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Instrumentation and Control News
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Marta - 2000 - March
- Software selected - Tuff Automation, has standardized on Steeplechase software for control of its High Speed Sortation systems. Steeplechas PC-based control was selected over more traditional Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) based on its faster design time, flexibility, power, and adaptability. They have also selected Phoenix Contact InterBus, which complements Steeplechase with its fast scan rate and one-day machine installation at the plant.
- Paten infringement alledged - Rosemount division of Emerson Electric has filed a suit against Ohmart/Vega for infringement of their US patent for a Two-wire-level Transmitter. This patent concerns a microwave-level transmitter that takes all of its power from the two-wire transmission loop wiring. The novel feature of this transmitter is the low-power microwave technology that allows power to be drawn from the instrumentation transmission loop, which is claimed by the patent.
From ARC's news and analysis
- 600MHz Pentium¨ III single-slot VME CPU board
- Concurrent Technologies has released its second single slot VME board based on Intel's new Flip-Chip Pentium III processor. The VP PSE/P32 is a high performance, versatile CPU board, with a variety of extra
features. It is an ideal choice as the central processing unit for
applications in the telecommunications, industrial, defense, medical and
aerospace markets.
- C&I 2000 withdrawn from the market - Control & Instrumentation 2000 has been withdrawn and will not take place on 9-11th May at the NEC, Birmingham. The reason for withdrawing C&I exhibition acording to a statement is: "It has become increasingly clear that the current and future market requirements of both visitors and exhibitors are changing. Centaur feels that the C&I Exhibition can not easily accommodate these changes and is therefore in danger of losing its’ focus and relevance."
The organisers intend to launch a comprehensive event to be run in May 2001, called Integrated Manufacturing Solutions.
- Internet usage rises in Ireland - Irish Internet usage has risen sharply, according to Amarach Consulting. In a recent survey, 22% of adults now claim to use the Internet, up from 17% in October 1998. The Irish Times website is the most popular site, followed by Ireland on-Line.
- Scalable Visualization Software Leverages
Real-time Data and Internet - Now Runs Linux - eMation Inc. announced the next phase in its
program to offer Internet-enabled visualization software that will work on
any operating system throughout an enterprise. Following successful
launches of Unity on Windows NT and Windows CE, eMation now announces
support for the Linux operating system. The new Unity model runs on Windows
NT server or Linux and forms the logical connection point between real-time
data and web users or e-Business systems.
- Unprecedented demand for fieldbus training -
Fieldbus training arranged by Fisher-Rosemount at their Leicester (England) plant has been five times over-subscribed. The demand for these "Hands-on" sessions arises from the increased application of PlantWeb/Fieldbus technology in the process industries. "Fieldbus is delivering cash returns to our customers, leading to exponential growth" said Travis Hesketh. Project Sales Manager.
Support - SoftPLC Corporation has announced that support is now available for the fine new Borland C++ 5.5 free command line compiler tools. The Borland 5.5 Win32 compiler is now one of the few compilers supported in the SoftPLC C++ Toolkit. Start here to download your free copy of the Borland command line
compiler and toolset
The International Fair for Measurement, Instrumentation and Automation - MICONEX) - returns to Beijing this year to scale greater heights from 11 to 14 September at the China International Exhibition Centre. MICONEX 2000 is co-organized by the China Instrument Society and Messe Dusseldorf Asia with the support of Messe Dusseldorf in Germany, the organizer for INTERKAMA - the world's no.1 trade fair on Solutions for Production and Business Process Automation.
- Latest from T&D World - T&D World Expo 2000 (April 26-28 at Cincinnati, USA), where prominent business leaders and technology experts predict the future of transmission and distribution. Full details of these speakers on their Events Page.
- Satellite communications time stamp safety system events to I mS - ICS Triplex has announced an satellite linked events timing system accurate to1 mS for the Trusted TMR((Triple Modular Redundant) critical control and safety system. The IRIG-B compliant timing system uses satellite sourced information to maintain 1 mS accurate synchronisation of timings even across geographically widely distributed systems. Armed with system wide sequence of events time stamps to beffer than 1 mS, safety and control engineers can determine cause of trips and other plant events with far greater certainty than previously.
