From Processingtalk newsletter Issue 184: 05 June 2007:
The successor to the Exhibition as the place to investigate an
investment decision about a new system or service seems to be the User
Group Meeting. Necessarily mainly financed by the manufacturers who
want to sell their products, the assembled cross section - of existing
customers wanting to understand further what the products can do, of
experienced users who are reporting on the benefits they have found,
of suppliers' application experts and potential users - gives a full
spectrum of opinions to canvas, particularly in private conversations
alongside the presentations.
Most such user group meetings are fairly private affairs, or too
specific for the attention of independent journalists. It is therefore
really interesting when there is a reporter attending who can send
back an overall perspective, and Eoin O'Riain, Editor of,
has just reported on the Werum Pharma MES day held last week in Cork,
discussing the 'Paperless Pharma Plant'. This included presentations
about the experiences of two of the Werum clients in Cork, Genzyme and
Nycomed (formerly Altana) Pharma, as well as a market overview from an
'independent' market research consultant. Werum has the objective of
the paperless plant. And judging by the attendance, this is also a topic
of considerable interest to the pharma community in Ireland.
The lessons learned from these two plants seem to point to what any
such change requires: management commitment to project team resourcing
and empowerment, involving as many manufacturing operations people as
possible and devoting time to training. This must be the standard
lesson learned from any major project! See the Eoin's Report
Applications and Product Developements from Werum on Processingtalk
From Achema'06 newsletter! (Altana is now known as Nycomed!)
ALTANA builds green field pharmaceutical manufacturing facility
Werum delivers a PAS-X MES system for ALTANA Pharma Ltd. which is currently building a new green field secondary pharmaceutical manufacturing facility in Cork, Ireland. The aim of this project is to provide IT support for and to integrate the workflows performed in the plant for logistics, weighing, production, and quality control functions. ALTANA Pharma will build up a most flexible and transparent manufacturing process (e.g. batch tracking, equipment allocation) and set up a management information system for the entire manufacturing process in order to minimize failure and to maximize quality.
With PAS-X Werum offers a modular product suite in order to enable a step-by-step expansion. Due to ALTANA Pharmaąs first priority requirements the PAS-X first-step installation functionality will focus on warehouse management, sampling, sample analysis, batch management, staging of material for production, container management, weighing, batch tracking, cost accounting (acquisition of personnel times, machine times, set-up times), and an interface to SAP R/3. Since all operations in the plant shall be executed and documented in compliance with cGMP and FDA requirements, PAS-X provides qualification for full compliance. Werum will give validation support and beyond supplier support to guarantee highest MES availability.
After all the theory it was time for the first "hands-on" discussion and here we had Graham Clarke and his team from the new Nycomed (formerly Altana) plant in Carrigtwohill, Co Cork. This was a fascinating study in the building of a plant from planning in 2003 to production mid 2006. The most interesting part of this presentation as of all such is the slide entitled "Lessons learned!"
These included: Use as many manufacturing personnel as psossible in the qualification stage; the challenge of running start-up and the MES project in parallel should not be underestimated; Training of users in all transactions is vital.