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Catching the Bus!
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Fieldbus links on this site.
- New online community enables global exchange of fieldbus information - The Fieldbus Foundation (FF) has launched its new 'Fieldbus Forums,' a convenient, web-based interface to the latest FF news and technical information. The
Fieldbus Forums are a totally new approach to the foundation's original BBS system.
By establishing the Fieldbus Forums, the Fieldbus Foundation is continuing its tradition of openly sharing knowledge and experience related to fieldbus
technology. The forums provide an environment where members can participate in technology development teams, as well as exchange new ideas, tech tips, user feedback, event announcements and other useful information.
- For the Italian reader - We've just received a copy of Fieldbus & Networks over 100 pages of items and articles in Italian for the Italion user.
- English cricketing venes for ASi learning opportunities in 2004 - AS-Interface UK has announced details of next years ASi-tech Conference and Exhibition. The 2004 events are to be held at two venues, firstly on March 2th at the Riverside Park, home of Durham County Cricket Club, and then at Gloucestershire Cricket Club's Royal & Sun Alliance County Ground on March 4th. UK Chairman Geoff Hodgkinson said: "After the great success of the 2003 events held at Reading and Manchester where over 350 delegates attended our members deceided to take the show to the North East and the South West of England. Both these areas are untapped from an ASi-tech point of view and we anticipate a great deal of interest from automation users in both areas."
- New specifications define features that enhance fieldbus functionality - The Fieldbus Foundation has announced that an updated version of its fieldbus specifications is now available. The new specifications define features that enhance fieldbus functionality and provide additional incentives for automation equipment suppliers to get on the "Fast Track to Fieldbus."
- Fieldbus website installation - The customer had previously done his wiring using a terminal block solution. However, this application shows how the installation went with the use of Quick-Disconnect technology. These Fieldbus segments were installed in less than half the time it took using the terminal block solution. Plus it cost less to do in terms of component costs as enclosures, din rail, and other hardware was not needed.
- FF, HART and PNO collaboration enhances capabilities of Device Description Language - In an unprecedented collaborative effort,
three leading organizations dedicated to control network technology, the Fieldbus Foundation (FF), HART Communication Foundation (HCF) and <ProfiBua
Nutzerorganisation e.V. (PNO), have completed the initial phase of development for key extensions to Electronic Device Descriptions (EDD)
defined in the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61804-2 standard. IEC 61804-2 is the only international standard for device descriptions. Within FOUNDATION fieldbus, an EDD is referred to as a Device Description (DD).
The EDD enhancements, which were defined by a working group that included participants from ABB, Emerson Process Management, Endresss+Hauser,
FlowServe, Honeywell, Siemens, Yokogawa, and FF and HCF staff, are included in a draft specification that all three control industry organizations will
validate in a lab environment and integrate within their respective technologies. Building on the current IEC 61804-2 standard, the working group extended EDD to provide graphical visualization of data, improved data organization, and persistent data storage
- New bus engineering guide issued - The Fieldbus Foundation has announced the
release of its new Foundation fieldbus System Engineering Guide, a
comprehensive document describing the design, specification, installation,
configuration, commissioning and maintenance of Foundation fieldbus-based
control systems.
Prepared under the direction of the Fieldbus Foundation's End User Advisory
Council (EUAC), which is comprised of representatives from leading controls
and instrumentation end users around the world, the FOUNDATION fieldbus
System Engineering Guide describes standard industry practices for the
application FOUNDATION fieldbus H1 projects. Future updates will
incorporate guidelines for the installation and implementation of High Speed
Ethernet (HSE).
- FieldBus High-Speed Ethernet linking devices and plug and play PCI board introduced - Industrial process engineers can now extend plant-wide control applications to include Ethernet capabilities with the new National Instruments FBUS-HSE/H1 Fieldbus high-speed Ethernet (HSE) linking device. Using the linking device, engineers can fully integrate sensor, process, discrete, hybrid and batch control subsystems with higher level supervisory applications.
Their new NI PCI-FBUS/2 plug and play PCI board, which engineers can use to connect FOUNDATION Fieldbus devices more easily to new desktop PCs has also been introduced.
