Brat na Tibéide

Flowers of Ireland
Flowers of Ireland
Christmas Stamps

A woman goes to the post office to buy stamps for her Christmas cards.

She says to the clerk, "May I have 50 Christmas stamps?"

The clerk says, "What denomination?"

The woman says, "God help us. Has it come to this?! Give me 6 Catholic, 12 Presbyterian, 10 Lutheran and 22 Baptist!"

2007 AD
2006 AD
2005 AD
2004 AD
2003 AD
2002 AD
2001 AD
2000 AD

Doing it for enjoyment, not for profit!

The word "Úr" after a listing signifies a new entry!

This is a list of people who are willing to exchange stamps, either of countries or particular themes.
If you wish to be on this list please e-mail Readout with your details. Don't forget to include full postal address.

Happy Collecting!

    A nominal amount is usually requested from each person listed here.

When somebody complains about a person listed on the Stamp Exchange List, the person complained about is removed with-out notice. We do not have the resources to investigate the matter further. If the person removed contacts us they may reregister.

Page designed and mantained by Eoin Ó Riain

This is a useful list of country codes
Last changes to list: 26/3/2025

  • Wolfgang Huber
    Strandbadstrasse 3/2 A 3400 Klosterneuburg
    An Ostair - Austria

    Interests: I want to swap packages of 50 worldwide used commemorative stamps. I want to receive same quantity and quality. I can guarantee a good mixture of countries.
+ a
  • babs in Tasmania
    PO Box 1534 Launcestown Tasmania 7250
    An Astráil - Australia

    Interests: I am willing and able to swap mint Australian stamps as they are issued . Want N.Z . USA . France and Canada
+ aus
  • Denis Wadsworth
    85 Southgate Way Langwarrin VIC 3910
    An Astráil - Australia

    Interests: Interested in swapping G.B.. Aust. N.Z. Canada & U.S.A. have mostly Australian. 50 Lots at a time email if interested 
+ aus
  • Kel Maloney
    PO Box 214 Mofffat Beach 4551
    An Astráil - Australia

    Interests: I have used Australian stamps still on paper to exchange for Germany / Canada / U.S.A / Belgium. If interested please contact.
+ aus
  • Harry Haralambous
    152 Tennyson Road Tennyson Point NSW 2111
    An Astráil - Australia

    Interests: I have been collecting stamps for over 50 years up to the year 2000. I would like to expand my collection and am looking for the following:
    USED commemorative stamps from 1990 of Western Europe, Asia and British African countries.
    I offer Australia, Br Colonies and some WW countries minimum 100 per exchange.
+ aus
  • David Moles
    Po Box 77 Sherwood Queensland 4075
    An Astráil - Australia

    Interests: I am interested in exchanging stamps from Australia (either mint or used) for mint stamps of other countries. Exchange one for one in lots of 50.
    I am particularly interested in mint copies of European countries for all recent issues, including used mini-sheets.
    I will also buy mint decimal Australian stamps (mounted or unmounted) at 40 percent of face value and can pay using Paypal.
+ aus
  • Michel Bogaerts
    Aarschotsestraat 112 1800 Peutie
    An Bheilg - Belgium

    Interests: I'm looking for worldwide stamps about Birds-Movies-Singers-Actors-Animals. I can offer Belgium stamps and some other European Countries. Don't hesitate to mail me.100-100 or 50-50
+ B
  • Michel Schelfhaut
    Kerkstraat 35/201 B 1640 Sint Genesius Rode
    An Bheilg - Belgium

    Interests: Looking for Western Europe large size used stamps. I have have lots of worldwide for exchange. Only on 1/1 basis by shipments of 50 or 100 pieces. I don't work with wantlists.
+ B
  • Benoit Hontoir
    Rue de Campine 136 B 4000 Liège
    An Bheilg - Belgium

    Interests: I especially collect used stamps from Belgium, Germany, Ireland & Austria. But I am also interested in Scandinavian, Baltic countries, China, Cuba, Canada, R.D.C. (Congo), Taiwan, Czech Republic, Greece, France, Switzerland, Hungary, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, RSA and… Madagascar. I can offer lots of used stamps from Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, France, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, USSR, United Emirates, China, the Netherlands, etc. I propose to first exchange a package of 50. Maybe more after that… Basis exchange “Michel” catalogues apart WW countries.
+ B
  • Gerry Sweeney
    3985 Fremont Laval QC H7T 1T6

