St Brigid's Cross - Symbol of St Brigid

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  • Jubilee Pilgrimage to Tully
    dedicated to St Brigid
    Cabinteely, Co Dublin Ireland

    Jubilee Pilgrimage to Tully - Sunday, 21st May 2000

    One of the most striking characteristics of the Christian Church is that we are very much a people in journey - a Pilgrim People. As Irish pilgrim people, the idea of making physical pilgrimages to holy places sits with us very comfortably. There is a rich tradition throughout the length and breadth of Ireland of people making local pilgrimages on an annual basis. One of my most abiding childhood memories is from my father's home town of Athenry, when the entire parish made a pilgrimage to "Lady's Well" on 15th August. These parish pilgrimages were more than a journey from one place to another for the purpose of prayer and penance - they were a vita' part of the parish social calendar. Families met up with one another, neighbours shared food and drink, children played along the way and individuals felt very much a part of a living community.

    It is in the spirit of this long community based tradition that we are making our Jubilee pilgrimage to the ancient site of Tully church, cross and burial place. Ten parishes from both of the main traditions in Ireland (Catholic and Church of Ireland) will participate, and we invite all those from other traditions living in our parishes to join us on this special occasion. Each parish will leave from a designated place (in St. Brigid's we will assemble at the Parish Church) and converge at a common location for the last part of the journey, to arrive at Tully for 3.00 pm.

    The sight of many people on the move from North, South, East and West will be a powerful witness to a living faith and vibrant communities. We would encourage people of all ages and ability to take part. On arrival at the site, there will be music, liturgy, prayer and celebration. We encourage people and families to bring food and drink so as to continue the tradition of community picnic.

    Colm Kenny, Curate, St. Brigid's Cabinteely.

  • ÄIrish Times on Pilgramge Sunday - 20th May 2000.