All-digital 1kVA servo controller for low-power automation market -
Parker Hannifin's Electromechanical Division has launched an all-digital 1kVA servo controller that is set to significantly increase the use of this type of advanced technology in low-power automation applications.
- Radiometer/photometer system performs visible and radiometric measurements - A versatile radiometer/photometer system that includes an optical bench post, detectors, diffusers, and filters for quantifying a wide range of measurements in specific light units is available from International Light, Inc.
- British publisher buys US magazine -
Desalination & Water Reuse Quarterly (D&WR) has a new owner. The American magazine has been bought by Faversham House Group, publisher of Britain's Water & Waste Treatment. D&WR joins Faversham House's stable of water and environmental magazines, including World Water & Environmental Engineering and Water Products.
- The future of industrial control just opened......wide! -
" is a global community of people working in the control field. This is a
place to discuss your interests, find solutions, keep up to date, and help others facing problems similar to ones you've already solved. works because you contribute to ideas, opinions and experiences." In possibly the most interesting thing to come out of the internet in our industry is the growing-up of the famous Automation List which Ken Crater, started in 1994 with a small group of people who wanted to talk about automation control. Take a look at the Manifesto, I think you'll like what you see.
More Mail Lists etc on our News Group Page
- New president appointed - MDT Software has named William (Bill) Bentley to the position of President. Bentley brings more than 30 years of industrial automation engineering, development, and sales and operations experience with technology and manufacturing companies.
- New Statistics Page -
The counter read 28483 on 31st December 1999. We have now put in a Statistics' Page so you can see how many visitors are visiting our site week by week.
- New MaintenanceSuite Software Delivers Comprehensive Approach to Plant
Floor Management Using Real -Time Information - Expanding its market focus to address real-time asset management functions for plant maintenance, Wonderware Corporation will shortly announce MaintenanceSuite, a new, integrated suite of plant-centric software applications designed to improve manufacturing productivity and offer rapid response asset management tools. Known industry wide for its comprehensive offering of industrial automation software, Wonderware's announcement marks the first in a series of products to integrate technology from Marcam Solutions, which was acquired by Wonderware's parent company, Invensys plc, in 1999.
- Plant Control & Product Tracking - A Seminar Tour - USDATA plan to hold a series of seminars across Europe (France, Germany, Denmark, Scotland, England) on the subject of Plant Control & Product Tracking. The seminars will cover many of the technical issues involved in automation, and illustrate how their integrated control & tracking software package can be used to meet those technical challenges.
The latest version of their innovative production tracking solution, Xfactory, is now available throughout the continent.
- Software licenced - Intrinsyc has announced that it has signed an agreement to license its deviceCOM software solution to Intellution -- a leading supplier of industrial automation software with more than 130,000 installations
worldwide. Intellution plans to embed deviceCOM into iVisualize, the newest
addition to the Intellution Dynamics family of Solutions. iVisualize is a
Windows CE-based visualization solution that unifies the operator panel and
Human-Machine Interface (HMI) market to maximize information flows and
access while reducing integration costs. Intrinsyc's deviceCOM allows
iVisualize to deliver a next-generation panel solution with OLE for Process
Control (OPC) connectivity.
- Irish electricity body wins contract in Saudi Arabia - ESB International has won a contract to help modernise the Saudi Arabian power network following competitive bidding. The overall contract is for over $25m but the monies will be shared with other parties. ESB will now prepare specifications for new computer and telecommunications equipment.
- The Distance Learning Course Finder contains over 50,000 courses - For all of those who have been thinking, "I should further my degree or go back to school but I have no time" The Distance Learning Course Finder is here to help you make the first step.It includes a directory of over 50,000 distance learning courses from 65 countries worldwide.