    Interests: I have a huge collection of mint never hinged canadian stamps from 1955-1992 that i would like to exchange for ww.mints from 1999-date. You must send first lot of 100-200 due to high cost of postage
+ cdn
  • S.F. Tang
    25 Brimwood Blvd #77 Scarborough ONT M1V 1E2

    Interests: I am interested in collecting worldwide stamps, especially Pacific Islands' stamps, as well as Ireland, France, Portugal and Spain etc. I can offer used stamps on your request. I perfer to trade 1x1 basis, large to large, small to small, old or new issues in package of 150 and up .  Please email first before sending and tell what stamps you would like to collect. All emails will be answered .
+ cdn
  • Francoise Lacasse
    218 Rue Yvette Magog, QC J1X6X5

    "First announcement:
    I am giving away FREE sets of 200 commonly used (definitive or ordinary) world stamps. My sets are already prepared as I file my stamps in my albums. There is no obligation on your part but I will accept duplicates if you wish. When you contact me mention ""Free Stamps"" and your postal address.

    Première annonce:
    Je donne gratuitement (FREE) des lots de 200 timbres d'usage courant (définitifs ou ordinaires) du monde. Mes lots sont déjà préparés au fur et mesure que je classe mes timbres dans mes albums. Aucune obligation de votre part mais j'accepte de vos doubles si vous le voulez. Lorsque vous me contactez mentionnez ""Free Stamps"" et votre adresse postale. " "
    Second announcement:
    Exchange of commemorative stamps (usually large format without CTOs) from the WW world on a 1/1 basis in multiples of 50 up to 200 for a first mailing. My stamp lots are prepared as I sort through my thousands of stamps in my albums. Mixed lots that vary constantly. All different stamps. No scanning and mancolist. When you contact me, mention ""For commemorative purposes"". In return I expect to receive equivalent stamps or commemorative stamps without CTOs.

    Deuxième annonce:
    Échange de timbres commémoratifs (généralement grand format sans CTOs) du monde WW sur base 1/1 en multiples de 50 jusqu'à 200 pour un premier envoi. Mes lots de timbres sont préparés au fur et mesure que je classe mes milliers de timbres dans mes albums. Lots mixtes qui varient constamment. Timbres tous différents. Sans scan et mancoliste. Lorsque vous me contactez, mentionnez ""Pour commémoratifs"". En retour je m'attends à recevoir des timbres équivalents soit des timbres commémoratifs sans CTOs. "

+ cdn
  • Al Chafetz
    336 Pumphill Crescent SW Calgary Alberta T2V4M1

    Interests: Want used stamps WW 100/200/300 on blind trust and offer on receipt 125/250/375 no want list
+ cdn
  • Monnet Jean-Daniel
    La Fontaine 1921 Martigny-Croix
    An Eilbhéis - Switzerland

    Interests: i sell my Swiss stamps as fallows: if a stamp cost 1 euro, I do it to 0.10 euros, a 50 euro stamp = 5 Euros. If you are interested, you can send me Your Wantlist (I have the catalog Yvert 2009, Michel 2010, Zumstein 2011). I am open for all propositions; PS: Payment with PayPal, Bank transaction or by registered lette
+ ch
  • Gianluca Gatti
    Route de Botyre 66 1966 Ayent Valais
    An Eilbhéis - Switzerland

    Interests: I'm interessed in all kind of country and themes.
    If i can join some chain from around the world it would be nice or maybe some 1v1 trade I live in Swizerland and i have a lot of stamp from there to trade; also some from Spain, Italy or France.
+ ch
  • Hermes Paredes Prieto
    FFC. Apartado Postal 2222 Habana 2 CP: 10 200

    Interests: I want to exchange stamps with collectors worldwide.
    I can send Cuba MNH complete sets recent years (2011-date), FDC's, postal stationery, etc
    I accept Fauna MNH complete sets recent years too (2000 to date)
+ CU
  • Vyleta Karel
    Dolany u Klatov 78 339 01 Klatovy
    Poblacht na tSeice - Czech Republic

