Whether Automation? recognition & The elephant in the room!So just where is automation going? How is the future factory going to look? Is the vendor meeting the future requirements or are the manufacturers and processors up to date with new technology? And what does it all mean? These are questions examined in the leading article in this issue of Read-out. Irelands's Journal of Instrumentation, control & automation! A paper from Frost & Sullivan says, "Despite economic advantages, the emergence of hybrid products that combine PLC and DCS functionality has clouded end-user perception to a large extent, and it remains to be seen if this technical strategy yields expected results." In effect the Industrial Automation Market may be said to be at a cross roads. The annual Honours & Awards celebration of the Ireland Section of the International Society of Automation (ISA) was different this year in that it included a presentation of an award of the global scciety as well, to a Canadian member. André Michel, was the recipient of The Emerging Leader Award and this recognised his accomplishments and responsibilities which have contributed significantly to the Society and its organisational units despite been less than ten years a member. He was was unable to accept at the society event in October because of his reassignment to duties in Ireland. "The time has come to change or at least augment the way ambient particulates are monitored and regulated" says Jim Mills of Air Monitors in his article entitled "Black Carbon - The Elephant in the Room." "Historically, air quality legislation has been largely driven by human health issues and major advances have been achieved in developed countries. However, it is clear that whilst the focus on PM10/2.5 has resulted in major reductions in total airborne particulate; to date, fine particles have been largely ignored. Additional new monitoring standards based on BC would substantially help to address this issue and drive improvements that would both enhance human health and help in the fight against climate change. If we are to make progress on both fronts, we must recognise the elephant in the room and Black Carbon should become the new PM10." Among the many products featured in this issue is something different coming from from NetworkID. This is a new low-cost saving app called "Forget1850" which allows users of to access cheaper and sometimes free, landline numbers to the 1850/1890/0818 frequently touted as customer service contact numbers but which usually incur hidden or unrealised call charges. This is an enterprise of Colm Murphy in our local Institute of Technology (GMIT)....more A range from an Irish manufacturer is The CSEC1 and CSEC2 "Economy" temperature calibration sources which complement the existing Eurolec range of portable thermometers, probes, infrared thermometers and manometers.
The end of 2011 signalled a plethera of events, exhibitions & conferences and readers were directed to our reports on: The usual people section is also included in this issue. It is possible to advertise both in Read-out, Ireland's journal of instrumentation, control and automation, which circulates to approx 2500 named automation professionals throughout Ireland, and on the Read-out Instrumentation Signpost, which is visited by up to 6000 visitors per week. Rates (in Euro, Pounds Sterling or US Dollars) Read-out is generally distributed free of charge within Ireland but due to high distribution charges outside we regret a small charge is made for subscriptions in other countries. Subscriptions may be made using Paypal here. Our facebook "fan-page" lists most stories we receive even those not included in our printed publication. Who reads Read-out? [] Advertising Rates |
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