"Tell them that I love them very much!...Look, tell them that I love them very much because I was responsible for Charismatic Renewal in Argentina, and that's why I love them very much." (30/4/2013)
'To be most useful, the charismatic movement must disappear into the life of the
church'. Cardinal L. J. Suenans
A number of members of the old CinChar List started mail lists. The one to haave survived longest is that on Yahoo.
I suggest that those of you who wish to migrate to the CINCHAR Yahoo Group do so now to insure the continuity of the list.
One of the members of the list has installed a list just like that we have been used to. Realistically, I don't think I'll have time to really work on it until after
Christmas. However perhaps a few of you might like to try it with me so that we can test it from the point of view of administration. (volunteers please write to me on
readout@spamarrest.com or through one of the yahoo groups.
When we have fully tested it I will circularise all those on the list today - all 187 of you to give you the details. Then you may sign yourself into the list if you wish. I
will also circularise the two Yahoo lists.
Obviously I'm thinking of moderating the list in the immediate future but again I would ask you to consider if I should continue in this position.
This is not the most wonderful solution but I think that we will be able to keep in touch and assure some form of continuity.
Please continue the prayers
4 Dec 2004
Since this message Eoin has agreed to continue as Moderator for the present!
A bit of History
The CinChar list was set up by the Catholic Information Network (CIN) in the mid nineties. It was one of a number of mail-lists mantained by CIN up to December 2004.
This organisation has been involved in Catholic electronic evangelization since 1987 - well before any of us had heard of the internet!
The first Moderator was Fr Barry Burrus of Kentucky (US) and when he retired in 1997 his place was taken by the present moderator who is an Irish layman.
Please pray for the Moderators both past and present.
"....I'll tell you something about the Charismatic Movement ... at the end of the '70s and in the '80s, I wasn't a big fan. I used to say they confused the holy liturgy with a school of samba. I was converted when I got to know them better and saw the good they do. In this moment of the life of the church, the movements are necessary. They're a grace of the Spirit, and in general, they do much good for the church. The charismatic renewal movement isn't just about winning back a few Pentecostals, but it serves the church and its renewal." Pope Francis, 28 July 2013 on flight from Brazil to Rome
"..You here at Mass, do you give praise to God or do you only petition God and thank God? Do you praise God? '. This is something new, new in our new spiritual life. Giving praise to God, coming out of ourselves to give praise; spending a little bit of time giving praise. But 'this Mass is so long!' If you do not praise God, you will never know the gratuity of spending time praising God, the Mass is long. But if you go with this attitude of joy, of praise to God, that is beautiful! This is what eternity will be: giving praise to God! And that will not be boring: it will be beautiful! This joy makes us free. "Pope Francis, 31 May 2013.
"What sounds full of hope throughout the universal church - and this even in the midst of the crisis that the Church is going through in the Western world - is the upsurge of new movements that no one has planned and no one called into being, but that simply emerge of their own accord from the inner vitality of the faith. What is becoming apparent in them - albeit very faintly - is something very similar to a pentecostal hour in
the Church. I am thinking for instance of the Charismatic Renewal movement, the Cursillo movement, the Focolarini, Communion and Liberation, and so on... I find it marvelous that the Spirit is once more stronger than our programs and brings himself into play in an altogether different way than we had imagined.... It grows in silence. Our task - the task of the office-holders in the Church and of theologians - is to keep the door open to them, to prepare room for them..." . Josef Card. Ratzinger- Ratzinger Report (pp. 43-44)
Icon by kind permission of Charlotte Therésè a member of the list from Swedan
"To the thirsty I will give water as a gift from the fountain of the water of
life" (Rev 21:6)
Welcome to the CIN Charismatic Mail List.
The purpose of the list is to provide a forum whereby issues and topics related
to the charismatic Renewal and "pentecostal" movements within the church are
discussed. The list will primarily address these issues from a Catholic
perspective, although others are certainly welcome to inquire and provide
comments to the discussion.
Topics relevant to the discussion on this list include the "Baptism in the Holy
Spirit", charismatic gifts of the Spirit, growing in "Life in the Spirit",
formation and growth of "charismatic" prayer groups/communities/parishes,
promoting charismatic renewal within the church, news on upcoming charismatic
conferences/events/speakers, stories and personal testimonies on how the Holy
Spirit has changed peoples' lives, resources available on charismatic renewal,
and information on Catholic Charismatic Prayer Groups/Communities/Parishes.
In addition, participants on this list should feel free to contribute Scripture
readings, prayers, words of encouragement, or other "charismatic contributions"
that would help the members of this list to grow in their relationship with the
Lord and one another. It might be an idea to regard this list as somthing like
a prayer meeting or perhaps the time after a charismatic meeting when
participants gather to talk informally, over a "cuppa", about what the Lord has
and is doing in their lives, people meet and pray together, healing ministry,
discuss aspects of renewal, books, tapes and videos.
Don't be afraid to ask the community to pray for your intentions, share
scripture readings which have moved you or some of the extraordinary
"coincidences" which the Lord has blessed into our lives. This is a real
community and although we may never meet we are all brothers and sisters in the
Lord and can help one another profoundly through this wonderful medium. We are
a pilgrim and prophetic people - an Easter people and "Alleluia" is our song.
Finally we should remember to pray for this community and the success of the
list in bringing each of the participants both vocal and silent closer to Mary's
Son, Jesus Christ, Son of the Almighty Father through the Holy Spirit. May Mary,
the first Charismatic, help us on the journey to proclaim the Glory of the
Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. AMEN.
The normal CIN guidelines for this list apply; that is, no personal or political
attacks, no blasphemy (including disrespect toward *any* religion) and no
"Let anyone who is thirsty come; let anyone who wishes take the water of life as
a gift." (Rev 22:17)
God and Mary be with you.
Eoin O'Riain
So what is Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR)?
Here is a ten minute video presentation which includes some excerpts from addresses of Popes Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI:
"The period following the Council scarcely seemed to live up to the hopes of John XXIII, who looked for
a 'new Pentecost'. But his prayer did not go unheard. In the heart of a world desiccated by rationalistic scepticism a new
experience of the Holy Spirit has come about, amounting to a worldwide renewal movement. What the New Testament
describes, with reference to the charisms, as visible signs of the coming of the Spirit is no longer merely ancient,
past history - this history is becoming a burning reality today."Josef Card. Ratzinger- Ratzinger Report (pp. 151)
Some links to assist in the study of a 20th Century Phenomenon! Ecclesial documents and other studies.
Gabriel Khouri Fonseca, a long time member of the group from Brazil, being blessed by the ministers and Deacon Luis Carlos Silva of the Carmelites Messengers of the Holy Spirit. He is now into a period of formation. Let us pray for him as he is praying for us
An extraordinary testimony at World Youth Day 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
"What is the cross that the Lord has given me? What is the cross that he wants me to carry for his love?"
"Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her!"
Courage, ministers to those with same-sex attractions and their loved ones.
A US based organisation
"The culture of life means respect for nature and protection of God's work of creation. In a special way, it means respect for human life from the first moment of conception until its natural end."
John Paul II - 1993