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The Read-Out Instrumentation Signpost
Measurement, Control and Automation Resources throughout the World
Four innovative organisations receive acknowledgement of their skill in enhancing operational excellence for their customers
Pantek, who market and support Wonderware software products in Britain and Ireland, today announced the award winners of their 'Project Excellence Awards', which were presented at the recent premier 2006 customer event - WonderWorld and 2006 Pantek User Conference. The event was held at the Daventry Hotel, Northamptonshire on the 31st October & 1st November.
The award winners were:
Briggs Automation - The Monkhill Confectionary Project
Monkhill Confectionery of York is a division of Trebor Bassett Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cadbury Schweppes plc. Although currently still under development and implementation, this huge Greenfield installation features a number of Wonderware software components - InTouch, InSQL, SuiteVoyager and DT Analyst - as well as Pantek supplied Stratus, Advantech and Hirschman PC and networking hardware. The supplier/customer partnership also relied on Pantek support, consultancy and training.
The award was presented to Paul Alcock of Briggs Automation Ltd
Cougar Automation - The Network Rail Project
Cougar Automation's Derek Burton receives the Project Excellence Award from Wonderware's EMEA Marketing Manager Giuseppe Caltabiano
Network Rail owns the operational infrastructure of Merseyrail, the 75 mile 67 station underground rail system in Liverpool. Wonderware's Industrial Application Server (IAS) was selected to be at the heart of a Remote Condition Monitoring system designed, installed and commissioned by Cougar Automation. This was the UK's first implementation of IAS which was chosen due to its re-usable objects feature - the MerseyRail application has 700 "point ends " all replicated from a single "object ". InTouch, InSQL and Active Factory were also deployed in this scaleable safety-critical project that provides a replicable architecture for other similar projects at Network Rail. Pantek hardware and Industrial Consultant support were also part of the overall solution. Due to its punctuality and reliability, MerseyRail is now the best rail service provider in the country
The award was presented to Derek Burton of Cougar Automation
Vantage VCSE Ltd - The Bulmers Project
Ian Hetherington of Vantage VCSE receives the award from Giuseppe Caltabiano Marketing Manager EMEA Wonderware
Bulmers is an industry leader in the production of cider marketed under the brand names of Bulmers within and Magners outside the Republic of Ireland. Magners cider has experienced phenomenal growth in the last number of years which is predicted to continue. Bulmers have clear sight of the benefits in integrating shop floor information to their core business management systems and tasked their long established industrial software partner, Vantage, with realising this ambition in their Apple Processing, Fermentation and Maturation areas.
Using Wonderware PEM (Production & Event Monitoring), the fruits of this strategy were immediately seen in the empowerment of the enterprise resource planners with exact production and performance data. Production and Process have increased quality control and traceability which is now compliant with statuary legislation. Also inherent in this management information is increased performance and optimisation. A significant contributory factor in the success of this project was the strength of the partnership between Vantage and Pantek - Vantages in depth customer and industry knowledge joined with Pantek's training and industrial consulting skills
The award presented to Ian Hetherington of Vantage VCSE Ltd.
CNES - The Corus Turbo Blowers Project
Corus Northern Engineering Services (CNES) of Redcar worked closely with Pantek and Corus power station at Scunthorpe on a project to replace their legacy systems. CNES were able to take a global view of Corus' "Turbo Blower " project requirements as expressed by Wonderware's Industrial Application Server (IAS) model before going ahead with a phased implementation which satisfies today's requirements as well as future expected growth. The close working partnership between CNES and Pantek featured provision of software, consultancy, support, training and Advantech industrial PC hardware. Above all, as early adopters of IAS in the UK, CNES recognised that the IAS architecture lent itself to a long term "scaleable to business growth " deployment at Corus.
The award was presented to Mike Seddon, Martyn King and David Steel of Corus Northern Engineering Services.
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The Signpost has been honoured to receive a number of awards.