This eliminates challenges of configuring AT-FBUS boards with new computers that no longer offer ISA slots as a standard feature. Now, engineers can plug the PCI-FBUS board into any new desktop with a PCI slot and more easily run software without using a complex interface card.
This product has received an "Automation Excellence Award" from IAN Magazine (10th November 2003)
- Real time Profinet now and real time motion control solution on way! - A PROFInet real time extension for general automation applications is complete and now available, and a second PROFInet real time extension is also under way for high performance motion control applications.
The currently available solution is called Soft Real Time (SRT) and achieves cycle times of 5 to 10 msec to satisfiy the demands of factory automation. It is fully compatible with the TCP/IP Ethernet protocol and brings the industry's first real time solution to Ethernet users. The run time software has been completed and is now available for members of PROFIBUS International frm the website.
- Learn Ethernet facts at virtual university - Most individuals encounter
some difficulty when they're installing Ethernet-based systems. To deliver accurate information on this technology, Contemporary Controls has launched the virtual Industrial Ethernet University (IEU). George Thomas, President of Contemporary Controls, says that IEU will offer a single souce for key concepts about Industrial Ethernet. "Ethernet has made a strong impact in instrumentation, monitoring and control applications. Our goal is to increase the familiarity about this technology because more expertise is needed to ensure successful installations."
- Modbus Organization and IDA Join Forces - After a year of successful cooperation,
the Modbus Organization and IDA Group have decided to join forces in
recognition of the alignment of their goals and vision of the future of
industrial communication and automation. Modbus-IDA is the result of the
agreement between members of both organizations to form a single
Modbus-IDA will continue both organizations work in
the use of Internet technologies to integrate communications services, Web
functions, interoperability, and safety.
Modbus Organization, a U.S. nonprofit trade group, is a membership
organization of users and suppliers of Modbus-based devices.
IDA Group was formed in Germany and has been engaged in developing a
multivendor standard for distributed intelligence using Ethernet TCP/IP as
the universal communications standard.
- Application - Conveyor belt - This is an application for Device Net on a conveyer belt system sent us by Joseph Waszgis of Interlink BT, which supplies bus components for all of the major open buses.
- Fieldbus Wars - Encore? -
There is a groundswell movement toward Ethernet for industrial automation data networks. However, these networks are very different once you move above the IEEE 802.3 levels to the Application and User Layers. This is the battle for the control level networks, or what the Fieldbus committee called H2. We do see these control level networks based on Ethernet moving to the field, but not yet to the end device. Now with Ethernet celebrating its 30th birthday, are we ready for it to take over industrial automation? How will Ethernet become the defacto standard for industrial automation? Where is OPC in this picture? This panel has all of the experts to explore these questions, and show us how we can benefit from each of the competing protocols. It will be moderated by Dick Caro of CMC Associates (right) and will take place at ISA Expo 2003 on the morning of 23rd October.
- New publications - The HART Communication Foundation (HCF) has released two new HART educational tools the recently updated Complete HART Guide 3rd Edition CD-ROM and the all-new Power of HART Audio Training CD. The HART Guide CD is provided free of charge to industry users worldwide. The Power of HART CD is available to HCF member companies for a nominal fee.
- ARC Reports Fieldbus Adoption Skyrocketing - The Fieldbus Foundation reports that the ARC Advisory Group has issued a report indicating fieldbus adoption is skyrocketing among end users worldwide. They found that fieldbus-based control systems are being utilized on both large and small projects, and in a wide range of mission-critical applications, with Foundation fieldbus being the preferred technology in the process industries.
The ARC Insights report, dated July 23, 2003, was based on a survey of end users, OEMs, and system integrators from around the world. ARC asked survey respondents about the types of fieldbus protocols they are deploying, the kinds of applications where fieldbus is being used, and the perceived value and estimated payback of fieldbus technology.
