The Read- Out Instrumentation Signpost
Measurement, Control and Automation Resources throughout the World
Eanáir 2009 January
Signal conditioners help reduce cabling and maintenance costs,
increase efficiency for users -
Rockwell Automation have launched a new line of signal conditioners designed to help maximize the efficiency and performance of process applications by helping users isolate, convert and amplify analog signals in applications involving batch or continuous processes.
Relative humidity and dew point catalogue -
Michell Instruments have released a new edition of their moisture and humidity product catalogue, which contains comprehensive information on their range of relative humidity transmitters and sensors, dew point transmitters and humidity calibration instruments.
Testing time for vacuum cleaner manufacturer - A company
that designs and build custom test equipment for the manufacturing and research industries has
developed a cost saving sub-system that allows eight dynamometer test rigs to share a single
calibration unit based on a Digital TorqSense transducer from Sensor Technology.
Non-contact position measurement in membrane-style packaging -
The MagnetoPot is new non-contacting linear potentiometer based upon a fully sealed membrane strip and a simple magnet that together provide position feedback from 8 mm to 1200 mm in a low profile and robust design with exceptionally long life capability.
German exhibition to highlight energy efficiency -
The Exhibition Committee of the SENSOR+TEST and the Executive Board of the AMA Association for Sensor Technology have jointly decided to make energy efficiency the focal topic of the SENSOR+TEST trade fair this May.
Extension & enhancement of Ethernet line extenders -
Westermo Data Communications has expanded and improved its Wolverine range of industrial Ethernet
line extenders with the addition of the new DDW-225 and an enhanced version of the existing
Electronic loads and power supplies - StanTronic Instruments
has announced that it has been appointed distributor for Maynuo Electronic, which specialises in the manufacture of programmable electronic loads and power supplies with an outstanding price/performance ratio, in Great Britain,Ireland and Germany.
AMC Processor Module with Extended Temperature option -
Concurrent Technologies have announced their latest high performance Advanced Mezzanine Card
(AdvancedMC®) single width, mid-height or full-height, processor module suitable for
AdvancedTCA®, MicroTCA™, Scope Alliance and proprietary platforms.
Instruments chosen for new multi-agency air quality unit - Quantitech has been awarded a contract worth in excess of #1million to provide advanced air sampling and analysis equipment
to the multi-agency air quality cell that has been established following the recommendations of the Major Incident Investigation
Board for the Buncefield (GB) incident.
Inclinometers for OEM applications introduced - ASM has introduced its smallest addition to the POSITILT® inclinometer series that is available in single and dual axis versions. By
using MEMS technology, this new inclinometer PTAM20 series is packaged into a very compact, flat housing making it ideally suited for
OEM applications.
 Image & Vision handbook updated - The 4th edition of Stemmer
Imaging's extremely popular Imaging & Machine Vision handbook is now available. Packed with over 50% more pages than Issue 3, and
including improved technical overviews and easier to use selection guides, the latest edition is being printed in German for the
first time as well as English.
Sponsors for
interactive robotics station - The Automation Federation (AF) has announced that Rockwell Automation and Rockwell Collins
will participate in the AF Technology Quest exhibit at the 2010 American Boy Scout Jamboree, which will be held from 26 July to 4 August 2010,
at Fort A.P. Hill, (VA US). This historic event will celebrate the "100th Year of Scouting in America" and will attract more than
250,000 Scouts per day.
Load versus
displacement - RDP Electronics can offer a combination of standard products to provide a simple-to-configure, cost effective
system for plotting load versus displacement. Typical applications include materials testing, lifting platforms and vehicle testing.
Open standards platform for integrating building automation systems launched -
FacilityWorX,from Iconics, enables facility managers to intelligently reduce cost, increase security, improve alarm response time and achieve better energy efficiency. It provides an open standards software integration platform for existing building automation systems to achieve a complete operational view of an entire building or campus.