    Interests: I like exchanging postaly used stamps 50/100 at time 1x1 basis. Send me 50/100 used stamps from your country, in return i will send you 50/100 czech and czechoslovak used stamps (or ww stamps on request).
+ cz
  • Ondrej Wagner
    Bechynova 1614/5 160 00 Praha 6
    Poblacht na tSeice - Czech Republic

    Interests: I would like to change used stamps (100 per 100 or more in one cover). I prefer everything concerning railways and trains, and steam engines
+ cz
  • Vaclev Trpalek
    25101 Ricany Pakov 93 Praha vychod
    Poblacht na tSeice - Czech Republic

    Interests: I want exchange used stamps from whole world. Swap:1:1
+ cz
  • Vlastimil Kurimsky
    Svatopluka Cecha No. 298
    687 24 Uhersky Ostroh.
    Poblacht na tSeice - Czech Republic

    Interests: I wish to swap a package of 50 used stamps in good condition especially from the Czech Republic and other European countries.
    I want to receive same quantity and in same quality.
+ cz
  • Gerold Döding
    Prälat-Morthorst Straße 49424 Goldenstedt
    An Ghearmáin - Germany

    Interests: I would like to swap stamps from ANYWHERE in the world! I can offer used stamps mainly from germany but also from other countries, for example Netherlands, Hungary, Norway, USA. I collect no special topic, my aim is getting used stamps from many different countries as possible. Exchange 50:50 or like another proposal from you is ok for me.
+ D
  • Mohammad Abu Al Hasan
    Lothringer Str 21
    27570 Bremerhaven
    An Ghearmáin - Germany

    Interests: Want: Mint set from world Wide. Have wantlist for every country.
    Offer: Mint set of Flora, Fauna, Birds, Sea Animal, Fish, Butterfly, Roland Hill, Gandhi from worldwide.
    I do not exchange any used or CTO stamps.
0 D
  • Claus J. Andersen
    Soholmparken 20 4200 Slagelse
    An Danmhairg - Denmark

    Interests: I collect ww cancelled stamps, especially from Western Europe, where I need many from the smaller countries, like San Marino, Vatican, Monaco, Andorra, Isle of Man, Liechtenstein, Gibraltar, etc. But I can also use stamps from other countries.
    Send me 100 or 200 different stamps and return the same from Denmark or Germany,South Africa, Belgium.
    Please let me know what country you need.
+ dk
  • Helge Skau
    Gl Flensborgvej 18 DK-6200 Aabenraa
    An Danmhairg - Denmark

    Interests: I seek postally used stamps Worldwide including exotic countries & can offer same from Scandinavia, other Europe, Africa, Asia
    (in particular latest 20 years or better older stamps)
    …better for better. Prefer 150-180 per letter !!
+ dk
  • Jose Juan Martinez
    C/Heman Cortes 18 06260 Monesterio Badajoz
    An Spáin - Spain

    Interests: I would like to trade stamps from worldwide and I can offer stamps from worldwide as well.
+ e
  • Pablo Marcos
    Avenida de las Retamas 27-3°C 28922 Alcorcón Madrid
    An Spáin - Spain

    Interests: I’m interested in UK, Europa CEPT and Spanish stamps.
+ es
  • Luis Ángey Álvarez
    Almagro No 3-5th-A 28850 - Torrejón de Ardez Madrid
    An Spáin - Spain

    Interests: I am looking for stamps from Poland and the Czech Republic, in mint.
    In exchange I offer stamps from Spain in mint until the year 2021.
+ es
  • Ramon Calonge Fornells
    c/MN. Cinto Verdaguer, 14 SEVA (Barcelona)
    An Spáin - Spain

    Interests: I'm looking for used stamps from countries of Europe and to have a good exchange partner for each country that I collect
    I have more than 50000 used stamps from Spain and a lot of other countries from Europe and USA, Canadá and Australia.
0 es
  • Alain Schwob
    15 Allée Jean Monet F 74940 Annecy le Vieux
    An Fhrainc-France

