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Open Solutions for Process and Manufacturing Automation, OSPMA-FieldComms'99 News. This is the expanded FieldCommsUK.
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18th to 21st October 1999 from Ireland.
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- Industrial communication catalogue - The Softing Industrial Communications Protuct Catalogue contains a summary of the products and services from this innovative company. It also contains a fascinating breakdown of the website of the company giving a map of the contents on one page.
- Long time no see - After a one-off four-year break, manufacturers, users and scientists are now gearing up for InterKama '99. From 18 - 23 October 1999, automation experts from all over the world will converge on Duesseldorf for the sector's No. 1 fair.
InterKama has again undergone a number of changes. As well as the core fields of measurement and control technology and more recently industrial communications, it now includes more in the way of software solutions for industrial applications and services. This huge show thus reflects the advancing trend towards integrated solutions for the user.
As part of the service to our readers The Instrumentation Signpost has opened a new page with news of exhibitors and other happenings in connection of this the last truly international show of the second millennium! This page is our Interkama News Page.
- European fieldbus market - In a recent survey by the market analysis company Datamonitor, AS-Interface was found to have increased its share of the European Fieldbus market to 7% to became the 4th most popular networking system in Europe. AS-i has announced a specification update designed to widen the market for AS-Interface in automation applications. The extended Version 2.1 specification includes new profiles for the transmission of analogue signals as easily as binary data.
More information on the survey may be found on our Fieldbus Page.
- Software increases yields and reduces variability of fermentation processes - Gensym Corporation, a leading provider of intelligent operations management software and services, announced today the availability of G2 Fermentation Expert 2.0. Primarily targeted for the pharmaceutical, food, and beverage industries, G2 Fermentation Expert helps increase yields and reduce variability of
fermentation processes through its advanced modeling and control capabilities.
- JUST PUBLISHED - by email gives the latest IEC publications issued
from 16 August to 27 August 1999. To order publications. Visit the IEC Web Store (some 1300 publications are downloadable). Publications may also be ordered from your national committee and other approved sales outlets.
- PCI analyzer and exerciser for 64-bit 66 MHz PCI -
VMETRO is announcing a new member of its popular Bus Analyzer family: The PBT-515 PCI Bus Analyzer & Exerciser. With its sampling speed up to 66.7 MHz, optionally 500 MHz, and the optional state trace buffer expansion up to 8Msamples it is the fastest and the deepest PCI Bus Analyzer in the industry. Together with a number of other significant improvements, this new product strengthens VMETRO's position as the leading supplier of bus analyzer products for industry standard buses.
- SCSI is Still a Winner - SCSI continues to lead the way as the most widely used interface after IDE, especially now that previous bottlenecks have been eradicated in the new standards. With the CP360, PEP Modular Computers has introduced the first UItra2 Wide SCSI host adapter for CompactPCl applications that supports SCSI-1, SCSI-2 and also the latest SCSI-3 The CP360 provides cost saving, rapid bus rates and improved reIiabiIity
- Multi-functional transformer tester can take any knocks -
A single instrument for testing fixed current transformers as well as power and voltage transformers, the DTR-8500 digital ratiometer from Chauvin Arnoux can be used in the most stringent operating conditions, due to the impermeability of its fully shockproof case.
- Selling made easy using new currency - The introduction of the Euro earlier this year made marketing in the 11 states which are participating a much simpler business. National Instruments, the worldwide measuerement and automation company have taken full advantage of this in producing a price list in Euro. This price list, which may be used in tandem with their 1999 catalogue has been valid since March. The countries covered are Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Spain and Portugal.
- HART in the heart of Europe! - The HART Communications Foundation has located an European centre in Basel, Switzerland. Jean-Luc Griesman heads this new office.
see also our Fieldbus Page
- New e-commerce site - Cahners Manufacturing Group recendy introduced IndustryStore, an online commerce site offering manufacturing-specific books at discount prices. It features tides relating to all aspects of manufacturing, engineering, and product development
- New Software development centre - Raytheon Systems Ltd announced plans to establish a software development centre in Derry with recruitment to start immediately. The company expects to have more than a dozen employees in place before the end of the year, and up to 150 over the next three years. The centre will support a variety of Raytheon's electronics programs, including air traffic control systems for European and other airports.
- What is PC104 and why might I be interested in it? - This is a question asked in the latest issue of the SoftPLC newsletter.PC104 is an industrial computer bus that is compact, rugged, and inexpensive. The name comes from "PC" meaning, well you know what PC means, and "104" which is the number of pins on the bus. The bus is electrically the same as the PC ISA bus, but the physical form factor is more compact and vibration resistant. PC104 cards stack together like a deck of cards. Mounting studs allow you to mount the entire assembly inside an enclosure of your choice. Ventilation is typically quite good, and most systems will not have a fan.
- Protocol booth to focus on user needs - Concidentally with the current discussion on the ISA's Intech Mail List, the Fieldbus Foundation's exhibit at ISA Tech'99, (Philadelphia, PA, USA, Oct 5-7), will focus on the needs of controls and instrumentation end users planning to install fieldbus technology. The exhibit (booth #119) will be located in the "Networking and Communications" area which is part of the ISATech'99 Technology Centre Displays.