 Wireless convergence? - The ISA100 standards committee, Wireless
Systems for Automation, will hold a series of meetings in Orlando (FL US),
9-11 February. Subcommittee ISA100.12 will meet each day of the event, and will address the key
topic: long-term convergence of the WirelessHART specification with the ISA-100.11a standard. |
Avoid forming of irritating droplets and wetness -
The new condensation monitor EE46 from E+E Elektronik is
specially designed for such applications and can be installed in a few seconds on pipelines,
walls, and ceilings.
Linear accelerometers - Sherborne Sensors has introduced the
A545 series, a range of single, biaxial and triaxial solid state linear accelerometers, designed
to measure acceleration and deceleration within demanding environments, and within the same,
compact package size
Safety & security symposium - The International Society
of Automation (ISA) have announced that the 2010 Industrial Automation Safety and Security Symposium,
sponsored by the ISA Safety Division, will take place 28-29 April 2010 in the French Quarter of
New Orleans (LA US).
Data Portal has extensive collection of device and component data
- In just one year after its much anticipated launch, the EPLAN Data Portal has had a tremendous
effect on engineering - 4.5 million downloads speak for themselves. This innovative web-based
portal delivers around 100,000 items of the latest tested and certified component and device data
from numerous leading component manufacturers, thereby giving users an extra productivity boost.
A Range of shackle
load cells for harsh environments - LCM Systems has introduced an innovative range of shackle load cells designed specifically
for lifting and weighing applications in harsh or rugged environments. Ideal for use in applications such as under-hook hoist and crane
weighing, cable tension monitoring and crane load safety monitoring, the sensors are available in either cabled or wireless telemetry
User Conference 2010 -
PROFIBUS UK tells us that the 7th annual PROFIBUS and PROFINET User Conference will be held from
29-30 June 2010 at Stratford-on-Avon in Warwickshire. Following the successful theme established
as a result of six years of positive delegate feedback, this user focused event will feature a
comprehensive, multi-stream educational programme that will lead new users through both PROFIBUS
and PROFINET, from the basic technology through to its use and application experience in real
world industrial and process applications.
User group planned end September - The 2010 Emerson Global Users Exchange content planning for this year's conference
is underway! The Call for Presentations has been released and abstract submittals will be accepted through March 15, 2010.
Top ten tips for industrial training! - MCP's John Saysell has these useful recomendations to ensure that training delivered to employees is effective. "In many cases, the training is either irrelevant to the organisation's real needs or there is too little connection made between the training and the workplace or even workstation!"
New transmission probe - Aabspec has released a new dual
sample transmission probe for their #S and #SX multi-mode spectroscopy/ microscopy systems. The probe is formed in a single piece of 316 stainless steel (no welds, no brazes) and provides lower thermal mass with integral sample temperature
New transmission probe - Aabspec has released a new dual sample transmission probe for their #S and #SX multi-mode spectroscopy/ microscopy systems.
Built-in motor wizard works with most servo motors for easy integration - ORMEC Systems Corporation (ORMEC) has just announced the global launch of the XD-Series, a new family of Indexer Servo Drives, providing high-reliability motion control capabilities for even the most challenging applications.
Precision level sensor "Off the Shelf" - The Gill Sensors 'R-Series' is a precision "off the shelf" liquid level sensor, developed for motorsport, military and industrial applications. The sensor has no moving parts, utilising advanced capacitive technology to accurately monitor the liquid level.
Improving automation at twelve sites - PAS has
announced that Scottish Power has selected its comprehensive alarm management and control performance software and services to improve the operations of
twelve sites comprising gas-fired, coal-fired, and hydro-electric power generation stations.
Changes at sensor company -
In order to be prepared for its continuing successful development in the years to come, Contrinex, the Swiss based sensor company, shas reinforced its
management team by winning a top manager from a global market leader as Chief Business Officer and completing succession planning, as the 2nd generation
joins the Managing Board.
ELVIS at university - Kingston University (GB) recently purchased thirty NI ELVIS (National Instruments Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite) units to equip its state-of-the-art laboratories for its new Mechatronic Engineering course, which started in 2009.
