Manufacturing Operational Excellence achieved in Daventry!
Microsoft Co-Sponsors Invensys WonderWorld and Pantek 2006 User Conference
John Bailey

Professor Tom Cannon
Peter van Vliet
Pantek, who market and support Wonderware software products in the UK and Ireland, today announced attendance and other specific session details from their premier 2006 customer event - the WonderWorld and 2006 User Conference. The event was held at the Daventry Hotel, Northamptonshire (GB) on the 31st October & 1st November.
"Having SAP, Microsoft, Invensys and Wonderware all in the same room for two days obviously makes for an exciting time", said Pantek Managing Director John Bailey, "so our delegates had the rare opportunity for one-on-one discussions with key industry market leaders these past few days."
The conference was designed to provide manufacturing managers, information technology professionals, operations management and engineering personnel with vital information on how their companies could optimise plant and enterprise operations. Delegates learnt how to achieve maximum efficiency and increased performance throughout the enterprise with the use of best industry practices and Wonderware's wide variety of information and automation software solutions. The event showcased the latest strategies and best practices for achieving operational excellence.

Listening to Keynote Address
EXPO featured 10 Pantek Partners
Keynote addresses were provided by Professor Tom Cannon, CEO of Ideopolis International and Peter van Vliet, Director of SAP's Manufacturing Application Solution Team. Professor Cannon discussed " Leadership through Change" emphasising that it is leadership that unlocks competitive edge, and leadership based on knowledge can permeate a business allowing operational excellence, with the right tools and processes, to flourish. Peter van Vliets theme was " Mind the Gap!" making reference to how, without good integration, information can be lost between enterprise level business systems and plant specific shop floor systems.
This was the biggest event ever staged by Wonderware in the UK with a massive 36 elective break-out sessions themed on Management, Technology, Applications and Master Classes. Over 150 delegates - decision makers in the manufacturing industry - chose from topics such as Lean, Quality, Energy, Disaster Recovery, Industrial Ethernet, Traceability and Process Analytical Technology. Bailey commented, " With so many different events out there competing for mindshare, we wanted to make the focus of WonderWorld UK one of networking with others in the industry, a chance for delegates to share real-life experiences and to leave with ideas they could take back to their organisation to make Operational Excellence a day to day reality"
In conjunction with WonderWorld and the User Conference there was also an EXPO featuring ten of Pantek's Certified System Integrator partners. The EXPO provided delegates with hands-on demo facilities and the chance to review real life applications. Overall, it was the delegates themselves who made the event the success it was, right down to the gala dinner and presentation of the 2006 Pantek Project Excellence Awards whilst being serenaded by Mal Perry - the One Man Rat Pack - before closing the evening off in the Casino at the roulette and black jack tables!
WonderWorld was part of a 20 city global tour designed for market leader Wonderware, to showcase latest thinking and technology. Delegates also benefited from the incorporation of Pantek's 2006 User Conference. Pantek, established 21 years ago, employs over 60 people and is a leading supplier of industrial automation solutions to major manufacturers in both the UK and Ireland.
For more information about the User conference & WonderWorld visit the event website.

Edoardo Manicardi, VP Strategic Sales, Wonderware, who presented Pantek, Ireland & Great Britain representatives of Wonderware, with an award to mark their extraordinary year as best sales of Wonderware Products.
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