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The Read-Out Instrumentation Signpost
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This release was embargoed till 17th January 2002 but at our request this was lifted and we have pleasure in giving the details here.
Verano Launches PerformuxTM Scalable Real-Time Software Platform to Manage Plant Operations and Large Scale Distributed Industrial Assets
Verano becomes first company to adopt LINUX for highly mission critical operational management and control of large infrastructure projects.
 Performux and Secure SCADA
Verano's Performux and Secure SCADA are the first Linux-based supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) software platforms for secure, internet-enabled control of critical industrial processes in the energy, utilities, transportation and process industries. Verano software aggregates information from production processes in real-time, providing business managers, knowledge workers, operational personnel and enterprise applications with highly secure "Instant Awareness" of critical operational metrics and key performance indicators.
Performux Benefits & Features:
- Combines proven SCADA technology with benefits of the Linux operating system. Performux provides Real-Time Instant Awareness plus world famous reliability and scalability - now with a low total cost of ownership. Performux is built on the Red Hat Linux Advanced Server, the first Linux platform designed expressly for and certified by top enterprise software vendors.
- Based on Verano's field proven, robust RTAP/i SCADA platform. Performux is based on a SCADA platform with a strong heritage in UNIX and a reputation for taming some of the largest, most demanding automation challenges in the world. It offers real-time alarm and event management, analysis and visualization using Java and Web-based technology and the best real-time database available.
Secure SCADA Benefits & Features:
Real-time operational security, reliability and visibility for a new or existing SCADA system.
- Cybersecurity‹protects the SCADA systems from electronic attack by hackers, competitors and foreign agencies
- Secure Web Access‹ provides corporate clients secure access to real-time information
- Business System Integration‹securely integrates operational information with enterprise systems
- Physical Security‹protects automated operations from physical attack
Security starts with the operating system - SELinux (Security Enhanced Linux)
Secure SCADA uses the field-proven and scalable Verano Performux platform built on SELinux. This version of Linux, which was developed by the National Security Agency to meet the stringent security needs of topsecret projects, provides the most advanced security subsystem available. Secure SCADA can provide a new or existing SCADA system with the following:
- Mandatory access control
- Individual security domains with explicit access privileges
- Multi-level user security
- Fine-grained access control to programs, system resources and files
- Tamper protection
Prevent, Detect, Notify and Recover Capabilities Add Value to SELinux
- Secure SCADA clusters using virtual private networks to encrypt communication links
- Pre-configured firewalls
- Intrusion detection and monitoring
- Data collection probes to gather security information
Verano's Security Console
- Allows centralized monitoring of security metrics, trends, status and alerts. Includes recovery features.
Delivers web services based plant-intelligence platform
MANSFIELD, MASS., January 17, 2003 - Verano Inc., the leading provider of software for Instant Awareness(TM) of plant intelligence to knowledge workers within the enterprise, today introduced the Performux Real-Tim Plant Intelligence Platform . Performux is the first Linux-based plant operations platform and also the first Linux-based supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) software platforms for secure, internet-enabled control of critical industrial processes in the energy, utilities, transportation and process industries. Verano software aggregates information from production processes in real-time, providing business managers, knowledge workers, operational personnel and enterprise applications with highly secure "Instant Awareness" of critical operational metrics and key performance indicators.
Performux combines proven SCADA technology with benefits of the Linux operating system. Performux provides Real-Time Instant Awareness plus world famous reliability and scalability - now with a low total cost of ownership. Performux is built on the Red Hat Linux Advanced Server, the first Linux platform designed expressly for and certified by top enterprise software vendors. Based on Verano's field proven, robust RTAP/i SCADA plafform. Performux is based on a SCADA platform with a strong heritage in UNIX and a reputation for taming some of the largest, most demanding automation challenges in the world. It offers real-time alarm and event management, analysis and visualization using Java and Web-based technology and the best real-time database available. Performux leverages a new dimension of scalability afforded by Linux. Verano customers can now deploy critical applications on commodity servers all the way up to "big iron" branded large computing platforms that support Linux.
"Many of our customers operating large scale infrastructure assets such as oil and gas pipelines, mass transit systems, water distribution and power generation have mandated the use of commercial UNIX platforms to insure reliability" said Brian Ahern, President and CEO of Verano (left). He goes on to add, "all of our customers using commercial UNIX are at a point where they are evaluating where to go next with their choice of operating system platforms.
Most of our industrial customers are evaluating Linux. Our introduction of Performux allows us to be in alignment with our customers and provides them an option to use a field proven mission critical real-time software platform on the Linux operating system to run their critical infrastructure operations."
Performux has built-in web services capabilities delivering added functionality in the form of a real-time visualization engine for the enterprise. It can aggregate information from disparate plant systems and deliver consolidated roles-based views to knowledge workers in the enterprise, outside of the plant rendered to thin clients such as browsers, PDA's or wireless devices. Information is now available when it is needed and where it is needed. No longer are the traditional barriers of time, media or location a factor in making the right business decisions. This allows plant specific real-time information to be viewed instantly - anywhere, anytime.
About Verano
Verano solutions provide Instant AwarenessTM for industrial enterprises that seek real-time, operational alert and response management at every level of their organization. Verano uses proven technologies to deliver Instant AwarenessTM with the three pillars of real-time manufacturing enterprise responsiveness:
Secure Operations, Plant Data Aggregation and Plant2Biz Integration. The result is superior, coordinated, real time decision making from the plant floor to the CEO's office.
More than 220 Global- 1000 companies in process industries, utilities, energy and transportation have successfully implemented industrial solutions based on Verano's Enterprise Link and RTAP/i products. These customers, representing more than 2,200 systems and 5,300 user seats, include Bayer AG, Boeing, Celanese, Chevron, Genentech, Gerber Foods, Innogy, Nortel, Shell Oil and Thames Water.
Founded in 1996, Verano is headquartered in Boston with major manufactring facility in Calgary. In 2000, Verano acquired the Automation Integration Software division of Agilent Technologies, which was previously a business unit within Hewlett-Packard.