laboratory robot -
HACH LANGE's new automated laboratory robot, the AP3800, is the ultimate labour-saving laboratory device; enabling the unattended multiple parameter analysis of up to 24 samples, the AP3800 performs the analysis with a DR3800 spectrophotometer.
Making T/cs with ease - BEL Thermocouple Welder Model TLWELD9, from Tester Store, is designed for manufacturers and for laboratory use in the production of commercial grade thermocouple junctions, and for users of large numbers of exposed junction thermocouple such as test and development laboratories where multipoint temperature sensing of test pieces are required
HMI & SCADA distributor in Singapore -
InduSoft has added Akoe Tech a new distributor to its list of InduSoft Web Studio HMI and SCADA software distributors in the Middle East and Asia.
Two-wire GWR -
Released in 1998, The Magnetrol International NV Eclipse® Model 705 was the first two wire guided wave radar (GWR) on the market. Thirteen years later, this high quality GWR device is still fluently finding its way to highly critical applications.
Network-based control system enhanced - Yokogawa Electric Corporation has released a number of new modules for the STARDOM™ network-based control system.
Touch panel computers based on Intel® Atom™ processor - National Instruments has announced a line of touch panel computers with an extended operating temperature range based on the 1.33 GHz Intel Atom processor.
New materials tester - A new single-column materials testing machine from Lloyd Instruments provides enhanced speed, accuracy and flexibility for all materials testing applications under 1kN force.
Workshop programme announced -
The organisers of MCERTS 2011 (Telford, 30th and 31st March) have announced the workshop programme to run alongside the event's main conference and exhibition.

Award for Hungarian plant - The HART® Communication Foundation has selected the MOL Plc Danube Refinery located in Százhalombatta, Hungary, as recipient of the 2010 HART Plant of the Year Award.
Of pages, blogs and stats - This is a compilation of the most visited pages on our site and blogs. As we said in a recent blog, Lies, damn lies and statistics, these are not always the most reliable way to measure the effectiveness or otherwise of a web presence. Nevertheless they hold a certain fascination don't they?
Inductive sensor - Eaton's Electrical Sector is launching a new iProx inductive sensor series that embodies both power and versatility.
Greater versatility connectors - Harting has extended the versatility of its innovative Han-Yellock® connector family by introducing a new version - Han-Yellock® 60 - with a larger housing that enables up to six connector modules to be incorporated.
New rental scheme cuts cost of instrument hire -
Ashtead Technology has launched a new Perpetual Rental Program (PRP) that offers significant cost savings on both long-term and frequent rentals.
New website launched - The new IEC website was launched on 24 January 2011. Worth it to take a peek at its new resources and functionalities.
Video surveillance pioneer acquired - Industrial Video and Control (IVC), a leading supplier of cameras and video systems for industrial, military, and commercial applications, announced the acquisition of Longwatch.
Fourier transform IR analyser - California Analytical Instruments has a new 600/6000 Series FTIR, which provides fast, continuous and stable analysis of virtually any gas which has an infrared absorption spectrum.
Fail-safe force measurement - DABU/I AD2T Bridge Amplifier for Exact Force Measuring Chains
With the bridge amplifier DABU/I AD2T, Baumer offers a fail-safe force measuring amplifier for use in challenging industrial environments.
Drives may be greener than you think - Controlling the power consumption of motors is only the first of many environmental credentials of the inverter, says Mitsubishi Electric's Jeff Whiting. (Control Engineering EME)
Loop splitter/retransmitter - Laurel Electronics' Model QLS is a quad output 4-20 mA loop splitter and retransmitter with +/-10V common mode isolation between inputs and outputs.
Control performance monitoring - ExperTune's PlantTriage can now share information with maintenance planning and other enterprise resource planning (ERP) tools. PlantTriage's diagnostics can be used to initiate work requests for instrument repairs, control tuning, and valve replacements.
Increased security infrastructure for the Smart Grid - Elster and Industrial Defender has announced a technology partnership for cyber security and compliance with Elster's EnergyAxis® advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) Smart Grid solution.
Technology transfer tests tree safety - Highway engineers and horticulturalists have adapted the latest in helicopter technology to solve a critical safety problem in their own industries, tree viability.
New pilot valve catalogue - ASCO Numatics has announced a major new catalogue covering its comprehensive range of pilot valves and systems for the process industry. The binder style catalogue provides a wealth of information on valve solutions from high flow to low power, from direct mount Namur to safety shutdown systems.