    Interests:  ww  from 1990 on. Offer : French from 1960 on. Spanish, Swiss, European, African and South American years 70's and 80's. US years 60's and 70's.
+ F
  • Jean Luc Bessiere
    Chemin Puech Lazart 34700 Saint Jean de la Blaquiere
    An Fhrainc-France

    Interests: I'm looking for used Irish stamps by lots; and Scandinavian, French, WW thematic stamps (mushrooms - cactus - birds - polar fauna - monkeys/bears/lemur) by wantlists or scans. I can offer used France, USA, and some other European countries by lots; Scandinavian, French or many different thematic stamps by lists or scans.
+ F
  • Alexander Gruessenmeyer
    14 rue des Méanges 67850 Herrlisheim
    An Fhrainc-France

    Interests: Je peux fournir des timbres de France et d Allemagne.
    Recherche tout pays. Envoi par 50 , 100 , 150 ou 200…
+ F
  • Haedar Karim
    Poste Restante 00100 Helsinki
    An Fhionnlann - Finland

    Interests: Send me 100 different used stamps from your country, and I send you the same from finland.
+ fin
  • G.Sharma
    65 Darwin Drive Southall Middx UB1 3JY
    Sasana - England

    Interests: Interested in large stamps in quanity to exchange please let me know what you have and what you need. I have GB,India,Australia. Thanks
+ gb
  • Bill maley
    5 Walden Terrace Gifford East Lothian
    Alba - Scotland

    Interests: 2 Britain Stamps for 1 of most countries. only lightly marked and undamaged stamps sent or accepted - contact before sending stamps. off paper if possible. any amount considered.
+ gb
  • Eleni Theocharopoulou
    K. Tithorea #35015
    An Ghréig - Greece

    Interests: Send me your wishlists for: usa , romania,sverige, before 1990s. Greek stamps all decades.
0 GR
  • Dave Lee
    Room 909 Tin Yiu House Shun Tin Estate Kwun Tong
    Hong Kong

    Interests: I collect Hong Kong and Chinese stamp and want to exchange European stamp, particularly Hungarian and Portuguese stamp.
+ hk
  • Razek Franjo
    Malica 28 Zadubravije HR-35211 Trnjani
    An Chroat - Croatia

    Interests: I collect all mint stamps of world wide. But my priority is FDC "WWF". I answer on all e-mail. I can offer mint stamps and FDC of Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia (Herzeg Bosna, Republic Srpska), Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia.
+ HR
  • Miroslav Stamper
    Mirka Rackog 10 10361 Kobiljak
    An Chroat - Croatia

    Interests: I would like to swap worldwide used postage stamps with people all over the world.
    My main offerings are used Croatian stamps from the 1990s.
+ HR
  • Mauro Spada
    via Canal Grande 39 48018 Faenza (RA)
    An Iodáil - Italy

    Interests: I am an Italian collector of used stamps. I am interested in changes: minimum 100X100, not wantlists in good conditions. I offer Italy, mainly.
+ i
  • Pandolfi Cristian
    via Castello 2/c 37047 San Bonifacio Verona
    An Iodáil - Italy

+ I
  • Giancarlo Passarella
    via dei Melograni 3 50142 Firenze
    An Iodáil - Italy

    Interests: I'm looking for commemorative stamps about Australia, US.A., Canada, Japan and I'm ready to send european stamps.
    "For first swapping, I propose 50 stamps and for future swapping (about 75 or 100), I prefer to send you by registered letter!
    Anyway send me your idea and visit my Facebook profile."
+ I
  • Asher Carmi
    AA Collectors, P.O.Box 5105, Ashdod 77150
    Iosráil - Israel
    Interests: Stamps, Phonecards, Notes, Coins, Cards, Pins, Calendars, Magnets, Beverage Stirrer (Mixer), Vehicle License numbers, Matches box, lighters, Key chain, Raffle ticket, Lottery ticket, Soccer tickets, Trip ticket, Magnetic cards, Admission tickets, Membership cards, Stickers, Holograms.
+ il
  • Freda Lanesman
    29/2 Hayovel Street Raanana 43400
    Iosráil - Israel