- Substantial advances in on-line IR measurement technology - NDC Infrared Engineering, leader in on line NIR process measurement, announces a new generation of intelligent near infrared (NIR) gauges. MM71O breaks the traditional boundaries of on-line gauging with a range of technology innovations, to deliver 'fit-and-forget' high performance measurement. The new gauge is unparalleled in its simplicity of operation. It is supplied pre-calibrated and requires no routine maintenance. As a result, cost-of-ownership is significantly lower than competitive measurement systems.
- Paint-free washdown-duty motors extend flexibility for food processing and packaging -
Baldor has extended its range of washdown-duty motion control equipment with new paint-free motors specifically designed for inverter drive applications. Available in ratings up to 7.5kW, the new motors may be exposed to high pressure washdown with caustic solutions, and are ideal for any automation requiring high initial torques such as mixing and pumping machinery.
New range of extreme environment capacitive sensors - A new range of rugged non-contacting Capacitive displacement sensors for use in extreme environments, are now available from Ixthus Instrumentation Limited. Designed primarily to be used in the measurement of turbine blade tip clearance, to help to maintain optimum performance, they can withstand temperatures up to 1300deg C without a cooling system, and are vibration tested 3000g's at 10kHz. With capacitance of 200 to 4OOpf, the small size sensors ensure no disturbance to the casing temperature distribution or shape. Available in many standard configurations, they can be easily adapted to customer requirements.
- Free PC for employees - Intel employees are to receive top of the range PCs with Internet access and other services at no cost to themselves. Delivery of the PCs to employees' homes will start in July or August. The company has more than 4,000 employees in Ireland.
- New version of Fieldbus Management software package released - Proscess-Data has now launched VIGO version 4.3 - the latest version of the Fieldbus Management System for Windows 95/98/NT, which enables standard and specific Windows applications to be linked to fieldbus variables, using OLE technology. It is available for download from the >website.
- New version of award-winning Visual Logic Controller - "Version 5.0 is the first PC-based control with hard real-time that is compliant with Windows 2000, as well as backwards compatible with Windows NT 4.0," said Jeff Fisher, VP and General Manager of the Steeplechase Software Division. "Other Steeplechase firsts include first hard real-time PC-based control, first hard real-time on Windows NT, first integrated motion control, and first embedded NT product to integrate HRT control on a compact industrial PC." What more can we say!
- Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig dár gcuirteoirí - St Patrick's Day Greetings to our visitors!
- Magnetic Shielding - One of the main methods of protecting electrical components, devices and installations against electromagnetic interference fields is shielding. The aim is either to shield certain components or devices against interference fields from the environment or conversely to prevent components which produce electromagnetic interference fields from adversely affecting the environment. These tasks tall under the category of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). This publication "Magnetic Shielding" from Vacuumschmelze GmbH is a useful examination of the topic.
- New President appointed - Rymic Systems, Inc., a Huntsville, Alabama based engineering development products and services company, announced today that Stephen May has accepted the position of President. Jack Stilwell, Rymic Systems' founder and previous President, will remain as CEO and Chairman of the Board. Jack will also become President and Chairman of Sport-X, Inc., a newly formed joint venture with Huntsville based Photon-X, Inc.
- Learn Basic Trouble Shooting Skills - The latest addition to the LearnWARE range of courses from
P&L Automatik ABis designed to improve manufacturing efficiency and reduce downtime by increasing the knowledge of production and maintenance staff. This new course examines the various functions and processes within an automated production line, students are then tasked with identifying and recording a series of faults, which appear within the onscreen simulated equipment.
- Breakthrough in high performance multi-channel battery testing - Solartron has extended high-accuracy, single channel battery testing into the fullyintegrated multi-channel arena with the launch of the 1470. This compact bench-top unit - the world's first near-laboratory performance eight channel battery test system provides the high-speed data acquisition, processing and compression essential to developers of power sources for mobile terminals such as GSM, PCN and CDMA phones, laptops and palmtops.