 Centre of excellence to support clients in North and Francaphone Africa -
Invensys Operations Management has opened a new facility in Algiers (DZ), strengthening its
commitment to clients in the North African market.
Servo accelerometers - Sherborne Sensors has announced the launch of the A200 Series, a family of high-precision, gravity referenced linear servo accelerometers, offering measurement resolution down to 0.05 mg.
Read & write network data - A new addition to
the Anybus gateway family from HMS Industrial Networks, enables a Profibus-DP Master to read and
write J1939 network data for control and monitoring tasks. The gateway accomplishes this by
operating simultaneously as a Profibus-DP Slave on a Profibus network and as a CAN node on a
J1939 network.
gateway for data acquisition, visualization and control - GE Intelligent Platforms has announced the availability of its Industrial Gateway Server (IGS) 7.5 drivers for the company's Proficy® software.
New flight test sensors - The new FTS fibre optic displacement sensors from Ixthus are designed for flight test
applications. Weighing just 175 grams, the sensor electronics feature a 25 x 50 x 75 mm enclosure
with MIL-DTL-83513 Micro-D connector for power and output signals.
Hydrostatic pressure sensor - The Deltapilot M
hydrostatic pressure sensor from E+H is used in level, volume and mass measurement in liquids and
paste-like media. The area of application ranges from process engineering and process
instrumentation through to the pharmaceutical and food industry.
 Read-out 10.01
Details of the current issue and a downloadable pdf copy.
Studying automation at (very) long distance -
Distance learning is one of the new ways of learning and IDC Technology have been in the
forefront. Here is perhaps an extreme example in more senses than one. Extreme climate and
extreme distance. So wrap up well and meet one of their students in Antartica.
New series provides flexible, functional industrial network
security - To mark the introduction of a new decade (hopefully not with a bang!) where
they hope that industrial network security will be widely adopted, Byres Security are starting
off 2010 with the introduction of a new line of Tofino products, the Tofino Argon Product Series.
Drift free dewpoint measurements in vacuum - The S8000 Integrale
cooled mirror hygrometer, from Michell Instruments, provides highly reliable, drift-free
dew-point measurements in vacuums as low as 0.05 mbar, making it unique in its category. It is
ideal for applications, such as oil refilling of transformers, which involve vacuum pumping.
High performance, cost-effective sunlight readability, together
with outstanding indoor colour saturation - Anders Electronics has announced the
availability of its newest sunlight readable 2.8" TMR TFT display which is pecially designed for
portable applications like mobile handsets, remote monitoring systems, industrial and metering
products, portable measuring devices, and medical devices.
 | The 2010 Control Readers' Choice Awards, ControlGlobal's 18th
annual survey of brand preference among suppliers of process automation technologies, represent
the collective opinion of more than 1,000 process automation professionals. Those surveyed
include the print magazine's U.S.-centric readership as well as subscribers to theie increasingly
international digital media outlets anchored at our website (links to which
The Read-out Signpost feature in our weekly e-news notices!) And while the results certainly
still reflect a North American bias (more than 90% of respondents hail from the 50 United
States), the increased participation of industry professionals from outside the U.S. buoyed the
standings for more than a few European and Asian players.
New IT management software - RiZone, Rittal's new IT management
software, along with Microsoft's System Centre Operations Manager (SCOM), represents the first
commercial software which extends beyond the infrastructure components and allows the power
consumption monitoring of all devices enabling real energy savings to be easily achieved.
New website with improved sales and service functionality -
Intepro Systems have gone live with a new website offering greater levels of functionality
for visitors. The new website is the latest development in a restructuring of the company
Automation conference not all at sea! - Mark you diaries now
to attend the Applications in Automation Conference! This three-day conference features several
of ISA's most popular training courses, a technical conference with paper presentations on
today's hottest automation topics, a product and solutions showcase, and an evening event for
networking with your peers.