    Interests: I am interested in exchanging Judaica stamps on one for one basis. Ask for my lists available duplicates. I am also interested in world-wide large size and commemoratives (excluding USA) for exchange on one for one basis inpackets 100-250.
+ il
  • carmi asher
    PO Box 5105 Ashdod 77150
    Iosráil - Israel
    Web Site
    Interests: The following collectible items you can find on my web site; banknots phonecards flags stamps Disney coca cola key chain .beverrage mixer.matches pins and anther valuable items
+ il
  • Tsur Israel
    POB 406 Mettulla 10292
    Iosráil - Israel

    Interests: I offer: used stamps from Germany, Swiss, USA, UK, Canada, Polska,Benelux, Middle East, Italy, Iberia, Scandinavia, Austria, France, NZ, SA, Arab, India, Argentina, etc - used. I look for: Islands, Colonies, Small places - used. other considerable. quantities - any many tx in advance
+ il
  • Oscar Tisch
    PO Box 5024, 8415001 Beer Sheva,
    Iosráil - Israel

    Interests: I want to swap packages of 200 worldwide used commemorative stamps.
    I'll send 200 commemorative used stamps from Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt.
+ Il
    Bhavans Vidya Mandir Road Kadavanthra Ernakulam Kerala State PIN 682 020
    An Ind - India

    For other countries: please e-mail first We can exchange 1-1 or by another agreed method.
+ ind
  • Sougata Bhar
    C40 NDDB Campus Khetbari Road Anand 388001 Gujarat
    An Ind - India

    Interests: I can offer stamps of the Indian Sub-continent - both mint and used conditions.
    I am an active Philatelist and collect stamps from all over the world.
+ ind
  • P M Patel
    Shree Rang ,Opp Rajmahal Dr SRK Marg ANAND-388001
    An Ind - India

    Interests: I collect mint and used stamps & miniature sheets of India, Canada, Australia, NewZealand, Great Britain.
    In exchange I can offer current Mint stamps of India in complete sets.
+ ind
  • Francis Viegas
    2 Happy Home Apts, La Campal Colony, St #4 Miramar, Panjim 403001 Goa
    An Ind - India

    Interests: I am a thematic collector and collect, birds, kingfishers, flags, locomotives, ships, butterflies, aeroplanes,and mushrooms.
    "I exchange on a 1:1 basis preferably in lots of 100 stamps per exchange or even smalle lots are welcome.
    Do write to me, I am on WhatsApp too."
0 ind
  • Ayyob Sadraddini
    Baronavak Avadeskhan No 33 P.Cod 5137997371 Tabriz
    An Iaráin - Iran

    Interests: I like to exchange used or unused IRAN stamps with your stamps. In 1 envelope will be 40 unused and 60 used large stamps, if you like reply to my email with your address
+ ir
  • Masahiko Shimizu
    3-4-1-705 Kawahara-dori Syowa-ku Nagoya
    An tSeapáin - Japan
    Web Site
    Interests: I want to collect the stamps of all nations over the world, namely 192 nations, if possible. I got more than 20,000 used commemorative stamps of Japan to exchange with you. How wonderful it will be to see and image, with sitting on the sofa, scenery, life, culture, tradition, human being, animals, plants, and so on, from stamps of each nations, looking for them on the map. I am a pharmacist from Japan who is much interested in the languages of native written form all over the world. Visit my home page. (Change your nation’s code to Japan code. And check and click the sentence in English) I want to make a corner of postage stamps of the world on my home page.
+ j
  • Joseph Farrugia
    Biancville Phillip Farrugia Str Zurrieq ZEQ 2263
    An Mailt-Malta

    Interests: WW stamps, Particular interest for Eire and Commonwealth.
+ mal
  • Coreen Ooi
    1B-09-3A Desa Baiduri Jalan Ru 1 Bandar Baru Ayer Itam 11500 Penang
    An Mhalaeisia - Malaysia
    Web Site
    Interests: I collect Disney Cartoon, U.S. or British movie stars and Singers stamps. The stamps must be in good condition. I would also like Peru, Jordan, Lebanon, Angola, Iraq, Grenada, Honduras, Armenia and Qatar.
    I can give Malaysian stamps.
+ mal
  • Mario Casingena
    43 Wejna Court Apart 5 Triq il-Keffa Swieqi SWQ 2257
    An Mailt-Malta