- Toxic Gas Safety - The New Monicon TIDO Toxic Transmitter created quite a stir when it was successfully launched at SEMICON EUROPA, in Munich this year. In contrast to the more conventional toxic gas detectors available in the market place, Monicon set itself the task of producing a considerably reduced-sized detector, with no compromise on specification.Ask for a copy of their newsletter "Monicon News" on
- ProfiBus master module released - SST, part of Woodhead Connectivity, announces the release of a ProfiBus Master module for SST's UCS (Universal Communication System). UCS provides device manufacturers with an open architecture embedded fieldbus solution for global customer networking demands.
- Software Reduces Valve Wear - The new version of ExperTune shows how to reduce control valve wear extending valve life and useful valve service time. ExperTune calulates optimal PV filtering and optimal PID values to reduce the valve travel and reversals for less valve maintenance cost. Lets you replace and rebuild valves less often.
- Flow Metering in practice - is the title of a one day seminar being organised by WIB - Intrnational Instrument Users Association and the TNO Institute of Applied Physics in Delft, the Netherlands. The variety of presentations, demonstrations and poster sessions make this seminar an excellent forum for sharing knowledge and experience of the latest progress in the field of flow metering. Manufacturers, operators, engineering contractors and knowledge providers are invited to participate in this challenge. It is scheduled for 20th September 1999.
- Safety from Ireland - Pilz, the German based market leader in safety technology for industrial automation, have opened a subsidiary in Ireland to support their customers in deploying Pilz Safety and Automation technology. Safety technology has evolved significantly since the emergence of thir first emergency stop relay in 1987 and the product range has broadened to include Programmable Safety Systems and SafetyBUS p. Correct utilisation of this technology results in improved protection of both man and machine, the reduction of accidents at work and work-related ill-health and the reduction of cost in compensation, lost output, machinery damage and insurance premiums. The Irish facility will provide software development, manufacturing as well as customer support.
- New generation of elastomer-sealed digital mass flow controllers doubles life - Unit Instruments has announced a new generation of elastomer-sealed digital mass flow controllers (MFCs). Called series 8100, the range offers high performance and reliability for non-corrosive and non-ultraclean process gas applications for flows of 5sccm to 30slm. The new instruments feature proven performance and reliability technologies found in high specification metal-sealed MFCs, to provide ultra-low drift of less than 0.6% per year and a projected MTBF of 380,000 hours. This effectively doubles product life compared to conventional elastomer-sealed MFCs, reducing malntenance costs and increasing uptime.
- On-Line catalogue, new relay textbook and relay price quotation and sample
ordering system added to web site - Speeding end-user access to its wealth of relay resources, Matsushita Automation Controls has added four new innovative functions to its worldwide web site.
- New soft-logic functionality to Windows NT - PC Soft International has announced the release of Version 2.0 of its PLC replacement software for PCs, WizPLC. The new version executes program logic 20 times faster, allows on-line configuration and changes, and adds failsafe features for program and I/O (input/output device) control. WizPLC is currently used in hundreds of applications around the world for discrete control of machines, transportation, building automation, refrigeration, and manufacturing.
- Universal use of panelmeters with digital and analog output - linkable up to 100 instruments - The ALMEMO-panel mounted instruments of Ahlborn can be used for all measured variables. The parameters of the sensors are programmed in the EE-Prom of the connector. This patented measuring method enables an universal use in most parts of the industry. All inputs and outputs are galvanically separated from each other and offer therefore a high measuring safety. Switch operations or event markings are possible with 2 limiting values (one opener and closer each).
- Confusing terminology - Terminology can be quite confusing within the industrial computing industry, especially when it comes to agent technology. Learn about the differences between intelligent agents, cyber surrogate agent, expert assistant agents, and mobile agents in this month's column, "Objects with Attitude: A discourse on agent technology," from ICS board member and software program manager at the NCMS, Tony Haynes.
See also our Acronyms Page
- Great gas off Ireland - Enterprise Oil's ongoing test explorations of the Corrib gas field indicate that the area is rich in gas, and has demonstrated sufficient reserves for the company to begin developing feasibility studies on how best to bring the gas ashore. A second test well, at the southern limit of the field, produced encouraging results with a flow in excess of the capacity of the test equipment.
- Ottowa meeting produces result - The result of the IEC's Working Group 6 in Canada last month is a CENELEC-like solution according to a report in SCADA Insider reported in the Developments column of our Fieldbus Page.
- Configure and Order Complete PXI Systems Over the Web - National Instruments has announced a new online utility that simplifies the selection of chassis and modules needed to build a PXI/CompactPCl-based measurement and automation system PXI Configurator, located on the National Instruments Web site at www.natmstcom/pxiconfig leads users through a series of questions such as chassis type, processor type, processor speed and memory Users then select and place PXI modules into a chassis graphically. System developers can use PM Configurator to print a graphical image of a system, export an image for use in other documents, or generate an online order for the system.