- Communication seminar offers user-friendly approach to technology training - In an effort to increase opportunities for industry professionals to learn more about HART technology, the HART Communication Foundation (HCF) is offering a special 4-hour "Basics of HART" seminar presented by HCF Chief Engineer Wally Pratt. During a recent tour of Canada, Pratt received enthusiastic response from the nearly 200 representatives of major process industry companies who attended.
Ian Verhappen, Engineering Associate at Syncrude Canada Ltd. in Alberta, felt the seminar was a positive learning experience. "Our people came out of the seminar saying 'Super!' The maintenance technicians now have a better idea of how we can take advantage of our installed base of HART technology and where we can go with it in the future."
Those interested in sponsoring a Basics of HART seminar for their company or organization should contact the HCF U.S. offices at 512-794-0369, or email
- Key technology donated to Fieldbus Foundation - Emerson Process Management, in its commitment to open, interoperable standards, has donated "sample code" to the Fieldbus Foundation. The HSE sample code will help suppliers to speed their development of HSE Linking Devices and HSE devices. This sample code is available to the members of the FF as part of the HSE Packet Analyser Toolkit Professional (AT-442).
According to Stephen Mitchke, Fieldbus Foundation product manager-fieldbus products, "The AT-442 gives developers a royalty-free, licensed sample source code to jump-start HSE device development."
John Berra, president of Emerson Process Management, said, "Emerson has long demonstrated its commitment to open interoperable standards from the donation of HART technology to the HART Communication our leading role as master editor of the original OPC specification and first president of the OPC our donations of DDL technology plus control-in-the-field patents to the Fieldbus Foundation. Emerson will continue its dedication to develop open interoperable technologies for the value they deliver to process manufacturers."
- New HSE Packet Analyzer Toolkit Professional Now Available - The Fieldbus Foundation has announced the release of the High Speed Ethernet (HSE) Packet Analyzer Toolkit Professional (AT-442). The new professional version toolkit will help instrumentation developers take advantage of the growing, worldwide industry demand for HSE devices.
The AT-442 is the latest tool designed for use with the Fieldbus Foundation's best-in-class HSE technology. Running at 100 Mbit/s, HSE was voted "Product of the Year" by Control Engineering Magazine and named one of the "10 Best New Products" by the ARC Advisory Group. HSE supports subsystem interoperability, advanced control and batch hybrid automation, and enables "sensors to the boardroom" data integration. This provides end users with the Freedom to Choose and the Power to Integrate across the enterprise.
- Substantially upgraded book - Profibus International has published a substantially revised version of Manfred Popp's book about PROFIBUS. Now called "The New Rapid Way to PROFIBUS DP" the book - which runs to over 250 pages - includes in-depth coverage of many of the newer features of PROFIBUS DP including DP-V1 and DP-V2. Intended as a reference work for field device manufacturers, system designers and plant operators, the book explains many new topics such as acyclic data communication; extensions of IEC 61158 with regard to Isochronous Mode, Data Exchange Broadcast, Time Synchronisation and Redundancy; the PROFIdrive and PROFIsafe profiles and new features of the GSD specification.
- New book examines the landscape of industrial Ethernet, from devices and control networks on the factory floor to business systems in the corporate enterprise - Delmar Learning, a leader in educational resources for lifelong learning (part of The Thomson Corporation), has announced the availability of a technical overview of industrial Ethernet (iE) networking, providing standards-based information on the industrial adaptation of the popular Ethernet networking protocol now enjoying increasing use in manufacturing and process applications. To provide a common knowledgebase for IT and network professionals, control engineers, system integrators, plant/business management, and students, The Industrial Ethernet Networking Guide by Don Sterling and Steven Wissler, paints an in-depth picture of key iE technologies in view of the seven-layer OSI model. To provide additional perspective, readers are also shown how a data packet can be dissected with available "sniffer" software.
An explanation of components and systems (MES, ERP, etc.) describe how industrial Ethernet technologies can securely connect production and process data with manufacturing and business applications to improve productivity and create enterprise and supply-chain solutions. Thus, the book provides a unique view of iE's value as a tool facilitating data flow in manufacturing and enterprise systems to improve business decision-making, profitability, and agility. Mark Fondl, President and Founder of Network Vision Inc., states that, " "The Industrial Ethernet Networking Guide is the most comprehensive book on the market, and it is a must for anyone requiring both application and technical information on the subject."