Easy handling and space-saving design - The Harting Han®
7 D and Han® 8 D compact industrial connectors are now available with Han-Quick Lock® termination
technology to give a combination of easy handling and space-saving design.

Collaborative Process Automation Systems - This book conveys what control systems are really
about, and lets you tap into the wealth of further functions presented by modern process control
systems, that allow the safe, secure, and efficient operation of an automated plant.
Compact filter
for DC/DC converters - Calex Electronics Ltd announces the availability of the EFIL-100-10 filter module. The EFIL-100-10 is
a compact 1" x 2" x 0.45" (2.54 x 5.08 x 1.14 cm) input differential and common mode filter for Calex DC/DC Converters.
chemicals company in China, receives Award - The HART® Communication Foundation has recognised the Evonik Degussa Specialty Chemicals Company in Shanghai (CN), with the HART
Innovative Achievement Award.
Simplifies Circuit Simulation for Teaching and Design - National Instruments has introduced
Multisim 11, the latest version of its circuit simulation software, with specialised editions for both hands-on learning and
professional circuit design.
Graphically displaying complete control for multi-loop temperature processes -
Gefran's new GF_LOOPER (Gefran Multiloop Controller) provides sophisticated multi-loop process control for 8- or 16-zone
configurations in a compact and easy-to-use package. Aimed at precise temperature control in multi-zone furnaces, thermoformers,
dryers, small extruders and "hot runner" injection press applications, the high performance controller includes intuitive graphics
software for straightforward configuration and monitoring across the total multi-loop process.
New funding for growth in water monitoring technology -
Innovative monitoring instrumentation company, Intellitect Water has announced a funding
injection of over #2 million to support rapid growth in sales of the company's unique drinking
water monitoring technology.
Key RTLS Patent granted and enables highly accurate position
detection over long range - Essensium N.V., has announced that the European Patent
Office published a key patent granted to them regarding the ranging method which enables their
unique and industry-leading combination of high accuracy and long range in their wireless RTLS
(Real Time Location System) products.
Training at Maintec -
Visitors to the MCP stand at Maintec 2010 in Birmingham (GB 2/3 Marckh 2010), will be able to spend time talking to hands-on training and consultancy experts. Of particular relevance, in the current climate, is that MCP can show how effective maintenance can reduce business costs, with typical ROI of 200% within 2 years.
Participation in British maintenance event - With the growing awareness of the importance of condition monitoring of rotating machinery and
especially that of electric motors, Whitelegg Machines have again invited Tim Thomas, Senior
Engineer of Baker Instrument Company, to join them at Maintec 2010 (02- 04/03/2010)
Out-of-the-box application provides new
visibility to help achieve energy efficiency - Wonderware Ireland has introduced their Corporate Energy Management Application. The new
application enables manufacturing and industrial automation customers to easily and quickly implement an energy management program and achieve sustainability
goals. This application helps clients respond better to energy consumption challenges.
Data centre saves costs with server racks - Equinix from Frankfurt, a leading
provider for colocation services, has equipped its data centres with Rittal TS 8 server racks for many years. Now the data centre specialist focuses on a
further Rittal domain, equipping its data centres using Rittal's power distribution technology Ri4Power.
 Joining the Green Touch Initiative! - IMEC is
to take part in the Green Touch Initiative, the consortium initiated by Bell Labs, the research arm of Alcatel-Lucent. The Green
Touch Initiative is committed to inventing the technologies that will be at the heart of the next generation of sustainable
Low power Ex d pilot valve has IEC Ex
Approval - ASCO Numatics has new (WS)LPKF low power pilot with Ex d certification for the compact 551, 552 and 553 series pilot valves. The valve is
available with either an aluminium or stainless steel enclosure, and with a power consumption of just 0.5W at 24V DC, has the lowest consumption of any Ex d
certified valve for the process industry.
Non-contact website! -
Ixthus Instrumentation Ltd, experts in non-contact position and force measurement has launched a new website at showcasing its complete range of measurement sensors and transducers, weighing controllers, and vibration monitoring and calibration equipment.
