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Samhain - 1999 - November
- Display Station combines powerful touch-screen Operator Interface and HMI facilities - GE Fanuc has expanded its range of rugged Operator Interfaces with the addition of its new CIMPLICITY¨ Display Station 2020 touch-screen model which combines powerful HMI facilities with Pentium processing power and Windows NT in a compact solution ideal for a wide variety industrial control systems
- Instrumentation proposals - A call for research proposals relating to "instrumentation " is foreseen for the 15th December 1999 in the Generic Activity of "Measurement and Testing" in the GROWTH Programme of the European Commmission. The proposed research should develop new and improved instrumentation and measuring systems, including embedded software. The capabilities should be defined through the end-users' demands on performance and reliability, with built in intelligence appropriate to the application.
 - Training newsletter - P&L Automatik developers of the LearnWare tutorial system, has issued newsletter with applications and references for their various courses.
- Virus disrupts computer manufacture - Dell Computer had to stop production at its Limerick plants when it was discovered that a virus had found its way into the software which was being loaded on to each new machine. It was estimated that some 12,000 computers were affected, with 500 already having reached customers. At least two days' production was lost while the "FunLove" virus was being removed.
- Oldest working Luminaire discovered - To celebrate the 25 anniversary of their Lumiglas¨ range of Process Observation Equipment, Visilume Ltd recently ran a competition to locate the oldest working luminaire still in use. Entries were invited from owners, operators or maintainers of process observation luminaires in either 'EX' or Safe Area models. At the end of the competition, the prize was awarded to Mr Michael Burn of North Shields (England) based Elfab Ltd, who operate a 20 year old "Lumistar" combination sight/light port on a pressure vessel.
- New link and website - One of Ireland's leading industrial maintenance companies has launched a new web site. ESS Ltd have also announced a link up with IMMS - International Maintenance Management Specialists.
- 10 volt linear power supply - Calex Electronics Ltd announces the CM1 .10.400 linear power supply. The CMI .10.400 provides a tightly regulated 10 Volt output @ 400mA. Input options are 100,110, 220, 230 and 24OVac input voltages. The CMI.10.400 is ideal as a transducer excitation source. For example, since the CM1 .10.400 provides up to 4OOmA, the supply is easily capable of driving eight 350 ohm bridge load cells as would typically be found on a truck weighing platform. Interference with sensitive analogue circuitry is minimized since the CMI.1O.400 uses a linear power supply topology.
- Revolutionary new EMC concept - Schaffner has launched a unique EMC filter for use with AC inverters in motor drive applications. By combining optimally-matched input and output filters within a single module, the new FN 5100 'No-Shield' filter eliminates virtually all the EMC-related problems of new or upgraded AC inverter/motor drive installations. The FN 5100 allows the use of screened or unscreened mains and motor connection cables, reduces motor stress, and provides a highly effective means of suppressing electromagnetic interference caused by fast-switching semiconductors. It also facilitates the use of cables of unprecedented length up to 200 metres screened and up to 600 metres unscreened - making it extremely costeffective for applications involving long individual or paralleled cable runs.
 - Ireland wins "Best of Show Award" at Sensors Expo! - Sensorlink, a wireless telemetry system by TSM (part of the ESI Group) with its manufacturing unit in Coleraine in Northern Ireland, lets you send data from any sensor to any data logger or readout device. It features miniature microprocessors and digital circuitry, which offer completely encoded data transmission that is safe and error-free. This unit exemplifies the trend of integrating wireless communications and sensing.
- New flowmeter module - Spectrum Controls, demonstrated their new 5OKHz Counter/Flowmeter input module specifically for the Allen-Bradley SLC5OO PLC at ISA Tech '99 last month. The module was offered in two configurations. The 1746sc-CTR8 has 8 input channels and the 1746sc-CTR4, which is a 4 input channel version. It is designed to be used in a broad base of applications including flow measurement, process frequency and count measurement, and meter proving,. The module offers high channel density and performance relative to existing offerings and has an excellent price/performance ratio.
- Purchasers of measurement instruments place disproportionate value on low up-front costs - According to a series of new reports ("The European Measurement instrument Series") from Datamonitor, purchasers of measurement instruments in Europe still set a disproportionate value on low upfront costs, rather than considering whole-life costs as many manufacturers would prefer. This is despite the fact that the initial purchase price typically accounts for less than one-third the overall cost of an instrument.
- Vacuum pump inlet trap - A high capacity, three-stage vacuum pump inlet trap that features new straight-through flanges, along with the conventional right angle design, is being introduced by MV Products. It is a three stage inlet or exhaust trap with a large knock down stage and two separate stages with five user selectable filter elements in each to protect vacuum systems from corrosive and abrasive particles. Featuring an all stainless steel housing with straight-through or right angle flanges and a variety of adapters, it can be custom configured to integrate into virtually all semiconductor wafer processing systems.