- Intelligent name - Industrial Controls Intelligence & the PLC Insider's Newsletter will be known as the Controls Intelligence & PLANT SYSTEMS REPORT. The new name better reflects the way this source of news has evolved in recent years. James Heaton of publishers Controls Intelligence Inc says: "The name change isn't intended to confuse our readers or change the direction of our news coverage, but to more tightly align with industry trends. Controls Intelligence's focus will remain on the controls and software used in process and manufacturing industries."
- Singapore facility to support needs of growing Asia-Pacific customer base - Wonderware Corp today announced that it has opened a new customer support centre in Singapore to service its growing base of customers in the Asia-Pacific region. The new facility, which began operations last month, reinforces Wonderware's goal to provide industry-leading global support for its customers world-wide.
- PMC Mezzanine Modules for CompactPCl -
PEP Modular Computers can now provide superb flexibility for CompactPCl applications by launching a single-height carrier board that enables its comprehensive family of industrial PMC mezzanine modules to be used with its rapidly growing range of CompactPCl products. The CP390 carrier board with its 32-bit bus master interface is being launched with two brand new PMC modules, an intelligent PROFIBUS FMSIDP module and an Ultra2 Wide SCSI module.
- Non-intrusive flow measurement - Endress & Hauser has introduced a new ultrasonic flowmeter to its popular Proline family of flow measurement solutions. The new Prosonic Flow is a clamp-on transit time flowmeter offering contact-free measurement of flow in closed conduits. It is suitable for measurement of practically all clean, homogeneous liquids flowing in pipes of homogeneous material.
- Low-cost arbitrary waveform generator has four channels - The TGA1244, new from Thurlby-Tandar Instruments (TTI), is a 4-channel arbitrary waveform generator capable of generating four waveforms that can be either fully independent or linked using simple or complex relationships.
- Nokia uses Gensym software as part of its new OSS product architecture - Gensym Corp a leading provider of software and services for intelligent operations management, today announced an OEM agreement with Nokia Networks.The OEM agreement covers the use of Gensym’s software within Nokia’s new architecture for its Operations Support Systems (OSS) product family. Nokia's first OSS product based on this software is Nokia ServiceWatch, which helps voice and data service providers better manage service quality.
- Parking is all WAPPED up - Schlumberger and Webraska Mobile Technologies today announced a partnership to demonstrate a new efficient service for motorists. By combining data on parking place occupancy - whether on-street or in car parks - with real-time traffic information, maps and route guidance, motorists with WAP mobile phones will be able to obtain up-to-the-minute information on parking availability at their destination.
 - FF joins Europe! - Voting members of CENELEC have decided to include Foundation Fieldbus as part of the fieldbus European standard. It has been refered to the CENELEC Technical Bureau for ratification.
- Special-needs Variable-pressure Switch - Penny + Giles Computer Products, a division of Devlin Electronics has developed a new 'joggle' switch - a variablepressure switch for special-needs users. The joggle switch is compatible with all popular mounting systems. It is particularly suited to users with poor motor-skills or users with weak, limited movements where a normal mouse or joystick would be too sensitive to control. The joggle switch is comfortably large (125mm) for ease of use, and it features a unique, patented, variable-pressure mechanism. It is simply a matter of rotating the coloured top to increase or decrease the actuation force required, to suit the needs of the individual user.
- "Directions in the New Millenium" - is a special ICS Forum at National Manufacturing Week, Chicago, IL. On Thursday, March 16, 2000, this two-session event will feature an impressive panel of industry
experts providing you with crucial information on trends in industrial computing. Speakers include: Dick Morley, "Father" of the PLC always an entertaining and challenging speaker; Mitchell Bunnell, Co-Founder of Digital Lynx - "Is Linux poised to dominate industrial real-time control?"; Robert Nottoli,from Microsoft - "Is Windows 2000 the Desktop Operating System of the new millennium?")
- Software publication - We've just come across a nice publication Software @ Siemens published by Siemens in association with the Siemens Software Initiative. It contains lots of intereseting little pieces on for instance: How to mazimise the lfetime value of your customers; Web @ a glance; and reusing software designs for Siemens control systems.