    Interests: I am interested in Christmas theme stamps from around the world excluding UK, USA, The Netherlands, Canada and Australia.
    In exchange with either Christmas stamps from various countries of which I have an duplicates and/or malta used and assorted stamps.
+ mal
  • Jan Botman
    Kwartelstraat 17 1021 VX Amsterdam
    An Ísiltír - Netherlands
    Age if given: 53
    Interests: I want to exchange used stamps after 2000 of the following countries: Danmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Italy, Belgium, Luxemburg, Switzerland, France in exchange for used Dutch stamps or of the same countries mentioned. 50x50 or by wantlist.
+ nl
  • R.P. Dijkstra
    Rommesingel 9 NL 2641 VE Pijnacker
    An Ísiltír - Netherlands

    Interests: want to change stamps 50 GF Holland > 50 GF de France 1985-2010 and 50 GF Suisse > 50 GF de France
+ nl
  • Arie Noorland
    Buitenbassinweg 873 3063 TN Rotterdam
    An Ísiltír - Netherlands

    Interests: I can exchange stamps from my country for stamps from your country (minimum 100).
+ nl
  • Edin de Graaf
    Tolakkerweg 136 L 3739 JT Hollandsche Rading
    An Ísiltír - Netherlands

    Interests: "I want to swap worldwide stamps (used commemorative) in packages of 50, 100 or 200 stamps. I am specifically looking for stamps from the Netherlands that went abroad on letters (with 1 and international marked on them).
    I collect worldwide and prefer recent stamps (2010 or later). I can offer stamps from all over the world, mint or used, from old to very recent.
    " " I will send back stamps within one week of arrival. For specific wishes/countries, email me beforehand."""
0 nl
  • Neil Morey
    103 Cockerell Street Brockville Dunedin 9011
    An tSéalann Nua - New Zealand

    Interests: I am interested in receiving British Commonwealth Stamps with a portrait of King George V. I can swap the same or stamps from New Zealand, Australia, Great Britain, Japan and some early worldwide stamps
+ nz
  • Chris Heley
    PO Box 25564 St Heliers Auckland
    An tSéalann Nua - New Zealand

    Interests: I wish to receive Polish and English stamps, mint or used
    I can exchange these for New Zealand, Australia, German, and American pre 2000.
    I would also like to receive stamps, and covers and normal mail with Sir Winston Churchill stamps on it.
    I will exchange 50 stamps for 50 stamps
+ nz
  • Nuno Redondo
    Estrada de A-da-Maia 33 2D 1500-002 Lisboa
    An Phoirtingéil - Portugal

    Interests: I can offer belgian used stamps from years 1995 to 2006 and others stamps from others countries.
+ p
  • M Yasin Bhatti
    PO Box 2306 Sialkot
    An Phacaisteáin - Pakistan

    Interests: I am serious Stamps Collector and want to exchange Large Used undamaged Commemorative Stamps of my Country on 1:1 basis with your Country. Duplicate Stamps upto 5 each will be no problem. I can exchange 100-200-500 Stamps each time. Please always use Registered Airmail.
+ pk
  • Mazhar Ali Qureshi
    House #101-7A Street #9 Peshawar
    An Phacastáin - Pakistan

    Interests: Exchange used and mint stamps on one to one, 100 / 200 at a time. Collect worldwide stamps.
+ pk
  • Dr Jerzy PLAZEWSK
    ul Jaracza 10/6,PL-00378 Warszawa
    An Pholainn - Poland
    (Film Critic)
    Interests: I'm interested in better stamps 1840-1912 worldwide,mainly Asia-Africa,offer - the same.I'm also interested for missing cancelled stamps 1945-1995 (accordingly want lists) from Argentina,Canada,Danemark,Finland,Great Britain,Ireland,Italia, JapanNetherlandPhilippinas,Sweden,Tunesien,Turkey,USA,Vietnam and 1920-1941 URSS.,always based on german Michel Katalog.I offer nearly 100% mind and cancelled Poland your or my choice,also URSS,DDR,Switzerland.Answer each letter!
+ pl
  • Karol Nowysz
    02-646 Warszawa ul. Fr. Joliot Curie 7A m.2
    An Pholainn - Poland

