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Copyright © 2004 Read-out Publications
Intelligent Combination?
Intelligent components that
combine to deliver ease of use of PlantWeb Smart SIS safety management
solutions include the following:
DeltaV SIS Safety
Systems that communicate with safety-certified sensors and final control
elements. This Safety System uses the same engineering tools and interfaces as
Emersonís DeltaV digital automation system for process control, enabling the
viewing of Safety System data from any control system interface
Sensors such as the certified RosemountÆ 3051S pressure and 3144P temperature transmitters, plus
other flow and level measurement devices and analysers.
Final Control Elements
with partial stroke testing, including SIL-PACÆ emergency shutdown valves (ESD)
comprised of Bettis, Hytork or El-O-Matic actuators and a certified Fisher
DVC6000 digital valve controller, combined with any manufacturerís valve to
offer an integrated and tested unit.
DeltaV Safety System
software that includes an exclusive palette of TÐV-certified smart function
blocks, enabling users to employ simple drag-and-drop techniques to accomplish
tasks that required pages of coding in traditional safety systems.
AMSô Suite: Intelligent
Device Manager software that documents and archives system configuration and
all changes, as well as system health information and alarms.
To learn more go to
The Read-Out Instrumentation Signpost
Measurement, Control, and Automation throughout the World.

Steve Brown, MD, Emerson Process Management, Ireland and UK, opens the Press Event in the Tower of London.
Latest changes to this page: 26/1/04
Emerson at the Tower!
In a unique calling together of international journalists since the Interkama tours of Ireland in 2001, a body of about almost 50 gathered in the impressive and misleadingly named New Armoury at the ancient Tower of London.
The size of this group and the auspicious location was a measure of inportance Emerson Process Management gave to the launch of their SIS (Safety Instrumented Systems).
Steve Brown, MD UK & Ireland, remarked that the venue, the New Armoury, in facted dated fron the 16th century whereas what they were introducing to us was very much 21st century technology.
Other speakers included Duncan Schleiss, VP marketing Process Systems who introduced Emerson's approach to plant safety, while Steffen Langner, Business Unit Director-Temperature and Norman Render, FieldVue product manager in Fisher Controls Dvn spoke on the part of sensors and final control elements in the system. Raoul Mercer talked about the system Logic Solver and Koen Leekens brought the three components together discussing the overall system.
This is a copy of the press release issued on the occasion:
Emerson Extends PlantWebÆ to Create the Industryís
First Smart Safety Management Architecture
The PlantWeb Smart SIS architecture pioneers
integrated use of digital intelligence to enable customer implementation of
safer process plants
Emerson Process Management
announces its new PlantWebÆ Smart SIS safety management architecture that
extends the innovations of its proven digital process automation architecture
to enable safer process plants and facilities.
First in the industry to
employ digital intelligence and diagnostics from sensor-to-logic
solver-to-final control, and to take an integrated complete safety loop
approach, the PlantWeb Smart SIS safety management solution offers automated
safety loop testing and other features that increase system availability, while
reducing life-cycle costs and easing regulatory compliance.
The new Smart SIS solutions
are built from proven PlantWeb technologies ñ including intelligent field
devices, predictive diagnostics, and digital communications ñ that are already
demonstrating their value in thousands of mainstream process automation
projects around the world. For
safety applications, PlantWeb Smart SIS solutions provide assurance of a SIL3 approach
that includes transmitters and valve controllers certified to IEC61508, and
SIL-3 ratified safety systems.
Emerson professional safety
personnel and services organisations help customers plan and implement Smart
SIS solutions to comply with the new IEC 61511 safety standards. Expert services include assisting the
customer with process hazard analysis and risk assessment along with Smart SIS
design, implementation, and commissioning.

The Speakers around a panel of "Logic Solvers" L to R: Stefan Langers (holding one of the sensors), Raoul Mercer, Koen Leekens, Duncan Schleiss and Norman Render.
Facilitated by PlantWeb
technologies, the Smart SIS solutions are easily integrated with mainstream
Basic Process Control Systems to enable facility-wide overview, while
maintaining separation of safety-critical elements as required by IEC
Safety data and alarms are
presented on Emersonís DeltaVô operator interfaces, stored in its historians,
and passed to the AMSô Suite: Intelligent Device Manager for integrated
documentation and management.
"The Smart SIS safety
management solutions deliver the same ease of use and efficiencies for safety
in process facilities as the proven PlantWeb architecture does for mainstream
process automation," commented John Berra, president of Emerson Process
"PlantWeb Smart SIS
solutions use digital intelligence and automated proof testing, including
partial valve stroking, to enable continuous and on-demand diagnosing of safety
loop sensors, logic solvers and final control elements to ensure they perform
on demand," continued Berra. "The
resulting high reliability of safety systems reduces the risk of plant trips,
which keeps our customers up and running. At the same time, the approach minimises costly and risky practices of
ongoing manual proof tests."