New sales office in Shenzhen - Intepro Systems, market leaders in power system and component automated test equipment
(ATE), announces the opening of its China headquarters in the Nanshan District in Shenzhen (CN).
Brochure on wireless standard now available in multiple
languages - The HART® Communication Foundation brochure on the new WirelessHART™
technology standard is now available in multiple languages. The brochure provides an easy-to-read
overview of the benefits to users of WirelessHART technology.
Fast track to altitude! -
Development of a vertical take-off and landing unmanned aerial vehicle is nearing completion,
thanks in part to a non-contact digital torque sensor, TorqSense, from Sensor Technology, which
proved the only viable option for use on the test rig.
Complete all rounder in pressure - Cerabar M from Endress &
Hauser, is a new instrument of their M-Platform. The compact allrounder is used for absolute and
overpressure measurement in gases, steams or liquids in all areas of process engineering and
process instrumentation.
High performance single board computer features Intel's latest
processor for optimum performance/watt - GE Intelligent Platforms demonstrates its
commitment to, and leadership in, CompactPCI®platforms with the announcement of the CT12 6U
CompactPCI high performance single board computer.
Appointment announced in major power
solution provider - AEG Power Solutions, has announced the appointment of Michael Adams
as Global VP for Data & IT. This is a new role for the company and signifies its intention to
increase its penetration into this important sector.
New options for pro-audio
and industrial control - Foremost Electronics have announced the availability of the MERP12
range of rotary encoders. This new series of encoders has been designed to replace traditional
rotary potentiometers in a wide range of applications and have the added benefit of being
Interconnection solutions for industry - At Southern
Electronics 2010 (10/11 February 2010), the Harting Technology Group will be featuring its broad
range of electrical and electronics interconnection solutions. Their electronics assembly
operation - Harting Integrated Solutions (HIS) - will also be demonstrating its backplane and
sub-assembly capabilities
New gas zone at environmental show -
The organisers of WWEM 2010 have announced a new Gas Detection zone at the 2010 conference and
exhibition, signalling coverage of the workplace environment for the first time.
Appointment presages significant growth - Kepware Technologies has just announced the promotion
of Tony Paine, former Executive VP/CTO of the company, to the position of President. Mr. Paine
will have responsibility for all operations of the company.
Six appointements improve safety capability - Hima-Sella has appointed Neil Hibbert (right) as Key Account Manager for Safety and Control, Nathan George as Sales Applications Engineer, John Chadwick as Technical Support Group Supervisor and is currently recruiting three full-time Principal Engineers to boost its existing functional safety management team, based in Stockport (GB).
Secure integration of MES applications - Wonderware has announced the availability of version 3.5 of the
Wonderware® Enterprise Integrator software solution, enabling secure integration of Wonderware
manufacturing execution software (MES) applications, such as Operations, InBatch™, Intelligence
and other shop-floor applications, with enterprise resource planning, product lifecycle
management, supply chain management, laboratory information management and other enterprise
New level probe for hydrostatic
measurement - The new Waterpilot FMX21 of Endress+Hauser is a robust long-term stable
pressure sensor for
hydrostatic level measurement. It represents the highest degree of reliability and safety. The
housing variants are aligned to application requirements in an optimum fashion and make
Waterpilot well suited to potable water, waste water through to seawater applications.
Completely wireless switching devices for ATEX zones 1, 2, 21 and
22 - The new 8074 F series position switches and 8040 F series command devices from Stahl, are truly,
completely wire-less solutions for radio signal communication. Requiring neither signal lines nor
external energy supply connections, the units can be freely installed in zone 1, 2, 21, or 22
hazardous areas. Users therefore need not worry about any wiring when e.g. retrofitting the
command devices into difficult-to-access machines or plants.
PdM in China - Many process and manufacturing plants operate
preventive maintenance activities (PM). This article discusses Pdm in Chinese gas plants!