    Interests: I am interested in mint stamps in complete sets of fauna , flora, painting. In exchange I would send Polish and others countries
+ pl
  • Sergiusz Kojło
    ul. Główna 65A 17-200 Dubiny
    An Pholainn - Poland

    Interests: I am interested in stamps exchange. I want mint stamps from all over the world. My preferred topics are fauna, WWF, Europa CEPT, joint issues, forest, full series etc.
    I offer mint stamps from Poland, especially from years 1960-1995 and other.
+ pl
  • José Carlos Fernandes
    Rua Armando de Lucena Lote 1-1° esquerdo 1300-170 Lisboa
    An Poirtingéil - Portugal

    Interests: Interested in WW used stamps 100 each trade.
    Offer the same!
+ pt
  • Jorge Costa
    Sarmiento 892 San Jorge CP 2451
    An Airgintín - Argentina

    Interests: Deseo sellos USA.-Brasil---Italia---España---Alemania toda ( Reich—DDR—Bundes—Berlin---Danzig—Saar---Wutemberg---Bayern---Posesiones…) anteriores a 2011.
    Ofrezco de todo el mundo. Canje por scaner o lista de faltas.
+ RA
  • Wendy-Shanghai
    Room 402 Number 69 2525th WuNing Road 200333 Shanghai
    An tSín - China

    Interests: I have collected Chinese stamps since 1992. They are all new and beautiful stamps. I hope to swap these stamps with the people all over the world who are interested in Chinese culture.
+ rc
  • Guido & Phillipe Poppe

    Na Philipíní - The Phillipines
    Interests: "Pope Stamps offers thousands of stamps for sale by theme or country. Every week we add new stamps online."
+ rp
  • Герман Тарновский (German Tarnovskiy)
    PO Box 55 191024 Saint Petersburg
    An Rúis - Russia

    Interests: I search for partners in an exchange of philatelic materials. I offer a various material. I collect stamps, envelopes, postcards and special clearing only on themes: cars, motorcycles and traffic safety.
+ rus
  • Iztok Meglic
    Linhartova 45 1000 Ljubljana
    An tSlobhéin - Slovenia

    Interests: Like to exchange used European stamps by want lists if possible
+ slo
  • Tomaz Dolinar
    Virmase 77
    Sl-4220 Skofja Loka
    An tSlobhéin - Slovenia

    Interests: I want to exchange stamps with collectors worldwide - used or mint. Exchange one for one in lots of 50 or 100.
    I have large collection for swap. I can offer used stamps according to your interest. Please email wish list first and I will try to fulfil as much as possible.
+ slo
  • Heni Jegham
    3 rue Pasteur 4011 Hammam Sousse
    An Túinéis - Tunis-Tunisia

    Interests: I’m interested in full mint stamps for butterflies, owl, anime ..
    I can offer in return Tunisian mint stamps
+ tn
  • Axel Dellenbusch
    244 Sunny Jim Drive Medford NJ 08055
    SAM - USA

    Interests: I collect stamps of Monaco (MNH) and all stamps etc with regards to the famous dutch painter “Rembrandt”. I offer stamps from Germany, GDR, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Finland, Liechtenstein, Hungary. I also have a good collection of booklets from Germany/Berlin, Switzerland and the Netherlands. I hope someone will reply. I want to exchange stamps based on MICHEL catalog if possible.
+ usa
  • L E Charboneau
    PO Box 457 Warrentown Missouri 63383
    SAM - USA

+ usa
  • Pierre Hahn
    1388 Gough St #1102 San Francisco CA 94109
    SAM - USA

    Interests: Interested in MNH current sets of France postal and semi-postal in exchange for same of USA
+ usa
  • Mike Trageser
    44 Clifridge Ct Chapel Hill NC 27516-4248
    SAM - USA

    Interests: Mixed world trade 100 - 150 large, 50 - 75 small in exchange for same.
+ usa