- Highly dynamic motion control solution - Profibus International (PI) has begun work on the development of a highperformance realtime solution for highly dynamic motion control applications under PROFInet. By using SRT (Soft Realtime), PROFInet V2.Q has already taken the first step towards a powerful realtime solution that can achieve cycle times of 5 to 10 ins. This solution completely satisfies the demands of factory automation and is fully compatible with the TCP/IP-Standard. Starting in June 2003, the runtime software will be available as a download to P1 member companies visiting the PROFIBUS website.
- FF specs copyrighted to IEC - Fieldbus Foundation has provided a copyright to the FF Device Description Language (DDL) to the IEC for inclusion in the Electronic Device Description Language standard.
- New director links bus organization to Chinese standards organization - Modbus Organization, Inc., the newly formed nonprofit organization supporting the popular ModbusTM protocol, has announced the addition to its Board of Directors of Mr. Feng Xiaosheng. Mr. Feng is Chairman of the China TC of Industrial Process Measurement and Control, and Vice President of China Instrumentation Technology & Economy Institute (ITFI).
The ITEI, part of the Ministry of Machinery Industry, has broad responsibility for research, regulation, certification and policy in the field of industrial instrumentation in China. The new link with the Modbus Organization is reflective of an increasing interest in the adoption of open standards in China, and is being hailed by the organization as an important step forward in the further adoption of the Modbus protocol in Chinese industry.
Mr. Feng joins existing Modbus Organization directors Lynn Linse of Digi International, James Moyne of the University of Michigan, and Diego Areces of Schneider Automation. Ken Crater, founder of the Automation List and Inc., serves as president of the organization. Additional directors are being sought to make the organization broadly representative of the supplier, end user and integrator communities it serves.
- Fieldbus veteran launches new company -
Kurt Zech, former Fieldbus Foundation (FF) operations director and fieldbus technology veteran, has founded KI Engineering, LLC. The new global engineering services firm, based in Austin, Texas, benefits from Kurt's extensive, hands-on experience working with FOUNDATIONTM fieldbus and his 20+ year background in fieldbus, process control and electrical systems. His accomplishments range from engineering some of the first working Interoperable Systems Project bus segments in the early 1990s and directing FF beta testing at Monsanto's Chocolate Bayou, Texas, plant; to managing development of the FF Interoperability Test Kit and Conformance Test Kit, and overseeing worldwide training and the Host Interoperability Support Test.
- Ethernet Industrial Devices to Grow 84% Annually - Shipments of device-level industrial Ethernet products have been growing rapidly despite difficult conditions in automation markets. And, the future remains bright. The worldwide market for industrial Ethernet devices is expected to grow at a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 84.1 percent over the next five years. The market was 286.8 thousand nodes in 2002 and is forecasted to be over 6.06 million nodes in 2007, according to a new ARC Advisory Group study. "The market is now feeling the effect of the large number of Ethernet product introductions over the past two years. End users have been accumulating an experience base with these new products and volume should build substantially in 2003," according to Senior Analyst Harry Forbes, the principal author of ARC's "Ethernet at the Device Level Worldwide Outlook."
- International recognition for ProfiBus courses - The Certified ProfiBus Installer Course developed at Britain's Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) has been accredited by Profibus International for use
worldwide. Developed in response to the direct industry need for competent installation engineers, the one-day course is currently being translated into German and French and a training tour of South Africa has been organised by the Regional Profibus Association in South Africa. Taking place in January 2003, Installer Courses are running in Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg.
It is estimated that 95% of all fieldbus faults are concerned with wiring and installation problems. These installation problems occur in all fieldbus systems - not just Profibus. The Installer course aims to develop awareness of the common but easily avoided difficulties. It teaches how to design, layout and test Profibus networks, how to avoid common but frequent pitfalls. Competence is assessed at the end of the course by means of written and practical examination. Since the first course in October 2001, over 70 people have successfully graduated.
Fieldbus News in 2002!