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Internet Directory of Instrumentation and Controls

Instrumentation and Control News
See Archive Page for earlier news.

Book now for trip to InterKama
18th to 21st October 1999 from Ireland.

Meitheamh - 1999 - June


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Alan Reeve - 1942 -1998
We have just learned of the death of Alan Reeve, who died last July. He was well known as a Instrument Engineer and earlier as a Chemical Engineer on both sides of the Atlantic. For the previous 12 years he was associate editor of the British publication Control & Instrumention (C&I). He was a key mover in the ISA, InstMC and the Institute of Petroleum. He will be sadly missed. May he rest in peace.
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The Internet Directory of Instrumentation is the world wide Directory of Instrumentation and Control launched by BDI in May 1995.

The Instrumentation Signpost has interesting pointers for the I&C Professional.

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