IEE honours George Turnbull - Dr George Turnbull, ICS Group Technical Director, has been awarded the lEE's Control Division Achievement Medal for 1999. Only one Control Division Achievement Medal, which is the senior award made by the Division, is given annually. The award is made to honour an individual of outstanding merit who has made a very significant contribution to a relevant field and whose influence has been sustained and recognised over a period of time.
- New accelerometer - Endevco has launched a new low impedance output piezoelectric accelerometer with integral electronics that is designed for low g, low frequency modal measurements.
- A bright idea - Red Lion has introduced its new TX operator interface which provides the brightest and highest colour saturation touchscreen display currently available. Designed for industrial applications, particularly in the process and control arenas, the TX uses a thin film transistor display, with twin tube backlighting, to give stunning resolution to its 640 x 480 VGA, 10.4 inch display.
- Machine safety: the full picture - Crouzet has announced a comprehensive new machine safety range that includes safety switches, guard solenoid interlocks, safety relays and accessories. Complete safety systems can now be built using Crouzet components, offering the advantages of one-stop shopping, guaranteed compatibility and conformity with European safety regulations. Compact size, high specification and ease of wiring, combined with ultra-competitive pricing means that Crouzet redefines total machine safety costs compared to current market expectations.
- On-line viscometers application - Following extensive trials, Elf Atoglas, manufacturer of over 25% of the world's acrylic sheet, is installing Solartron 7827 on-line process viscometers on all its polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) reactor vessels at Leeuwarden, Holland through local systems house ThIS Anallytical. During trials on a single reactor vessel, a 7827 identified the optimum polymerisation point every time, ensuring 100% product quality for the manufacturer. Elimination of costly rework has enabled a 10% increase in reactor output, providing accrued operating savings sufficient to pay for the unit in well under a year.
- The muse strikes again - Jim Pinto, Poet Laureat of Automation has now penned The Legal Mugging of Microsoft.
- Interkama - another view -
A Canadian view of Interkama is published in Manufacturing AUTOMATION, Canada's leading automation periodical.
- EMS Market penetrated - USDATA Corporation, a global manufacturing software solutions supplier, today announced that Jabil Circuit, one of the world's largest electronics manufacturing service providers, has adopted USDATA's manufacturing execution system (MES), Xfactory, as its worldwide standard for its global manufacturing facilities. Power Engineers (Hailey, Idaho), a USDATA Certified Integration Partner, has been awarded the contract to implement the first installation of the global roll-out commencing in Auburn Hills, Michigan.
- VME Mass Storage Module with CD-ROM Drive - Concurrent Technologies has released its latest Mass Storage Module for VME users. This latest module includes support for a CD-ROM Drive. The DS MSS/IFP is a VME form-factor board supporting a variety of EIDE peripheral devices (including Flash Disks) and a 3.5inch floppy disk drive. Up to 3 devices can be installed on the board within a single slot. For a please visit
Product Data Sheet (pdf)
and Photo
- PLCs' for OEM industry - Auto Log 20, the latest model of AutoLog product family from FF-Automation Oy, is designed mainly for OEM markets for equipment and machine manufactures. Due to its' good communication capabilities it can also be used as a part of other distributed control systems.
- VME Mass Storage Module with CD-ROM Drive - Concurrent Technologies has released its latest Mass Storage Module for VME users. This latest module includes support for a CD-ROM Drive. The DS MSS/IFP is a VME form-factor board supporting a variety of EIDE peripheral devices (including Flash Disks) and a 3.5inch floppy disk drive. Up to 3 devices can be installed on the board within a single slot.
- Improved combustion and reduced emIssions when Oxygen and CO are monitored - A paper given at the ISA conference in Philadelphia by Stephen Firth Ph.D. of Servomex Group shoved that monitoring both oxygen levels and low-range carbon monoxide levels in a combustion process can improve combustion efficiency, thereby reducing costs, and also reduce emissions. Dr Firth explained that CO has not usually been used as a control parameter in the past because infrared analysers lack sufficiently fast response for combustion applications and pelistor-based CO analysis is not sufficiently sensitive.
- Major changes in M&C magazine - We understand that after 30 years, the entire Pittsburgh based staff of Measurements and Control have been let go. The original owners, Measurements and Data Corp in Florida, apparantly have decided to publish the magazine from there themselves.
- Serial communications products off the web -
B&B Electronics a US company specialising in serial communication, has recently opened a European support centre in Galway. B&B Electronics designs and manufactures a broad range of RS232 / 422 / 485 products, including protocol converters and serial multi port I/O cards. The bulk of their business is contracted over the internet.
- Intelligence continues in control- We understand that Jack Grenard has finally found a new home for his long running and widely respected Industrial Controls Intelligence and The PLC insider's Newsletter with James Heaton's KVQuest Management Information Service Organisation. The newsletter will now be edited by Audra Lungo and Katrina Snyder, with Jack maintaining an involvement as Editor Emeritus.
We got the above story from the British based SCADA Insider which is a very good source of hard information and soft gossip and perceptive insights. Its very English approach makes it a useful resource into reading what our industry is doing in that huge market. The latest issue (November) has some well observed reports of Interkama, ISA-Tech and the British CIM Shows. If you want an ear to the British ground then it is worth taking out a subscription!