- Too much pressure! - Specifically designed for over-pressure relief in sanitary/aseptic process applications, British company Elfab has developed the new Bio-Guard bursting disc. Designed to burst open at a specific pressure, it relieves potentially dangerous pressure build-up within the pipework of process plant in industries such as pharmaceutical manufacturing and biochemical engineering.
- Africans eradicate killer bug - Moore Process Automation Solutions is in a race against time to beat the Millennium bug at a South African metals refinery, by designing, installing and commissioning a process control system with 5000 input/output channels in under six months.
On hand for the Millennium - In Europe too Mitsubishi Electric Europe has announced a special extension to its Diamond Service customer care package to cover all critical dates relating to the Millennium bug with instant access to dedicated engineers, 24 hours a day. The package is designed to offer peace of mind and confidence over what could be a very difficult period for companies, particularly those reliant on computers, electronic equipment and data sources.
See more information on Year 2000 Bug problems on our Y2K Page
- New user-friendly website - Bustronic Corporation, an industry leading designer and manufacturer of high performance backplanes, has just announced the launch of its redesigned website. The enhanced website offers users increased product information, including technical specifications and detailed line drawings of backplanes in various bus architectures. In addition, Bustronic's streamlined website features improved navigation capabilities, links to related industry websites and up-to-date corporate information.
- "ICS Recovers ", - that's the headline of an Investors' Chronicle article that continues: "Safety and Control Systems supplier ICS is back in the black." The article goes on to say, "it looks as though it could make a profit of £4.5M this year - BUY!"
Chief Executive Geoff Withrington confirms that the group which comprises ICS Triplex (Fault tolerant control and safety systems), Transmitton (SCADA) and MAX Controls (DCS) is in good shape: "The restructuring of the ICS Group is now complete. In each of the Divisions the research and development teams have completed projects which enable us to offer state of the art technology in all of the markets which we operate in. The Group is now poised for significant growth."
- New features to be announced at British show - Automsoft International will launch new exciting features to their Rapid Historian time and batch historian database at the UK's CIM99 show in October. These will include logging in excess of 20,000 events per second, easy retrieval of new items from OPC servers and the ability to export data direct to MS Eccel through the enhanced Rapid Historian HDA client.
- Complete PC on a DIN Rail - Now available from PEP Modular Computers is the Rotec VisionCompact range of cost effective PCs mounted on a DIN rail. Although small and compact these modules integrate all the standard functions of a PC including fieldbus interfaces for local and remote extensions. The VisionCompact PC along with the powerful VisionControl software is the ideal solution for automation tasks including communication, visualisation and control.
- Want to attend a boot-camp? - Synergetic Micro Systems and Device Bus Integration have begun offering a series of DeviceNet Boot Camp(SM) training courses for end users, system integrators, and OEMs who must successfully design, install and maintain DeviceNet systems.
Upcoming dates include:
- September 27-29, 1999 in Chicago, Illinois
- November 8-10, 1999 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
- On-line resource to help find solutions to flow measurement applications - Flow Technology, Inc. has unveiled an Internet-based resource on their site, which is intended to help users in the process, aerospace, automotive and metrology industries find solutions to unique or problematic flow measurement applications.
- Ethernet Mail-List - The Industrial Ethernet Association has started an automated Email Discussion List by which standards
will be created for using Industrial Ethernet as a fieldbus. To join the E-mail list, visit and access a signup menu at the home page.
- New high speed simultaneous sampling 16-bit A/D board for compactPCI - The CPCI-ADADIO board from General Standards Corporation provides 16-Bit Resolution on 8 analog input channels. All 8 channels are simultaneously sampled at up to 200 KHz (Providing an aggregate sample rate of 1,600,000 samples per second) and the resulting digital data is stored in a 32,000 sample deep FIFO. A unique On-board integral EMI shield over the analog components reduces the radiated EMI from the Host CPU.
- First embedded NT product to integrate hard real-time control on a compact industrial PC - Steeplechase Software, has announced the availability of the first embedded NT product specifically designed to meet the needs of embedded industrial applications. With this reduced footprint product, which supports the Windows NT Embedded operating system, Steeplechase is able to address the embedded controller arena as well as the lower end PLC replacement market.
- Latest from Intech - Among the items in this month's Intech, ISA's monthly journal, is Get out on the Y2K highway--now - Make a wrong turn, though, and your systems may be running on 32 January 2000.
- Intelligent Operations Management Solutions - Imagine if your best player could play every position! This is the theme which runs through the solutions being shown on the Gensym (NASDAQ: GNSM) stand at Interkama '99. They will be demonstrating intelligent systems, which enable organizations to capture their best experts' process knowledge, combine it with real-time data, and put it on line to effectively manage their entire operation. Special emphasis will be put on new solution offerings like G2 Fermentation Expert, NeurOn-Line Studio and D-SCOR. Several Gensym Solution Partners will demonstrate their G2-based solutions also.

These are two Galway Bay Hookers in full sail as they head towards Kinvara for the annual Cruiniú na mBád (Meeting of the boats). Picture filched from Magpie, "your essential guide to the west."
The site is mantained by Eoin Ó Riain and any suggestions or thoughts are more than welcome. Suggestions should be mailed to