Innovators of the future and Abominable commitmentThe two news stories of the silly season!Late July and August are usually regarded as the silly season as far as news stories go but in almost all sectors, not only the financial and stockmarket, it proved to be one of the busiest seasons for a long time. The Read-out offices also experienced the hum of news incessantly coming down the internet pipeline. NI Week preview - an impression!The first story is based on the press conference held in July by National Instruments which prelaunched several new products to be unveilled a few weeks later at the annual NI Week event in the United States. In this article we concentrated on the equipment and philosophy of the company in the ducation of future engineers and scientists. We covered this in our blog Fostering discovery and innovation. This presentation was from NI's MD Robert Morton who said "Tools should not limit..students from becoming innovators ov the future". So often students are faced with dull theory and furmulae during their first year in third level education whereas if they were given tools and practical work they would be stimulated to achieve greatness!
Still more on Stuxnet
IndsideFront - ProfiEnergy Highlighted also is a series of automation and electrical workshops scheduled for Dublin in November. These include one entitled Practical Tuning of Industrial Control Loop and another called, very discriptively Testing and Commissioning of Electrical Switchboards , Circuit Breakers, Protective Relays, Cabl es and PLCs . These are organised by the well known international educational organisation IDC Technology. The also run interactive classes over the internet through their sister Engineering Institute of Technology (EIT). Critique - Book Review Jim Cahill, Emerson's inveterate blogger of repute, has a book review on the third edition of the book, Low-R ate Wireless Personal A rea Networks: Enabling Wireless Sensors With IEEE 802.15.4ª , a collaboration of JosŽ A. Gutierrez with Ludwig Winkel, Edgar H. Callaway, Jr., and Raymond L. Barrett, Jr. "This book will help you learn more about this important standard and its application in process control." he concludes.
...and the rest! In this isue are listed the Automation and Engineering events up to December including the EFMExpo scheduled for Cork in September and October's 2nd ISA Automation Week Event for Mobile Alabama USA, both of which will be attended by Read-out. Among several several items on new products and company news announced recently
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