- EHEDG Certificate - The European Hygienic Equipment Design Group (EHEDG) tested in-line seals from WIKA concerning their hygienic design and judged the possibilities for use. The criteria of test methods were developed from food producers as well as from machine manufacturers and they are known as guidelines for the appropriate design of hygienic equipment. For every criteria, WIKA in-line seals got the unrestricted recommendation from the EHEDG proving the high quality level of these products.
- Patant awarded -
Control Technology Corporation has been awarded a US Patent for its new machine controllers with integrated webserver capability. At the same time, the company announced a new registered trademark,, for controllers incorporating this patented technology.
- Onboard - 'Onboard @SST' is the name of the Newsletter of SST a leader in industrial communications and connectivity. The latest issue highlights an application stoiry on how an embedded network solution helps device manufacturwers as well as company news and some practical non-vendor specific advice. You can sign-up for your own copy at www.sstech, and tell them Readout sent you!.
- New President - The shareholders of GE Fanuc Automation Corporation have announced the successor to Mr Werner P. Rieben, President and CEO, GE Fanuc Automation Europe SA, who retires on 30 September 1999. Mr David Avrell, currently senior vice president Europe, responsible for the company’s computer numerical controls (CNC) business has been appointed as the next President and CEO.
- New MES/ERP Connector - USDATA Corporation announced its new product, USDATA Connectorª, which connects USDATA Xfactoryª object modeling MES (Manufacturing Execution System) with SAP R/3. The Connector provides a seamless supply chain solution to the plant floor. It is based on Compaq's new Enterprise Application Integrator, BusinessBus and the vendor-neutral Open Applications Group Integration Specification.
Marketed in Britain by Wizard Information Systems
- Tough little valve for Europe - Customer demand throughout Europe has led to the launch of a new version of the "Little Scotty" Control Valve. Produced by Baumann Control Valves (a wholly owned Fisher-Rosemount company), the device is based on their hugely successful screwed bronze valve.
- Low-cost Telemetry Solutions - Westermo Data Communications has developed robust fu/lv- featured modem to support BT's SecureStream 3OOT~ Network The SecureStream 300 network is based on the old Telex network and consequently runs at 3OObit/s. This network is ideal for users who wish to retrieve regular but small amounts of data from remote sites - for example telemetry applications.
- Interkama again - Interkama is now sceduling a two year cycle and the exhibition will be shortened by one day. The date for your calendar is 25 - 29th September 2001. Interkama§ is organised by Messe Duesseldorf.
See our Exhibitions Page
- German distributor appointed - Automsoft International is pleased to announce that Trebing & Himstedt will distribute its RAPID Historian software suite in Germany. The distribution deal was cemented at October's Interkama.
- Addition of MEHQ to Acrylonitrile - Notes on the use of a diode array process analyser in this application have been published by Applied Analytics, Inc.
- New flow calibration software - Flow Technology, Inc. today announced the release of Calware, a new generation flow calibration software program that simplifies and enhances the control and monitoring capabilities of primary and secondary standard calibration systems.
- HMIs have doubled memory and four times faster processing - Enhanced operating benefits of new Series 3 Quickpanel intelligent operator interfaces from Total Control Products, a division of GE Fanuc Automation Europe, include twice the memory facility and a four times faster processing power than previous HMIs.
- Fastest oscilloscope for PXI /CompactPCl launched - National Instruments has announced a 100 MHz oscilloscope for PXI and CompactPCl-based measurement and automation Systems. The new NI 5112 scope features deep onboard acquisition memory, wide analogue bandwidth, and a large analogue input range, making it ideal for automated test equipment (ATE) and production test applications.
- Patent to help ladder logic programmers - Steeplechase Software, Inc., the PC-based control company, has announced its newest patent (issued by the US Patent & Trademark Office) for Extended relay ladder logic for programmable logic controllers. The company's hallmark product, the Visual Logic Controller? (VLC) for logic and motion control, enables programmers to program in both flow charts and ladder logic.
- Virtual interface software
increases the versatility of mass flow controllers - Unit Instruments has released new virtual interface software for its MultiFlo range of digital mass flow controllers (MFCs). The package provides access to the enhanced performance and flexibility of digital control, allowing users to increase equipment up-time and reduce inventory costs by taking advantage of in-situ programming, monitoring, diagnostics and troubleshooting capabilities.
Background information. Unit Instruments is a business unit of Kinetics.
Kinetics, acquired last year by USFilter, is one of the largest providers of high-purity and mechanical process systems in the world. United States Filter Corporation is the leading global provider of commercial, industrial, municipal and residential water and wastewater treatment systems, products and services.
- Cost/benifit model for open automation controls - The Business Justification Working Group within the OMAC Users Group has released a draft version of its effort to deliver a quantifiable cost/benefit model for open automation controls. Find out more from Control Engineering Sr. Editor Gary Mintchell.
Published in ICSnews